Monday, September 30, 2013

Ethiopian Police Briefly Held UDJ/Andinet Party Officials

Ethiopian Police Briefly Held UDJ/Andinet Party OfficialsEthiopian Police Briefly Held UDJ/Andinet Party Officials
At-least seven senior officials of UDJ/Andinet, one of the main opposition parties, were in police custody a few hours ago, according to tips I received on facebook/twitter and by phone from opposition activists.
However, the government denies that was the case.
After several attempts to reach both government and UDJ party officials for information and comment, I managed to talk to MP Girma Seifu and Minister Redwan Husein.
MP Girma Seifu, who is a senior UDJ official, informed me by phone (around 9:30pm Addis Ababa time) that:
Several UDJ/Andinet party leaders – including him – were detained today, now some of them are released. His colleagues are talking to the police to have the rest of the detainee released and that he is confident that they will not spend the night in jail.
I asked MP Girma what the problem was: He replied the police indicated the party was "conducting unpermitted street announcements". Then, he added that there is no law prohibiting on-street announcements.
MP Girma believes the government is trying to obstruct the demonstration that the party planned for Sunday.
Ethiopian government downplays the claim:
After several attempts to reach Ethiopian government officials, I reached the new Minister of Government Communication Affairs, Redwan Husein, – who recently replaced Bereket Simon – (around 10pm Addis Ababa time).
I asked Redwan whether and why UDJ officials are/were detained and if permission is required conduct street announcements. Facing difficulty with my phone/network, I asked him to send me his reply by SMS – to which he generously agreed. Redwan texted me:
"No one is detained. No permission is needed if it is related to an already recognized meeting or demonstration or any sort, so long as one is not stirring public disturbances. If someone is summoned just for a briefing, that is not tantamount to detention."
This is not the first time UDJ party claiming police obstruction to its on-street announcements. Though it is common for Ethiopian opposition parties to exaggerate problems and complaints, I intend to take a close look at the law and practice of on-street announcements and present my analyses in this blog as soon as possible.

Ethiopian housemaid commits suicide


An Ethiopian housemaid committed suicide at the women’s ward of the Abyar Ali Penitentiary in Madinah on Friday.
The domestic worker had been in prison since the end of August, a local daily reported Saturday.
“The 23-year-old inmate was found hanging by her head scarf at about 8 a.m. She was immediately taken down and rushed to the nearby Meeqat Hospital, but the doctors there declared her dead on arrival,” said a source at the provincial prison directorate.
The woman, who arrived in the Kingdom as a housemaid, was sent to prison on charges of stabbing her female employer.
She was arrested a month ago after reportedly stabbing Gheelah, her octogenarian employer. Aziziah police handed her over to Aqiq police after her relatives identified her, Col. Fahd Al-Ghannam, spokesman for Madinah police, said in a statement shortly after her arrest. The Bureau of Investigation and Public Prosecution then took over the case.
Ahmad Al-Ahmadi, the victim's son, said he knew nothing about the motive of the maid’s near-fatal attack on his mother, who used to treat her well.
The younger son of the elderly woman added that the maid’s attack was shocking and unexpected because she showed good conduct and had not manifested any signs of violent behavior or mental imbalance in the past.
Investigators could not obtain information from the maid because she refused to speak during the interrogation to reveal the motives for her attack.
Suhail Khan, director of a hospital for the mentally unstable in Jeddah, said 90 percent of female patients at his hospital were Ethiopian and that one patient a day on average is admitted. The doctor added that most cases were complicated and hard to deal with. The cases included serious psychological disturbances and schizophrenia.

Oromo Thanksgiving Irreecha Joyously Celebrated Worldwide

(by Sinke Wesho – OPride) – The 2013 Irreecha, Oromo thanksgiving holiday, was joyfully celebrated over the weekend with millions of people flocking to parks and riverbanks around the world.
Irreecha or Irreessa marks the beginning of a new lunar calendar and a seasonal change from winter to spring.
In Oromia, the Oromo homeland, winter is a busy and muddy season making travel and social life difficult. Spring (booqa birraa) ushers in a new beginning as rain eases, river levels drop, flowers blossom, and newly budding leaves prop to life. During this season, mother earth wears the green gowns of natural beauty – Irreessa or Kelloo.

Read Full Report (

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Ayyaana Irreecha Oromoo Fulbaana 28 bara 2013 Oslo Norway

Walga’iin Angawoota OPDO Adaamaa Keessa itti Geggeeffaamaa ture Irraatti Mormiin Guddaa Dhalachuun Milkii Malee Adda Bahe.

Fulbaana 28,2013 Adaamaa
Angawootaa OPDO kabinotaa Aanaa, Godinaa fi Oromiyaa akkasumas itti gaafatamtoota Wajjirotaa Secterotaa garaagaraa irraa walitti waamuun Adaamaa Galmaa Abbaa Gadaa jedhamu keessa itti akka L/Habashaatti Fulbaanaa 4/2006 irraa egalee hangaa Fulbaana 16/2006 Oromiyaa keessatti bakka bu’oonni Wayyaanee Muktar Kadirii , Abdulaaziz fi Asteer Maammoon guyyaa kudhanii oliif gaggeeffaamaa ture milkie dhabuun mormii guddaan miseensota OPDO irraa bakka bu’oota Wayyaanee irratti dhalachuun bu’aa tokkoo malee diddaa guddaan gargar kan bittina’an ta’uu Odeessii qabatamaa keessaa OPDO bahee saxilee jira.
Kayyoo fi qabxiin gurguddaa walga’ii dhoksaan gaggeeffaamaa ture kanaa qabxiilee gurguddaa sadii irraattii kan xiyyeeffaate ta’uu beekama, kanneen falmisiisoo ta’an keessaa warri gurguddaan.
1ffaa, Baha Oromiyaa keessatti saboota olla Oromiyaa irraa yeroo irraa gara yerootti Ummataa Oromooa irraatti fudhatamaa jiruun wal qabatee Somaaleen lafa Oromiyaa Harargee qabachaa jirtuu irraatti marii gochuu kan jedhuu.
2ffaa, ABO FDG nurraattii kaasaa jira, Ummaata mootummaa Ithyophiyaa irratti kakaasuun fincila qindeessaa jira, Dargaggooti Oromoo maqaa Qeerroo Bilisummaa Oromoo jedhuun biyyaa keessaa fi biyyaa Ambaatti of gurmeessuun sochii mirga Oromoo falmuu jedhuun mootummaa keenya irratti ummata kakaasaa jiru waan ta’eef kana dura dhaabbachuuf malaa fi tooftaa baafachuu.
3ffaa. Mormii yeroo irraa gara yerootti hordoftotni Amantaa Muslimaa Oromiyaa keessaattii nurraatti gaggeessaa jiraan dura dhabbachuu fi mormii isaanii duubaa humnooti adda addaa waan jiraniif saaxiluu fi marii irraatti gochuu kan jedhuu fi
4ffaa. Qaama hojii sekterotaa karooraan rawwaachuu xinxaluu.
Kanneen jedhan irratti marii guddaa gochuun walii galtee malee akka ka’an gabaasi kun ni ibsa. Kana keessatti qabxiin guddaa dhimma ABO irratti fuulleffate keessa hogganoota OPDO kan jeeqee fi mormii guddaa kaasee guyyoota lamaa oliif akka wal falmisiisaa oole beekamaa dha. Qabxii marii lukkeelee ilaachisuun yaadaa fi mormii kabinotaa Godinotaa fi Aanotaa irraa hogganoota OPDO irratti ka’ee dhiyaate keessaa gariin
Waa’ee ABO irraatti mormiin dhalatee, jira. kunis asiin fulduraa  maqaa ABO’n namoota sabboonummaa Oromoo qabanii fi  uumata itti akka farrummaatti labsaa dhaa turre,mootummaanis akkasum jechuun galmuma kana keessatti nuu ibsee hin turree?? Har’a deebi’een ABOn uumata nurratti kakasaa jira sochii godhaa jira yoo jennee barattootaa fi jiraataa Oromiyaa hunda yoo seeratti dhiheessaa jiraanne waanni kun deemee deemee numa warra OPDO iyyuu qofaa ni hambisa. ABOn bara kana nama osoo hin taane akeeka dha.Akeeka kana akkamiin uumata keessaa baafna yoo jenne waan matumaa hin dandayamne waan ta’eef mootummaan keenya if goyyomsuu osoo dhiifnee irra wayyaa dha. Yeroo barbaannu ABOn nama ijaara jenna,gaafa kaan ammoo ABOn hin jiru badeera jenna,yaada wal dhahaa akkasiin hamma yoom uumata sobaa jiraannaa???
Amma immoo ABO’n nu rakkisaa jira, nu duraa dhaabbaachaa jira, dargaggotaa ijaaree socho’aa jira, ummataa nurraa fudhachuuf, goolii kaasaa jira jennee yeroo wawwatnu ummaannii kaleessaa ABO’n hin jiruu jenneen sun maal nun jedhaa? jechuun gaaffii kaasaan, kanaaf nuti kanan uummataa keessaa deemnee salphinaa hin uffannu har’a ummaanni nu darbee deemee waan jiruuf nuti kanaan waan ololluu hin qabnu isinumti warri aanga’oo gurguddaa gadi bu’aa uummata itti himaa jechuun hogganotaa ol anoo OPDO akka Abdulaaziz fi Moktaar afaan fajjefaman.
Kana malees yaada mormii hirmatotaa irraa dhiyaate keessaa itti qabxiin ABO’n qofti maleef dhaadheeffaamee balaaleffatamaa ? Diinni akka G-7, Arbanyoochii fi Ogadeen maaliif akka diinaatti fudhatamanii mariin irraatti hin taasifamne jechuun gaaffin kaabinoota aanaa irraa ka’e guutummaa walgahichaa jeeqee akka turee odeessi keessa OPDO addeessa.
Ajandaan gama biraa  Waa’ee waraana Ogaadeen yeroo yeroon Wayyaaneenhidhachiifamee Oromoo ajjeesaa jirtuu fi lafa Oromoo fi qabeenyaa Oromoo samamaa jiruuf ilaalchisuun yaadaa mormii fi waldiddaa guddaatu dhalate. Innis yaadni garee Lammaa Magarsaa itti gafatamaa wajjiraa milishaa Oromiyaa duraanii kan yeroo amma Biroo Daldalaa Oromiyaa hojjechaa jiruu irraa dhiyaate naannoo ittisa Oromoo irraa gochuuf jecha tarkaanfii walfakkatuu fudhachuu qabna,daangaa keenyaa keessaa baasuu qabna jedhuu yeroo dhiyaatuu gareen Muktaar Kadir ammoo kun tasumaa ta’uu hin qabu jechuun mormii dhiyeessan.Nuti ajaja mootummaan keenya nutti kenneen malee akka naannoo Oromiyaatti ittisa mataa keenyaa gochuu hin dandeenyu jechuun yaada mormii kaasan.
Yaadaa gareen Muktar Kadir kun dhiyeessan Kabinotaa Godinaa Booraanaa Yabelloo, Gujjii fi Harargee irraa dhufaniin balaaleffatame, gareen kaabinotaa Godina Harargee, Booraanaa Yaabelloo fi Gujii yaadaa Lammaa Magarsaa dhiyeessee jabeessuun deggeruun ummanni Oromoo fi mootummaan naannoo Oromiyaa uummata Oromootti balaa dhufe ittisuu qabna.Yoo kana hin goonu ta’e faaydaan OPDO maalii? jechuun mormii guddaa dhiyeessaan. Kanumaan kan ka’e gariin kun walgahii kaabinoota OPDO torbaan tokkoof gaggeefame dhiisanii walga’ii cabsanii ka’an. Yeruma kana haala kanaan , Kanneen qajeelfama TPLFn masakamuu qabna jedhan kanneen akka Muktarii fi Abdullaaziz warra walgahii cabsee bahe duukaa bu’uun kara karaa kadhatanii ifaajja guddaan walgahiitti deebisan.
Kana irraa ka’uun sabbontotn Oromoo walga’icha irraa hirmaatan nuti Oromoonni hanga yoomitti dhiigni ilmaan Oromoo dhangala’aa? hanga yoomitti Obsinaa? Obsi nuu game, Angoo maaliis qabna waranaa? Erga duula Oromoo irratti banama ittisuu hin dandeenye,dhaloota Oromoo dhufaa darbaan ABO jennee hidhaa fi biyyaa ari’aa erga jiraanne aangoo fi gaafatamni nuti Oromoof qabnu kun maali?  Jechuun walgahicha irrati ifatti yaada dhiheeffatan.
Gama kaaniin qabxiin dhimma amantaa Isalaamaa fi gamaagama karoora hojii ilaalchoisuun yaadni dhiyaatee, qabxiiwwaan armaan olii mataa dabbaalotaa diinaa waan nanneesseef utuu sirnaan hin hubatamiin hafee kabinotaa Aanotaa, Godinotaa fi Oromiyaa walumaa galatti namota 1000 ol-n guyyotaa kudhanii oliif taa’amaa ture, fi walga’iin guddaan kun kan ETV fi Radiyoo Oromiyaa illee dabalee osoo hin darbiin wakkatameef bu’aa tokkoo malee diddaan guddaan waan jeeqameef gara fuula duraatti baallamamee adda bahuu gabaasi keessa OPDO irraa nu gahe addeessa.

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Oromo Recording Artists Haacaaluu Hundeessaa and Abbush Zallaqaa to Release Their Albums on Saturday, Sept. 28, 2013

Oromo recording artists Haacaaluu Hundeessaa and Abbush Zallaqaa will release their albums, titledWaa’ee Keenya and Jaala Jiloo, respectively, on September 28, 2013. Currently, the two are on a music tour in North America with two other Oromo recording artists, Nigusuu Taammiraat and Jaamboo Joote.
The first leg of their North American music tour will also be this Saturday – the “Oromiyaa Tiyya” concertin Minneapolis, Little Oromia, on Sept. 28 at Epic Center. This past Thursday, fans in Little Oromia threw an impromptu welcome party at the Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport as the four artists arrived in the Twin Cities for Saturday’s much anticipated “Oromiyaa Tiyya” concert (watch video below).
For more on the music tour and the CD releases, visit

Waa’ee Keenya by Haacaaluu, and Jaala Jiloo by Abbush:

Sagantaa Siyaasaa Adda Demookraatawaa Oromoo (ADO)

Itoophiyaan erga dhuma jaarraa 19ffaatti, lola gabroomsaa fi gara-jabeessa mootummaa Menikin geggeefamen, akka biyyaatti ijaaramtee jalqabdee mana hidhaa fi dararama sabootaa, sab-lamootaa fi ummataa ti. Hidhamtoota kanneen keessaa Oromoon saba tokko. Weerarri gabroomsaa Minilikin geggeessame kunis duguuggaa sanyii ummata biyyichaa irraan gahuu bira dabre lubbuu hedduu beelaa fi dhukkubaan galaafatee. Balaa lola kanarraa maddeen Oromoon bilisummaa dhabee, abbaa biyyummaa sarbamee, qabeenya isaa saamamee sadarkkaa gabrichaatti (faanshotti) gadi bu’uu bira lufee (serfs) sirna jibbamaa gabbaarummaa (gabbar system) jalatti kufe. Oromoon yeroo sana irraa eegalee bilisummaa fi kabajaa eenyummaa isaa deebisee gonffachuudhaaf lola walirraa hincitne gochaa ture; akkuma yeroo fi haalli aanjesseetti waan of harkaa qabu maraan of irraa faccisaa ture; ammas itti jira. Gadadoo, dhiphinaa fi gidiraa hiriyyaa hin qabne jalatti waldhaansoon Oromoon bilisummaa isaa deebisee gonfachuuf godhu itti fufe; wareegama qaqqaalli gootota ilmaan Oromoo kutannoon baasaniin qabsoon takkaa laaffatee ykn qabbanaawee hin beeku; irra jabaate deeme malee.
Waldhaansoon boonsaan ilmaan Oromoo dhiiraa-dubartiin sirna abbaa-irrummaa buqqisuudhaaf jagnnummaa fi kutannoodhaan godhan baroota dhiyoo as injifannolee gurguddoo galmmeesse jira. Ammaan tana haa xiqqaatulle malee, Oromiyaan akka Kutaa bulchiisa tokkotti beekamuun, akkasumas, Afaan Oromoo badii irraa baraaramee gara afaan hujii fi bulchiinsatti jijjiiramee jira. Qubee Afaan Oromoof mijjatus ummatichi filatee ittiin fayyadamaa jira. Haa tahuu malee, ummatni Oromoo guyyaa hari’ayyuu bilisummaa hin gonfatne, qabsoon birmadummaa fi mirgoota dhalootaa kanneen biyyoota addunyaa hedduu biratti beekaman gonfachuudhaaf waldhaansoo itti fufaa jira.

Friday, September 27, 2013

Etiopia: Nye neveslag for å kneble opposisjonen

I slutten av august brøt etiopisk politi seg inn i lokalene til partiet Blå i Addis Abeba og arresterte 60 personer som forberedte en lovlig, fredelig ­demonstrasjon. Flere av de arresterte ble banket opp av politiet, ifølge Amnesty International.
2. juni i år demonstrerte tusener i gatene i Addis Abeba, i den største protestaksjonen siden uroen i 2005. Protestene ble organisert av den nye opposisjonsgruppen Blue Party. To måneder senere slo myndighetene til mot partiet. Foto: NTB Scanpix

I  opposisjon har Høyre vært svært kritisk til utviklingen i Etiopia, et land som har hatt hyppige besøk av norske rødgrønne statsråder. Forholdet til Etiopia blir en av de første utviklingspolitiske klargjøringene som en ny borgerlig regjering må gjøre.
Statsminister Meles Zenawis bortgang i fjor har ikke gjort menneskerettighetsorganisasjonene mildere stemt overfor den regionale stormakten på Afrikas horn. Rapportene deres fastslår at kritiske journalister fengsles, bønder tvangsflyttes og sivile samfunnsorganisasjoner overvåkes og trues. Menneskerettighetsgrupper har fått sine bankkontoer sperret. Under den nye statsministeren Hailemariam Desalegn er fortsatt ikke Etiopia noen idealstat for menneskerettigheter. 
«Menneskerettigheter i Etiopia er blitt forverret de seneste årene», skriver Human Rights Watch. «Kritiske stemmer blir ikke tolerert,» mener Amnesty International.


Myndighetene har store planer om å satse på kommersielt jordbruk – både statlig og gjennom billig utleie av jord til store utenlandske selskaper. For å få dette til har de drevet omfattende programmer for å tvangsflytte folk inn i storlandsbyer. Dette gjelder spesielt i Gambela-regionen og i den nedre delen av Omo-elven der nomadefolk med kveg har levd i flere århundrer. Over 1,5 millioner mennesker er hittil berørt av tvangsmessig «landsbyfisering».
Landet er også i gang med bygging av flere store vannkraftanlegg. Mange landsbyer er blitt tvangsekspropriert for å få dette til.


I begynnelsen av august ble to journalister fra Radio Bilal anholdt i en uke. Radiostasjonen har hatt omfattende dekning av muslimske protester mot regjeringens innblanding i religiøse spørsmål.
Gjennom bruk av anti-terrorloven og en egen lov om organisasjoner, blir kritikk av Etiopias regjering kvalt. Trusler har ført til at mange av landets ledende menneskerettighetsaktivister har flyktet fra landet. Organisasjonen Committee to Protect Journalists, med base i USA, mener at 79 etiopiske journalister er blitt tvunget til å forlate landet de seneste årene.
I fjor ble 30 aktivister og opposisjonspolitikere dømt under den uklare og omfattende terrorloven. Den er også blitt bruk mot 11 journalister siden 2011. HRW skriver i sin årsrapport at de fortsatt kan dokumentere bruk av tortur ved flere politistasjoner i både Addis Abeba og i regionene. Amnesty rapporterer at sikkerhetsstyrker har henrettet mistenkte personer i en flere deler av landet der det er tilløp til motstand mot regimet.
Det neste parlamentsvalget i Etiopia skal finne sted i 2015.


Til tross for kritikken av landet mottar Etiopia over 21 milliarder kroner i utenlandsk bistand i året. Norge kanaliserte 228 millioner kroner til landet i fjor. Av dette er det likevel bare 35 millioner kroner som går direkte gjennom etiopisk offentlig sektor, og svært lite går gjennom departementene.
Samtidig som Etiopia får kritikk for manglende demokrati og svake sivile politiske rettigheter, kan landet vise til store økonomiske og sosiale framskritt for befolkningen. Barnedødeligheten i landet er redusert med hele 67 prosent i forhold til 1990, viser tall fra FNs barnefond (Unicef). Fattigdommen er også på vei ned. På tjue år har barns tilgang til skole økt fra 32 til 96 prosent.


Det norske utenriksdepartementet har flere ganger det siste året understreket at de stadig diskuterer menneskerettigheter med myndighetene i Etiopia. UD viser også til at Norge har inngått en treårig avtale med Addis Ababa-universitetet, via norske Senter for Menneskerettigheter. Formålet er å fremme tilgang til fri rettshjelp for fattige mennesker, med særlig -fokus på kvinner, samt styrke senterets akademiske kapasitet.
Sammen med det regionale kontoret for FNs høykommissær for menneskerettigheter har den norske ambassaden siden 2011 hatt formannskapet i Human Rights and Democracy Sub-group. Forumet er ment for diskusjon og informasjonsdeling blant en rekke ambassader på grunnlag av politiske snarere enn utviklingsmessige interesser. I 2012 arrangerte ambassaden månedlige møter om aktuelle temaer relatert til menneskerettigheter og demokrati, ifølge Norads landsider.
En av grunnene til at vestlige land er tilbakeholdne i sin kritikk av Etiopia-regimet er landets sentrale maktstilling i Afrika og på Afrikas horn. Etiopia har et godt forhold til USA og huser hovedkvarteret til Den afrikanske unionen og bidrar med tropper til fredsbevarende operasjoner i både Sudan og Somalia

Gareen shororkeessotaa galma gabaa Naayroobii haleelaan lammiiwwan Ameerikaa of keessaa qabu


Thursday, September 26, 2013

No Human Rights = No Development

Thursday, September 26, 2013
For Immediate Release

Anuradha Mittal,
Emily Mattheisen,

Oakland Institute and the Housing and Land Rights Network Submit Human Rights Report on Ethiopia to the United Nations

OAKLAND CA— In a report submitted to the UN Human Rights Council’s Universal Periodic Review (UPR) on September 15, 2013, the Oakland Institute and the Housing and Land Rights Network outlined the human rights and international law violations perpetrated by the government of Ethiopia in the name of country’s development strategy.
Drawing clear links between recorded testimonies on the ground and breaches of specific international covenants and articles in Ethiopia’s constitution, the joint submission to the UN Human Rights Council also responds to Ethiopia’s draft National Human Rights Action Plan for 2013-2015. “Rather than working to build a development strategy grounded in human rights, the Ethiopian government is attempting to hoodwink its human rights record, leaving unmentioned its villagization program and the Anti-Terrorism Proclamation—both used by the government as significant justifications for forced resettlement, arbitrary detentions, and politically motivated arrests,” said Anuradha Mittal, Executive Director of the Oakland Institute.
As previous Oakland Institute reports have chronicled, the Ethiopian government’s efforts to clear land for large-scale foreign investment has entailed widespread violations of human, social, economic, and political rights. Violations of citizen’s rights to self-determination, housing, land for subsistence production, and free political association--enshrined in the Ethiopian constitution, the Rural Land Administration and Land Use Proclamation, and in United Nations international covenants--are carried out in the name of development.
The joint UPR submission suggests that the ruling party’s ability to implement country’s unpopular villagization program rests in its monopoly on force and dominance over the allocation of humanitarian assistance. “Authoritarian governance and the methods used in implementing development projects have combined to violate human rights to livelihood and culture for land-based peoples, especially in the peripheral regions,” said Joseph Schechla, Coordinator of the Housing and Land Rights Network. “Involuntary resettlement, a form of forced evictions, accompanies deprivation of the right to food, including the right to feed oneself, particularly for agropastoralists. On the other hand, the ability to control information and stifle dissent has enabled the ruling party to present a positive face to the international community, which has dubbed Ethiopia a nation in “renaissance,” he continued.
The joint submission presents undeniable evidence that should compel the international community to advocate for a human rights centered development strategy that would benefit all Ethiopians. 

Oromo Youth Demonstration on 14th september 2013 Oslo Norway

Ayyna ireechaa oromoo

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Ethiopia's former President Dr. Nigaso Gidada, one of the strongest and most outspoken leaders of political opposition...

Ethiopia's former President Dr. Nigaso Gidada, one of the strongest and most outspoken leaders of political opposition, has been detained. Dr. Nigaso Gidada detained 4 days before completing his peaceful "Millions of Voices of Freedom" campaign. His campaign was set to be completed on the coming Sunday with a peaceful, public demonstration. He's lead this campaign 3 months without incident then, suddenly, hes detained 4 days before its completed. .
Dr. Nagasso holds a doctorate in social history from the Goethe University in Frankfurt-am-Main and is currently a part-time lecturer of history at Addis Ababa University. The title of his doctoral thesis is "History of the Sayyoo Oromo of Southwestern Wallaga, Ethiopia, from about 1730 to 1886". He is married to Regina Abelt, a German nurse and midwife. Being the First Lady of Ethiopia while holding the German Citizenship earned Abelt considerable, yet unwanted, attention by the German and European tabloid press. In marked contrast, Regina Abelt was virtually invisible in Ethiopia and never enjoyed the official title of First Lady which was instead used by the wife of the Prime Ministe
In Europe, he was an active member of the Oromo Liberation Front (OLF).Dr Negasso had been Minister of Information in the Transitional Government of Ethiopia and Central Committee member of the Oromo People's Democratic Organisation (OPDO) when he became president on 22 August 1995.He left office when his term expired on 8 October 2001. Before the end of his term, he was expelled from both the OPDOand theEPRDF coalition on 22 June.
In the 2005 general elections, Dr. Negasso was elected to the Ethiopian House of People's Representatives as an independent from Dembidolo in theMirab Welega Zone of the Oromia Region.
In July 2008, Dr. Negasso became a founding member of the Forum for Democratic Dialogue (FDD), a new coalition of opposition parties and activists. Then in November 2009, he announced he had joined the Unity for Democracy and Justice Party (UDJ), one of the eight parties in the FDD, "to try to unite Ethiopia". At the time of his announcement, he also asked forgiveness from Ethiopians for deceiving them that Ethiopia's current constitution was ratified in 1995 with full participation of all political parties in a democratic manner. "There were a number of political parties that were excluded from the process," he said during the ceremony when he and Siye Abraha were officially inducted into the UDJ
by daniel 

    Muummichi Ministeeraa Itiyoopiyaa Gumii Tokkummaa Mootummootaaf Haasaa Dhageessisan

    Kamisa, Fulbaana 25, 2013 Local time: 20:47

    Oduu / Afrikaa

    Muummicha Ministeera Itiyoopiyaa H/Mariyaam Dessaaleny
    Muummicha Ministeera Itiyoopiyaa H/Mariyaam Dessaaleny

    ዶ/ር ነጋሶ ጊዳዳ ታሰሩ

    አንድነት የፊታችን እሁድ ለሚያደርገው ሰላማዊ ሰልፍ መቀስቀሱን፤ ኢሕአዴግ ማሰሩን ቀጥለዋል

    negaso-gidada-300x202September 25, 2013 (Zehabesha) — የቀድሞ የኢትዮጵያ ፕሬዘዳንት እና የአሁኑ የአንድነት ለዴሞክራሲና ለፍትህ ፓርቲ (አንድነት) ሊቀመንበር ዶ/ር ነጋሶ ጊዳዳ መታሰራቸውን ብስራት ወልደሚካኤል ከአዲስ አበባ አዘገበ፡ ዶ/ር ነጋሶ ጊዳዳ መታሰራቸው የተገለጸው ዛሬ መስከረም 15 ቀን 2006ዓ.ም. ሲሆን ዘ-ሐበሻ ወደ አንድነት ጽህፈት ቤት ደውላ “ዛሬ እስከ ጠዋት ድረስ ሥራ ላይ ነበሩ’ የሚል ምላሽ አግኝታ ነበር። አሁን ይህን ዜና እየዘገብን ባለንበት ወቅት ወደ አዲስ አበባ የአንድነት አመራሮች ጋር ስንደውል ስልኮቻቸውን ያነሱ ሁለት የአንድነት አመራሮች የዶ/ር ነጋሶን መታሰር ለዘ-ሐበሻ አረጋግጠዋል።
    የፍኖተ ነፃነት ጋዜጠኛ ብስራት እንደዘገበው “አንድነት ፓርቲ አባላት በጉለሌ ክፍለ ከተማ መስከረም 19 ቀን 2005 ዓ.ም. በአዲስ አበባ መስቀል አደባባይ ለተጠራው ህዝባዊ የተቃውሞ ሰላማዊ ሰልፍ በሽሮ ሜዳ ቅስቀሳ በማድረግ ላይ ሳሉ መታሰራቸውን ተከትሎ የፓርቲው ሊቀመንበር ዶ/ር ነጋሶ ያዘዝኩት እኔ ስለሆንኩ ልጆቹን ልቀቁ፤ ከፈለጋችሁ እኔን ማሰር ትችላላችሁ በማለታቸው የጣቢያው ፖሊሶች ዶ/ሩ ነጋሶን ማሰራቸው ተረጋግጧል።”
    (የአንድነት አባላት በቅስቅሳ ላይ) ፎቶ ምንጭ የሚሊዮኖች ድምጽ ለነፃነት
    ፖሊሶች ዶ/ር ነጋሶን ከያዙበት ሽሮሜዳ ወደ ጉለሌ ፖሊስ መምሪያ በፖሊስ መኪና እና በበርካታ ፖሊሶች ታጅበው መወሰዳቸውን የዘገበው ብስራት በቅስቀሳ ላይ እያሉ የታሰሩትን የአንድነት ፓርቲ አባላትን ለማስፈታት ሄደው ዶ/ር ነጋሶ በምትካቸው በመታሰራቸው የተለቀቁት የአንድነት ፓርቲ አባላትም ቅስቀሳቸውን ቀጥለዋል።
    በእሁድ መስከረም 19 ቀን 2005ዓ.ም. በአዲስ አበባ መስቀል አደባባይ ለሚደረገው ሰላማዊ ሰልፍ ቅስቀሳ እያደረጉ የሚገኙ ከ28 በላይ ሰዎችን ለማስፈታት ወደ ፖሊስ ጣቢያ ያመሩት ዶ/ር ነጋሶ ‹ልጆቹ የፈጸሙት ህገ ወጥ ድርጊት የለም፣ሲቀሰቅሱ የነበሩትም እውቅና የተሰጠውን ሰላማዊ ሰልፍ ነው፡፡ቅስቀሳው ህገ ወጥ ነው የምትሉም ከሆነ እነርሱን የላኳቸው እኔ በመሆኔ እኔን ልታስሩኝ ትችላላችሁ” ማለታቸው ተዘግቧል።
    ይህ ዜና እክሰተጠናቀረበት ጊዜ ድረስ ዶ/ር ነጋሶ ያልተፈቱ ሲሆን የፊታችን እሁድ ለሚደረገው ሰልፍ ቅስቀሳ ላይ ያሉት የአንድነት አባላት በቄራ አካባቢ ሲታሰሩ የሚቀሰቅሱበት መኪናም በፖሊስ ታግቷል።

    Tuesday, September 24, 2013

    Azeb Mesfin arrest imminent

    azeb_mesfinSeptember 24, 2013
    Azeb Mesfin, the widow of Ethiopia’s deceased dictator, is facing multiple charges of corruption and her arrest is imminent unless she leaves the country, according to Ethiopian Review sources in Addis Ababa.
    Political and business associates of Azeb Mesfin are dropping like flies. The biggest one to fall was Gebrewahid WoldeGiorgis, a senior official, who was charged with stealing over one hundred million Birr. Others are leaving the country with their families. Since May 2013, over 50 high profile TPLF officials and businessmen have been arrested on charges of corruption. All of them are associates and partners of Azeb.
    Azeb, also known as, the Mother of Corruption, is currently being protected by Abay Woldu, chairman of the ruling Tigray People Liberation Front (TPLF), and Bereket Simon, former propaganda chief, but both Abay and Berket are being marginalized, and Abay is fighting to maintain his diminishing authority over TPLF.

    Irreechaa bara 2013 Kana’ratti Hundi Keenyaa Harka Wal-Qabannee Wayyaanee Haa Balaaleffannu

    Baarentuu Gadaa | Fulbaana 24, 2013
    Irreechaa bara 2013 Kana’ratti Hundi Keenyaa Bakka Itti Ayyaaneeffannutti Harka Wal-Qabannee Dhiittaa Mirga Namoomaa fi Ukkaamsaa Wayyaaneen Nurraan Gahaa Jirtu Haa Balaaleffannu, Adduunyaattis Sagalee Keenya Haa Dhageessifannu!
    Impaayera Itiyoophiyaa keessa ayyaanoonni fi qophiileen sabaa fi sablammoonni biyyatti heeddumminaan irratti hirmaatan danuu dha. Ayyaanoonnii fi qophiileen kun baay’een isaanii kan amantiidhaan walitti hidhaman yoo tahan kaan isaanii ammoo kan mootummoonni abbootiin irree Impaayerittii bulchaa turanii fi jiran dirqiidhaan akka uummattoonni biyyattii irratti hirmaatan taasifamanii dha. Qophiilee fi sirni kabaja ayyaanota uummattoonni biyyattii keessattuu uummanni Oromoo heddumminaan fedhiidhaanis ta’ee dirqiidhaan irratti hirmaachaa ture heddu kaasun ni danda’ama. Kanneen uummanni Oromoos ta’ee saboonni Impaayera Itiyoophiyaa keessa jiran fedhiidhan irratti hirmaatan keessaa ; kan akka guyyaa Irreechaa/Waaqeeffannaa, Iida, fi guyyaa Dhaloota Kiristoosii fi kanneen biroo kaasuun ni danda’ama.
    Itiyoophiyaa keessatti qophiilee dirqamaan mootummoonni abbootiin irree humnaan akka uummattoonni biyyattii bahanii kabajan taasisaa turanis heeddu tarreessuu dandeenya. Akka fakkeenyaatti bara mootii H/Sillaasee “guyyaa dhaloota isaa fi hangoo itti qabate” uummanni bahee kabajuun, hiriiruun, isaaf sagaduun dirqama ture. Bara Dargii ammoo guyyaa” Abiyootii” bahanii hiriiraan kabajuu diduun nama adabisiisa, farra warraaqisaatiis nama taasiisa. Bara ammaa; bara wayyaaneen uummattoota Impaayera Itiyoophiyaa keessa jiran humnaan dhiittee saamaa bulchaa jirtu kana keessa ammoo wanti hunduu caalaatti cimee guyyaan hiriiraa fi ayyaanaa mootumichaa dachaa heedduun dabaleera. Kan akka “Ginboot 20, ye higga mangisti qan, ye biheerasabooch qan, Ye baandiraa qan”, fi kanneen kana fafakkaatan hedduu dha. Irratti argamuuniis dirqama.
    Qophiilee fi ayyaanoota mootummoota abbaa irreetiin qophaawan kana hundumaa yoo walitti qabnee laallu garuu kan faayidaa uumataatiif qophaawan osoo hin taane; sirnoota abbootii irree kana dheereessuuf kan akka waltajjii holoolaatti tajaajilanii dha. Mootummaan wayyaanee / IHDG ammoo sirumaawuu hiriiraa fi ayyaanoota ofii qopheessee uummattoota biyyattii humnaan irratti hirmaachisu itti hanqannaan yeroo ammaa kana akkuma argaa fi dhagahaa jirru sirna Irreechaa/waqeeffannaa, Guyyaa ayyaana amantaa Musliimaa, Kiristaanaa fi kanneen biroo waltajjii sanarratti argamuun keessas galuudhan akkan ani isin qajeelcheetti deemaa, akkan ani fedhuu fi hawwutti tarkaafadhaa jechaat jira. Guyyaa ayyaanni akka Irreechaa, Iidaa, kiristaanaa fi kanneen biroo kabajaman dabbaloota isaa bobbaasuun amantii gara dirree siyaasa wayyaanee/IHDGtti jijjirat jira. Oggantoonni amntoolee kanaa akka isa faarsan, akka isa deeggaranii fi isaaf sagadan taasisaat jira. Haala kanaanis uummattootaa fi Ordooftoota amntii gar-gar keennaa fi gurshaa adda addaatin qooduun wal dura dhaabbachiisuuf amma danda’e wixxirfachurratti argama. Yoo dafee itti yaadamee deemsi isaa kun gabaabatti cite malee gochaan wayyaanee kun uummata gabrummaa jala jiruf, uummata bilisummaa dheebootee jiruuf balaa guddaa qaba. Oolee bulee rakkina wal-xaxaa uumuu danda’a.
    Uummattoonni biyyattii yeroo sirna waaqeeffannaaf, adaa isaanii agarsiisuudhaaf, ykn dirqiisiisa mootummaa wayyaaneetin iddoo tokkootti wal argan/dhufan ykn hiriira adda addaarratti hirmaatan waa heddu dalaguu danda’u. uummattoonni cunqurfamoonni biyyattii keessa jiran shira wayyaaneetiin wal-dura dhaabbachuu dhiisanii iddoo waaqeeffachuuf walitti qabamniittis haa tahu iddoo hiriira adda addaatiif walitti dhufanitti humna isaanii iddoo tokkootti walitti dhufe sana faayidaa walootiif, kabajamuu mirga isaaniitii fi bilisummaa isaanitiif oolfachuu danda’u. Keessattuu uummanni Oromoo yoo itti yaadee, karoorfatee ka’ee mirga isaa kabachiifachuuf iddoon akka Irreechaa, masijiidaa fi mana amantaa kiristaanaa bakka olaanaa qaba. Madda jijjiramaa fi sirreefama sirnaa ta’uu danda’a. Kanaaf fakkeenya guddaa tahuu kan danda’u qabsaawaa mirga gurraachoota Ameerikaa kan ture DR. Maartine Lutter King 2ffaa dha. Ka’uumsi nama kabajamaa fi jaalatamaa kanaa fi Ordoftoota isaa mana amantaa Kiristaanaa ture waan ta’eef.
    Har’a Impaayera Itiyoophiyaa keessatti fedhii fi dirqiidhaan Ayaanaa fi qophiilee gara garaa sababeeffachuun walgahii fi hiriirri hedduumaatee jira. Keessattuu ayyaanootaa fi qophiilee fedhii uummataatiin qophaawanirratti kan hirmaatan lakkoofsaanis haata’u fudhatamummaadhan iddoo olaanaa qabu. Sabaa fi sablammoonni hedduuniis ayyaanoota kanarratti ni hirmaatu. Carraan akkasii ammoo uummatoota cunqursaa fi gabrummaa jala jiraniif keessattu uummata akka Oromootiif carraa faayidaa guddaa qabuudha. Kan yeroo ammaa kana biyyoota gara garaa keessatti argaa fi dhagahaa jirus kanuma. Uummanni ayyaanoota adda addaa kana kabajuuf walitti dhufes haa tahu inni dirqamaan mootummaaan baafame eennaa mirga isaa fi bilisummaa isaaf falamatu argaina. Qaanqeen iddoolee sirni amanataa fi aadaa itti gaggeefamuu kaate yoo biyya heedduu keechatti laboobdee abbootii irree waaddituu fi hangoo humnaan qabatanirraa buuftu argaat jira.
    Yeroo ammaa kana biyya arbaatti, salaata jimu’aan booda, biyya kiristaanaatti kadhannaa sanbataatiin booda, hawaasni iddichatti argame gaafii mootuummoota abbaa irreerratti kaase yoo jabeessee itti fufu argaa jirra. Kan bilisoomees kan bilisummaaf karaa gahees argaa fi dhagaat jirra. Gama uummattoota cunqurfamoo Itiyoophiyaa keessa jiraniitti yoo deebine ammoo carraan fi iddoon gaafilee akkasii; gaafii mirgaa , dimookiraasii fi bilisummaa itti kaasan hedduu dha. Inni tokko hiriira mootummaan koottaa na deegaraa jedhee humnaan isaan baasurratti isuma mootumaa wayyaaneetti gargaluudhaan jibbaa fi diddaa qaban agarsiisuu fi ofirraa fonqolchuuf gamtaan sochoo’uu yoo tahu; inni lammataa ammoo manneen amantaa adda addaa fi bakka akka Irreechii itti kabajamuuutti gaafii fi jabba mootummaa abbaa irreef qaban sagalee tokkoon ol-fuudhanii adduunyaaf dhageesifachuu dha.
    Muuxannoo fi dhugaa adduunyaa kanarratti argaa jirruun abbootiin irree keessattuu kanneen akka wayyaanee uummanni gocha isaanii hiriira bahee akka balaaleffattuf hin heyyaman. Mootummaa akka wayyaanee kan hiriiraa hin heyyamne kana ofirraa buusuuf ammoo carraan jiru uummanni cunqurfamaan akka Oromoo wayitii ayyaanootaa fi sababa adda addaatiin walitti dhufu mormii fi jibba mootummaa abbaa irreef qabu tokkummaan dhaabbatee adduunyaaf agarsiisudha. Isa aksiitiif ammoo sirni akka ayyaanaa Irreecha Bishooftuu fi Oromiyaa Iddoo gara garaatti kabajamuu iddoo olaanaa qaba.
    Uummanni Oromoo mootummaa abbaa iirree fi saamichaa wayyaanee ofirraa buusuu fi gocha isaa gara jabinaa kana adduunyaatti muldhiisuuf carraalee qabu hundattuu fayyadamuu qaba. keessattuu dargaggeessi/Qeerroon/ Oromoo karaa saaquudhaan adda duree tahuun fardii dha. Uummanni Oromoo Qabsoo hidhannoo dhaaba ijoolleen isaa ijaaran ABOdhan gaggeeffamu cinaatti bakka jirutti gurmaawee murna isa saamaa , ajjeesaa fi hidhaa jirtu wayyaaneerratti sagalee diddaa gabrummaa dhageessiisuu qaba. wayyaanee ofirraa buusuuf lafa amantaa isaa, aadaa fi duudhaa isaa itti gaggeessuu hundattuu sagalee diddaa dhageessifachuun murteessa dha.
    Akkuma beekamu dhuma fulbaanaa kanarra ayyaanni Irreechaa uummata Oromoo guutuu biyyatiiraa dhufu fi jaalattoota aadaa isaatiin sirna hoo’aadhaan ni kabajama. Sirni kabaja Ayyana Irreechaa Oromoon miliyoona hedduun lakkaawwamu irratti argamu kun ammoo sirna achumatti wal arginee Irreeffannee sirbinee, dhiichifnee gallu qofaaf oolu tahuu hin qabu. Akkuma biyyoota Arabaa fi biyyatoo amantiilee biraa hordofan keessatti argine iddoon akkasii madda jijjiramaa fi mirga ofii itti kabachiisuuf socho’an ta’uu qaba. Ummanni Oromootis kana hubachuun sochii isaa cimsee irree tokkoon sirna Irreechaa booda mirga isaa wayyaaneedhaan sarbame gaafatachuu qaba. Kanarratti dargaggeessi Oromoo /Qeerroon/, sabboontoonnii fi jaalattoonni bilisummaa Oromoo uumata cinaa goruun gaafii uummataichaa adduunyaaf calaqqisiisuudhaaf of qopheessuu qabu. uumata sochoosuudhaan, ijaaranii iddoolee akkasii baayyee murteessaa tahanitti akka sagalee tokoon rakkina isaa beeksifatu gahee guddaa taphachuu qabu. Iddoo mirgii fi bilisummaan isaa wayyaaneedhaan sarbamee, ijoolleen isaa ajjeefamaa fi hidhamaa jirtutti dhiichisee, Irreefatee galuu qofti Oromoof Gammachuu hin kennu.
    Dhiichisanii sirbanii “kan baranaa kan bara egareetiin nu gahii” jedhanii irreefatanii galuun yoo mana nagahaa, tasgabaahaa fi kan ofii qabaatanii dha. Kan Oromoon keessa jiru gabrummaa dha. Gabrummaa kana jalaa baanee abbaa biyyaa fi abbaa malkaa ta’uuf ammoo hundii keenyaa carraa aragannee fi qabnuun mirga keenyaaf falmachuutu nurraa eegama. Birraan kunis yoos; birraa jijjiramaa, birraa bilisumma taha. Kanaafuu ayyaana Irreechaa bara 2013 kan akka walii galaatti magaalaa Bishooftuu Hora Arsadiitti kabajamurrattis ta’ee Malkaa Oromoon qabu maraarratti mirgaa fi bilisummaa keenyaaf sagalee keenya tokko goonee ol kaafnee yaa iyyinu, Adduunyaatti haa dhageechifannu! Yoo Abbaan iyyate Ollaan namaaf mirmata waan ta’eef!
    Baarentuu Gadaa,

    Oduu / Afrikaa Lolii Gabayaa Naayroobi Ya Dhumatee Warra Nama Hadhe Jedhan keessaa Shan Fixani, 11 Booji’anii Jedha Perzdaantiin Keenyaa

    Qophii Ayyaana Irreecha kan bara 2013 Norway Magaala Oslo (Fulbaana 28)
    Qophiin Ayyaana Irrechaa kan bara 2013 Norway magaala Oslo Fulbaana/September 28, sa’ati 11:00 irra kaasse bakka sogen vann jedhamuti.
    Kabajuuf qophii barbaachiissu mara xumuree guyya isaa egaa jira.
    Kanaafu Oromoon magaala Oslo fi naano kana jiraatan, firootan Oromoo,
    degartoonif jaalalla aadaa wari qabdan hundi qophii kan irrati akka argamtani kaabbajaa gudaa waliin isiin afera. Irreechan booda beektottaa fi mangudoota aadaa Oromoo beekanin marii addaa YKN seminar ni kenama.
    Bakki isaa:
    Tåsen Seniorsenter
    Tåsenveien 66
    0873 Oslo
    Sa’ati: 19:00 iraa kaasse Irbaata fi Galgala Adaa
    95188081 Seleshi Tolasa
    91185127 Hailu Kitaba

    Monday, September 23, 2013

    Naayjeeriyaa fi Itoophiyaan Dorgommii Kubbaa Milaa Finfinnee Qabaniif Walti Qophaa'uutti iran

    Roobii, Fulbaana 24, 2013 Local time: 00:33

    WASHINGTON,DC — Biyyiti tun lamaan biyyoota Afrikaa 10n waancaa addunyaa ganna dhufu Biraazitti taphatanii dabruuf taphachuutti jiran keessaa tokko.Dorgommii tana Afrikaa keessaa biyya shanitti dabra.

    Nyaayjeeriyaan tapha kanaaf taphattoota alaa qabdu ta akka John Mikel Obi,Victor Moses, Emmanuel Emenikoo faa guurratte Itoophiyaatti qopheeffachuutti jirti.
    Obii fi Moses warra garee English Premiere Leaguetii taphatuu.Naayjeeriyaan tana malee nama akka John Ogu,Ogenyi Onazi,Nosa Igiebor Sunday Mba faallee alaa yaammattee dhufaa karaa jira.

    Itoophiyaa fi Naayeeriyaan Onkololeessa 12 Finfinneetti eegee ammoo 16 Naayjeeriyaatti tapahtan.

    Akka James Peterd itti aanaan daareketera teknika federeshiinii kubbaa miilaa Naayjeeriyaa jedhutti gareen isaanii Itoophiyaa moohattee waancaa addunyaatii dabaruuf shakkii hin qabduu %100 ufi abdatti.

    Itoophiyaan eennuu fa akka Naayjeeriyaa qopheessitu ammatti hin dubbanne.Dorogommii biyya Afrikaa shan waandaa addunyaatiif dabruuf fialtan tanaan Itoophiyaa fi Naayjeeriyaa,Masrii fi Gaanaa jenne malee; Côte d’Ivoire-Senegal,Tunisia – Cameroon fi Burkina Faso - Algeriati waliin taphata.

    Masrii fi Gaanaalleen akkanuma walti qophaahuutti jiran.Masriin taphattoota akka Geedoo,Mohammed Saalaa,Elmohammad fa alaa yaammatte.Masrii fi Gaanaan Onkololeessa 15 waliin taphatan.Masrii nama Amerikaa,Bob Bradely leenjisa.

    Dorgommii biskileettii ta Tour of Britain sadarkaa 8tessoo ta kalee km 88 irratti wal dorgoman Sir Bradely Wigginsitti moo’e.

    Mee tana ammoo caqasaa

    Kenyan water discovery brings hope to parched north

    kenyawaterdiscoverySeptember 23, 2013 (AFP) – The Kenyan government and UNESCO on Wednesday announced the discovery of a huge supply of underground water in the impoverished, drought-stricken extreme north of the country. The find, made using advanced satellite exploration technology and backed up by UNESCO drilling, was hailed as a scientific breakthrough that could radically change the lives of the half-million people living in one of the world’s most arid regions. Two aquifers — underground layers of permeable rock or silt soaked in water — were found in the Turkana region, the scene of a devastating drought two years ago that aid workers said pushed malnutrition rates up to 37 percent. “The news about these water reserves comes at a time when reliable water supplies are highly needed,” said Judi Wakhungu, cabinet secretary in the Kenyan ministry of environment, water and natural resources. “This newly found wealth of water opens a door to a more prosperous future for the people of Turkana and the nation as a whole. We must now work to further explore these resources responsibly and safeguard them for future generations,” Wakhungu said at the start of a water security conference in Nairobi. The firm which carried out the survey, Radar Technologies International (RTI), said the area hosts a minimum reserve of 250 billion cubic meters of water, which is recharged at a rate of 3.4 billion cubic meters per year — almost equivalent to annual water consumption in Austria. “Hundreds of thousands of livestock die because of recurring droughts. This won’t happen anymore,” RTI president Alain Gachet told AFP. “We’ve just doubled the country’s drinking water reserves. The needs are huge, as women often have to walk 10 to 20 kilometres to get water.” RTI said the largest find — the Lotikipi Basin Aquifer, located west of Lake Turkana — was roughly the size of the US state of Rhode Island. The smaller Lodwar Basin Aquifer, meanwhile, could feed the parched regional capital of Lodwar — although UNESCO cautioned that water quality still needed to be assessed. The hostile and desert-like Turkana region, near the northern border with Uganda, South Sudan and Ethiopia, is the poorest in the country, and its mostly-nomadic people are among the most vulnerable in Africa. Fighting between rival groups — often armed with guns — over grazing land for their livestock is common in the region. Of Kenya’s 41 million strong population, 17 million lack access to safe water, and 28 million do not have adequate sanitation. Kenya’s northern region already hosts Lake Turkana — the world’s biggest desert lake stretching 250 kilometres (150 miles) long by 60 kilometres wide at its largest point — but the famous jade-coloured waters are threatened by hydroelectric dams cutting off feeder streams in neighbouring Ethiopia. But water is not the only resource under the ground, with exploratory oil drilling ongoing.