Saturday, May 31, 2014

የመከላከያ ሰራዊት መኮንኖች በአዛዦቻቸው ላይ ውጥረት ፈጥረዋል ጄኔራል አበባው ታደሰን እና የብኣዴን መኮንኖችን ያገለለ ስብሰባ መካሄዱ ጥያቄ አስነስቷል

ከምኒልክ ሳልሳዊ
mekelakeyaMay 31, 2014 (zehabesha) — በወያኔ የመከላከያ ሰራዊት ውስጥ ውጥረት መፈተሩን ከውስጥ አዋቂ ምንጮች ተሰምቷል:: በወታደራዊ ጥቅማ ጥቅም እና በህገመንግሥቱ ዙሪያ ለተነሱ ጥያቄዎች መልስ የሚሰጥ አካል መጥፋቱ እና ዝም መባሉ ዉስጥ ውስጡን እየተብላላ ያለው የመኮንኖቹ ጥያቄ እንዳይፈነዳ የተሰጋ ሲሆን ከፈነዳ ሰራዊት ለሶስት ቦታ እንደሚከፈል ለምንሊክ ሳልሳዊ ምንጮቹ ጠቁመዋል::
መኮንኖቹ በትምህርት በስራ እና በማእረግ እድገት በቤተሰብ እንክብካቤ በደሞዝ ጭማሪ እና በሕገመንግስታዊ የህዝብ መብቶች ዙሪያ ጥያቄ ያነሱ ሲሆን ወታደራዊ ጥቅማ ጥቅሞች ለአንድ ብሄር አባላት ብቻ ተመድበው እየተሰራባቸው ነው ከተማ ውስጥ ታጥቀው የመሸጉ እና ህዝብን እያጠቁ የሚገኙት የአንድ ብሄር አባላት ናቸው እንዱሁም ከሃገራዊ ጥቅም ይልቅ የፓርቲ ጥቅም እየተስተዋለ ነው: ወታደሩ የጦር ሳይንስን እና ዲሲፕሊን በጎደለው መልኩ እየተስተዳደረ ነው በሰራዊቱ እና በሃገሪቱ ሁሉ ወቅታዊ ጉዳዮችን ሽፋን እና ማዘናጊያ በማድረግ የሙስና እና የዘረፋ መስፋፋት መልስ ሊያገኝ ይገባዋል ጄኔራል መኮንኖች አላቸው የተባለው ንብረት ይጣራ በሃገሪቱ የፖለቲካዊ እና የኢኮኖሚ ጥያቄዎች ሊመለሱ ይገባል የሚሉ እና ተመሳሳይነት ያላቸውን ጥያቄዎች ማንሳታቸው ታውቋል::የመከላከያ አባላቱ በኑሮ ውድነት እና በተቃዋሚዎች ህገመንግስታዊ መብቶች ላይ ያነሱት ጥያቄ አዛዦቹን ያስደነገጠ ከመሆኑም በላይ በአንድ ብሄር ላይ የተመሰረተ አስተዳደር እስከመቼ የሚለውም ጥያቄ መመለስ አለበት በሚል የእግር እሳት እየሆነባቸው ነው::
ይህ ከዚህ ቀደም የተጀመረው እና አሁንም በሰሜን እዝ እና በምስራቅ እዝ የተከሰተው የሰራዊቱ ህገመንግስታዊ ጥያቄ እና የጥቅማ ጥቅም አቤቱታ በመላው ሃገሪቱ ተስፋፍቶ በሁሉም የሰራዊት እዞች ውስጥ ጥያቄው መነሳቱን ምንጮቹ አመልክተዋል:: በተለያዩ ጊዜያት እየተንከባለለ የመጣው ይህ የሰራዊቱ አቤቱታ እጅግ አደገኛ አዝማሚያ እያሳየ ሲሆን በዘረኝነት ላይ የተመሰረተ አስተዳደር እንዲወገድ እና ህገመንግስታዊ መብቶች እንዲከበሩ ጥያቄዎች ገፍተው መምጣታቸው ሲታወቅ ከፍተኛ የሕወሓት ጄኔራሎች በየቀኑ ካለማቋረጥ ምስጢራዊ ስብሰባዎችን እያደረጉ ከመሆኑም በላይ ከየእዙ የሚመጣላቸው ሪፖርት መፍታት የሚቻልበትን ጉዳይ እየተወያየ መሆናቸውን ከዚህ ቀደም ምንጮቹ ገልጸው ነበር::
ሌ/ጄ ሳሞራ የኑስ ጡረታ ወቶ በምትኩ የብኣዴን ሜ/ጄ አበባው ይተካሉ ሲባል ወያኔ በድንገት የመለስ የቅርብ ሰው የነበሩትን እና በአንድ ወቅት የአማር ክልል አቶ አያሌው ጎበዜን ላንቻ አከባቢ በመኖሪያ ቤታቸው ለ3 ወር አግተው ሲያሰቃዩ የነበሩት ሌ/ጄ ዮሃንስ ገብረመስቀልን በማእረግ ሾሞ ሳሞራ የኑስን ለመተካት የሚያደርገውን ሩጫ የብኣዴን አባላት መቃወማቸውን ተከትሎ ጄኔራል አባባውን ጨምሮ የብኣዴን መኮንኖችን ያገለለ የሕወሃት አባላት የሆኑ ጄኔራሎች ብቻ የተሳተፉበት በትግሪኛ የተመራ ስብሰባ መደረጉን ውስጥ አዋቂ ምንጮቹ ተናግረዋል:: በስብሰባው ላይ ቀሪ ከፍተኛ ባለማእረግ መኮንኖች እና የመምሪያ ሃላፊዎች ለምን አልተሳተፉም የሚል ጥያቄ ከአንድ ስማቸው ካልተጠቀሰ ብርጋዴር ጄኔራል መነሳቱን ምንሊክ ሳልሳዊ ምንጮቹ ጠቁመዋል::
ይህ ስብሰባ ዋና አትኩሮቱ የነበረው በብሄር አደና ላይ ሲሆን እንደ ምንጮቹ መረጃ በአማራ እና በኦሮሞ መኮንኖች እየተመራ ያለውን የለውጥ ጥያቄ በማክሸፉ ዙሪያ እንደነበር እና አሁንም በስፋት የሕወሓትን የፓርቲ አቋም የሚቀበሉ እና የጥቅም ተጋሪ የሆኑ ሰዎችን ለመሾም የታቀደ ሲሆን እንዲሁም ከፖለስ ሰራዊት በከፍተኛ የማእረግ ሹመት ወደ ጦር ሰራዊቱ ለማምጣት የታሰበ ሲሆን በወታደራዊ ደህንነት ዙሪያ ሌላ ተጨማሪ ሰልጣኞችን ከፖሊስ ወስዶ በማሰልጠን ወደ ሰራዊት ማዘዋወር የሚሉ ውይይቶች ተካሂደውበታል:: አሁንም ስብሰባው የቀጠለ ሲሆን ተጨማሪ መረጃዎችን እንለቃለን::

Friday, May 30, 2014

Australia’s Oromo people rally in Canberra, Australia

Rally starts at Parliament Drive in Canberra on Monday 2nd June at 10am
australiaMore than 400 Oromo across Victoria, NSW, QLD, TAS, SA and WA will be gathering at Canberra’s Parliament house in a bid to expose the Ethiopian government’s recent human rights violations dubbed “Oromo Protests”. Since April 25, leaked photographs and videos show Ethiopian security forces shooting live ammunition at unarmed students in universities across Oromia. Reports of 85 students are confirmed as dead, 500 protestors wounded and over 5000 people detained in unknown camp locations as the Ethiopian government restriction of public media is in full force.
In response, more than 30 international cities including Washington, Oslo, Tel Aviv and London have staged mass peace protests, picking up interest globally and trending heavily on social media. US Congress members have also released legislature on May 9 to publicly condemn the violence perpetrated by the Ethiopian government against its people as well as publicly acknowledge and urge the Ethiopian government to respect human rights and democratic processes.
The government violence in Ethiopia continues to escalate in a bid to silence dissent for the proposed land grabbing in the capital city Finfinne (Addis Ababa). The “Master Plan expansion” seeks to dispossess Oromo farmers and displace 1.1 million hectares of land.
Ethiopia’s human rights abuses are well documented by human rights watch and US state departments and the current Oromo protests has renewed support to launch an international investigation to bring the responsible perpetrators to justice.
Federal Melbourne MP, Adam Bandt called for support of the Oromo people during Oromo protests held at Victoria’s State Parliament House.
On Monday, Australian Oromo communities will call on the Australian government to set an example by using its influence in the United Nations to put political, economic and diplomatic pressures upon the Ethiopian government to stop its continued attack on Oromo lives, their political organisations, educational establishments and the right to self-determination.
400 people from Australian Oromo communities Victoria, NSW, QLD, TAS, SA and WA will be gathering at Parliament Drive in Canberra on Monday 2ND June at 10am.
For information, please call Aliye (0422602204) Dereje (0432 639 074) or Yadata (0412 795 909)

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Barattooti Oromoo Yuuniversitii Haromaayaa 10 Doormii Keessaa Lolotoota Wayyaaneen Ukkaamfaman

Barataa Leencoo Fiixaa Hordofaa
Barataa Leencoo Fiixaa Hordofaa

Eegala Caamsaa 29, 2014 Haromaayaa (Qeerroo).

Guyyaa Ayyaana Wayyaanee Caamsaa 20 jechuun kabajamu mormuun barattooti Oromoo Yuuniversitii Haromayaa har’aa nyaata lagachuun mormii isaanii dhageessifataa oolan. Haala kanaan galgala ammaa sa’aa muraasa dura humni loltuu Federaalaa mooraa Yuuniversitii Haromayaa seenuun barattoota Oromoo 10 bakka ciisicha isaanii irraa deemee funaanuun ukkaamsee mana hidhaa hin beekamnetti geessee jira. Haalli kun haalaan sukkanneessaa ta’ee  jira.

  1. Sabboonaa barataa Leencoo Fiixaa Hordofaa agriculture waggaa 3ffaa ,bakki dhaloota Godina Shawwaa kibba lixa Aanaa Daawo
  2. Ararsaa Laggasaa kan inni baratu engenering waggaa 4ffaa,bakki dhaloota Godina kibba lixa shawaa aanaa Tolee
  3. Jaarraa Margaa,kan inni baratu water engenering waggaa 4ffaa bakki dhaloota Godina shawwaa kibba lixaa Sabbata
  4. Alsan Hassan bakki dhalootaa shawaa dhihaa Ambo,kan inni baratu electrical engenering wagga 2ffaa
  5. Walabummaa Goshee kan inni baratu Economics waggaa 2ffa bakki dhalootaa godina shawaa lixaa Ambo,
  6. Irranaa Kabbadaa kan inni baratu agricultural wagga 2ffaa bakki dhalootaa godina Shawaa lixaa Ambo
  7. Sanyii Yaalii kan inni baratu economics waggaa 3ffaa bakki dhalootaa godina Shawaa lixaa AMBO
  8. Biqila Toleeraa  kan inni baratu veternari Medecine waggaa 6ffaa bakki dhaloota godina kibba lixa Shawaa AMBO
  9. Raggaasaa  kan inni baratu waggaa lammaaffaa water engenering bakki dhalootaa Godina Shawa lixati 10.maqaan nu hin geenye
  10. Ammaaf maqaan hin baramne.

Qormaata Biyyooleessaa kutaa 10ffaa Kennamu irratti FDG itti fufe.

Caamsaa 27/2014 irraa eegaluun akka guutuu biyyaalessaatti qorumsa biyyaaleessaa kutaa 10ffaa keennamuuf wayita egaalutti Godina Lixa Shawaa Ambootti barattootni Oromoo m/b sadarkaa 2ffaa Liibaan Maccaa Amboo, fi M/b Amboo sadarkaa 2ffaa fi Qopha’inaa hanga barattootni Oromoo nu gidduudhaa hidhaman hiikamaniitti qorumsaa hin fudhannuu, mootummaan waraanaan nu jeeqaa ture barnoota utuu hin baratiin qorumsa irra ta’uun bu’aa maalii qaba jechuun gaaffii kaasaniinn waraanaa Wayyaanee humnaa ol itti bobbaafameen doorsifamanii akka qorumsa seenaan taasifamera.
Godina Bahaa Wallaaggaa Magaalaa Naqemteettis haaluma walfakkaatuun barattootni kutaa 10ffaa mormii guddaa dhageesisaa
qorumsicha qoramaa jiru. M/b sadarkaa 2ffaa Dargee, fi Manneen barnoota sadarkaa 2ffaa magaalaa Naqemtee keessatti argaman hundi
hanga barattootni Oromoo nu gidduudha badii tokko malee hidhaman hiikamanitti qorumsa hin fudhannuu jechuun mormii guddaa kaasanii
humna waraanaa waayyaanee hedduminaan itti bobbaafameen dirqisiifamanii qormaata akka seenaan ta’ee jira. Haala kanaan
barattootni manneen barnootaa sadarkaa 2ffaa kutaa 1offaa Godinalee dhihaa Oromiyaa keessatti argaman yeroo amma kanatti qorumsa biyyaalessaa kutaa 10ffaa qoramuu irratti yeroo argamanitti humna waraanaa fi humnoota tikaan doorsifamafi eegamaa sammuu nagaan akka qorumsaa hojjetanii qabxii gaarii hin galmeessineef shoroorkeeffamaa jiraachuun gabaafamera

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Secretary John Kerry Congratulate Eritrea on National Day

Happy Independence Anniversary
Happy Independence Anniversary
US Department of State
Press Statement
John Kerry
Secretary of State
Washington, DC
May 27, 2014
On behalf of the American people, I welcome the opportunity to send my warmest wishes to the people of Eritrea on the 23rd anniversary of your independence which took place May 24. Know that the government and people of the United States stand beside you in your continued search for the promise of a free, prosperous, and democratic Eritrea.

U.S. Relations With Eritrea

Fact Sheet
February 11, 2014
The United States established diplomatic relations with Eritrea in 1993, following its independence and separation from Ethiopia. The United States supported Eritrea’s independence, but ongoing government detention of political dissidents and others, the closure of the independent press, limits on civil liberties and Eritrea’s failure to accept a proposed U.S. Ambassador has strained U.S.-Eritrean relations. Eritrea’s authoritarian regime is controlled entirely by the president, who heads the sole political party, which has ruled the country since 1991. National elections have not taken place since 1991. Regionally, Eritrea has long-standing border disputes with Ethiopia and Djibouti that, in the past, turned violent. Eritrea remains subject to two UN Security Council sanctions resolutions.
U.S. interests in Eritrea include reconciling ongoing disputes with Ethiopia and Djibouti, urging progress toward a democratic political culture, citing and addressing human rights issues, promoting economic reform, and encouraging Eritrea to contribute to regional stability.
U.S. Assistance to Eritrea
At the Eritrean Government’s request, the United States no longer provides bilateral assistance to Eritrea. The United States has no military-to-military cooperation with Eritrea.
Bilateral Economic Relations
The Eritrean Government and ruling party control the economy. The United States and Eritrea have very little bilateral trade. Eritrea is a member of the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa, which has a Trade and Investment Framework Agreement with the United States.
Eritrea’s Membership in International Organizations
Eritrea and the United States belong to a number of the same international organizations, including the United Nations, International Monetary Fund, and World Bank.
Bilateral Representation
There currently is no U.S. Ambassador to Eritrea; the U.S. Chargé d’Affaires is Sue Bremner. Other principal embassy officials are listed in the Department’s Key Officers List.
Eritrea maintains an embassy in the United States at 1708 New Hampshire Ave., NW, Washington, DC 20009 (tel. 202-319-1991), but does not currently have an Ambassador to the United States.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Walitti Bu’iinsa Saba Amaaraa fi U/Oromoo Gidduutti Ta’aa Jiruun Wallagga,Anfilloo Irratti Oromoonni Sadii Mootummaa Wayyaaneen Qabaman.

Gabaasa Caamsaa 27,2014 D.Doolloo
Caamsaa 27,2014 Gabaasa Qeerroo godina Qellem Anfilloo irraa addeessuun yeroo ammaa mootummaan Wayyaaneedhaa saba biraa uummata ormoo irratti kaasuudhaan bu’aa keessatti argatutti jabeeffatee jira,akka gabaasni Qeerroo ibsutti duras akeekkachiisa uummanni keenya saboota kanaaf kenne irra darbanii ammallee uummata keenya arrabsuutti gamuu irraan uummanni keenya Aanaa Anfilloo keessattuu ganda Yattii,Ashii fi Eeneche jedhamu irraa tarkaanfii dhumaa fudhachuu keessa seenee jira,uummata diina walif taane waliin hiriirtanii nun tuqina jedhamee kanaan dura akeekkachiisni kennamieefii ture irra darbanuu irraan yeroo ammaa uummanni jiraattoota ganda kanaa tarkaanfii mana jireenya isaani gubuu fi reebuu irratti argamanii jiru.Sababa kanaanis mootummaan wayyaanee waraana isaa aanaa kana irratti ramaduudhaan uummata oromoo hidhuutti akka jiruu fi FDG aanaa kana keesatti ka’uuf kan jedhus sodaa irraan hidhaan namootaa itti fufeetu jira namoota yeroodhaaf hidhaman list isaanii arganne keessaa:
1.Qana’aa Tasfaayee-Qote bulaa ganda Yattii irraa
2.Kaasayee-Qote Bula ganda Yattii irraa
3.Wandimmuu Aseffaa-Qote Bulaa ganda Yattii irraa
Isaan kun ilaalcha siyaasa ABOtiin kaleessa irraa qabamanii mana hidhaa keessatti reebichi hamaan irra gahaa jedhu Qeerroon Anfilloo irraa akka ibsutti,walitti bu’iinsi jirun kan jabaatee jiruudha jedhu,gabaasni kanaa itti fufa!

Monday, May 26, 2014

Hayyama Hiriira Nagaa Paartiin SLM Gaafateef Deebisaan Wayyaanee Irraa Kenname Diddaa Dha!

Caamsaa 25,2014 Hawaasaa
Sidama Weddelli (Dargaggoo Sidaamaa) FDG itti fufuun gama biraan Uummatni Sidaamaa mormii mootummaa Wayyaaneef qabu dhageessisuuf SLM paartiin eeyyama hiriira nagaa karaa seeraa wayyaanee gaafate. Mootummaan Wayyaanee garuu eeyyama kana ni dide. Deebiin Wayyaanee kan SLM dhaaf debei’e akka maxxanee jiru kana ta’a. Kanas ta’u  Godina Sidaamaa aanaalee fi manneen barnootaa keessatti diddaan eegalamee jira. Yuunivarsiitii Hawaasaa keessattis sodaa diddaan eegalama jedhuun humni waraanaa dabalamee jira.FDG Oromiyaa fi naannoo Sidaamaa bifa daran jabaateen itti fufa.

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Why the Oromo Will Stop the AAMP by any Means, at any Cost The Struggle over Finfinnee is the Struggle for Oromia

May 25, 2014
Part One
By Mekuria Bulcha
The so-called Addis Ababa Master Plan (AAMP[1]) has ignited an Oromia-wide protest involving university and high school students. The TPLF-led Ethiopian regime has responded to the peaceful protests staged by Oromo students against the plan with tanks and live ammunition, killing dozens in the crowds. The protest, which started on April 24, 2014 at Jimma University, is joined not only by tens of thousands of the students of all the universities in Oromia but also tens of thousands of high school students and members of the local population in many cities, towns and villages. The voice of this massive Oromo rally against the AAMP cannot be silenced by bullets and tanks as in the past. It concerns not only the cause of the Oromo farmers in Central Oromia, whose livelihoods will be affected by the AAMP, but also that of all the Oromo farmers and pastoralists throughout Oromia whose farms and pasturelands have already been sold and are targeted to be sold to land grabbers by the present Ethiopian regime. In short, it concerns the survival of the Oromo as a nation.
 It is important to note that the conflict over the AAMP is an extension of the conflict which was ignited by the 2003 decision of the TPLF regime to evict Oromo institutions from Finfinnee (Addis Ababa) city and relocate them to Adama, a town about 100km to the southeast.Then the Oromo attempted to stop the eviction with peaceful protest but were met with atrocities by the TPLF regime. Leaders of the Maccaa Tuulama Association (MTA) and university students who organized that protest were arrested and jailed. The property of the MTA, a self-help organization which was established in 1963, was confiscated outright by the government. More than 300 students were expelled from the Addis Ababa University alone. Regrettably the struggle over Finfinnee which started 11 years ago is not over. The impunity of the TPLF regime, as reflected in the killings of many students who opposed the so-called Addis Ababa Master Plan, has continued.
In this article, I will attempt to explain why the present regime is consistently refusing to pay attention to Oromo grievances, such as the present student protest, even when expressed through peaceful means in keeping with the current constitution. I will also point out why the opposition started by the students of Jimma University on April 24 against the AAMP has turned into an Oromia-wide movement within a very short time. I will discuss how the uprising will reinvigorate the Oromo struggle for independence. In a speech he made at a demonstration staged to oppose the removal of Oromia’s capital from Finfinnee in 2003, the late Secretary General of the Maccaa Tuulamaa Association, Obbo Bekele Nadhi said that
The decision that Finfinnee [the Oromo name for Addis Ababa] is no more the Oromo capital is wrong. Oromo claim over Finfinnee is historical and legal. Therefore, we demand that the decision be revoked. Until the decision is revoked we will continue with our protest. If our protests will not change the situation, we will continue with the next phase of our struggle ( April, 2014; translated from Afaan Oromoo by the author)
The TPLF regime was forced to halt the eviction of Oromo institutions from the city in 2005 under pressure from both Oromo and non-Oromo opposition. That did not mean that Finfinnee was made to serve the Oromo people. In reality, the regime did not withdraw its decision, and the struggle over Finfinnee was not concluded. For unknown reasons, the Oromia Regional State did not build Oromo institutions in the city during the last two decades. Finfinnee (Addis Ababa), which is constitutionally the capital city of Oromia, is without a single public school that uses the Oromo language as a medium of instruction or a single newspaper which is printed in Afaan Oromoo. All of the newspapers which were started in the early 1990s were banned and their journalists were in jail or in exile by the end of the decade. To paraphrase what the young Oromo artist Jaafar Yuusuf has expressed with poetic eloquence and for which he was detained and tortured, Finfinnee is the capital city of Oromia and of over 35 million Oromos only in name. Thus, despite their historical and “special constitutional interests,” the Oromo who number between half a million and eight hundred thousand (or 20% of 4 million inhabitants of the city, UN Habitat, 2007) are marginalized and denied the use of their language. Finfinnee remains an Oromo city under a foreign occupation.

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Seenaa gababbaaa gooticha Oromoo Barataa alamnaa tashoomaa

Adla TashoomaBarataa Alaminaa Tashoomaa abbaa isaa Obb. Tashoomaa Baay’isaa fi haadha isaa Aaddee Qabbanee Luuccaa irraa bara 1988 A.L.H. aanaa Amboo ganda Qonnaan bulaa Qibaa jedhamee waamamutti dhalate. Akkum umuriin isaa barnootaaf gaheen bara 1997 mana barumsa Qibaa sadarkaa 1ffaa barnoota eegale. Kutaa 1ffaa hanga 7ffaa tti manum barumsaa kanatti baratee kutaa 8ffaa immoo mana barumsa Amboo Addis Katamaa sad. 1ffaatti baratee qormaata naannoo Oromiyaa kutaa 8ffaa fudhate. Barataa Alaminaa Tashoomaa erga kutaa tokkoo jalqabee barataa cimaa waan tureef qormaata kutaa 8ffaas qabxii gaarii galmeessisuun gara kutaa 9ffaatti bara 2006 darbe. Haluuma kanaan FDG Gootoota baraatoota Oromoo Amboon adeemsiifamaa ture irraatti Ebla 29,2014 osoo gootummaan gaaffii Oromoof jecha osoo gootummaan diina dura dhabbatee qabsawuu wareegama sabaa kafale. Wayyaanonni barattoota Oromoo gara jabina hamaan adamsanii haa ajjeessanuu gaaffiin mirgaa tasa hin dhaamu jechuun bakkoota adda addatti FDG itti fufee jira.

Friday, May 23, 2014

Seenaa Gabaabaa Gootittii Oromoo Barattuu Tigist Maammoo Simaa

Madda Walaabuu Tigist Maammoo
Barattoota Oromoo kan Yuuiversitoota garagaraat osoo karaa nagaan hiriira bahani dhimma abba biyummaa isaanii falmata jiranuu lubbuun isaanii waraana mootummaa Wayyaanen darbite keessaa seenaa gabaabaa barattuu Tigist Maammoo Simaa isiniif qooda.Tigist Abbaa ishee Obbo Maammoo Simaa fi Haadha ishee Aaddee Ayeetuu Maammoo irraa bara 1992 akka lakkoofsa Oromootti  Biyya Oromiyaa Godina Kibba lixa Shawaa Aanaa sadeen Sooddoo Ganda Saaririti jedhamutti dhalattee.Mana barnoota sadarkaa 1ffaa kan barattee 1_8 mana barnoota Calalaqa kan jedhamu miilan deemsa sa’a lama deemte barattee.sadarkaa 2ffaa 9_12 mana barnoota Harbuu Cululleetti baratte.Akkasuma qabxii gaarii fiduun Yuuniversitii  Maddaa Walaabutti waggaa 1ffaa barata osoo jirtuu  FDGf n gaaffii mirgaa baratooti Oromoo Ebla 28,2014 kaasaniin wal qabatee rasaasa diinaan wareega lubbuu saba Oromoof jecdha kafalte.
Gootittiin Oromoo Tigist Maammoo dhalattee ganna 22ti gootummaan uumata Oromoof wareega kafalete. Qabasaawaan yoo kufe illee Qabsoon itti fufee kaayyoo isaanii bakkaan ni gaha

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Yuniversity illee Oromiyaa mara keessaa miseensoota OPDO kan nyaachuuf jiraatanii,ilmaan nafxanyootaa fi ilmaan Kilaashinkoovota( Tigre) …

Oduu dhangala’a fi hubachiisa. 
Akka asaasa ( whisper) qondaala hoggannsa ol aannoo OPDO keessa argineetti, Wayyaaneen aango irra turuu isaannii akka yaadoo guddaa keessa galchee fi bakkii sodaa irraa qabaniis dhimma Oromoon waan isaan itti himaa olannii fi bulan irraa adda oduu argachuun yaadoo guddaa itti ta’u isaatti. Haalli kunni akkaataa barattootni Oromoo fi Oromoon addunyaa kana irra jiru Karaa quunnamtii brannee (cyberspace) fi booda irrattis OMN gadii bahuun dukkana guraacha sobaan Oromiyaa golgee turee xinnoo saaquu danda’uun Oromoon oduu addaa akka dhagahuu fi waliif gurra kennu gochuu danda’uun Oromoo imaammata Oromoon mana hidhaa Itoophiya keessatti ukaamameetuma akka jiraatu jedhu waan faalleessuuf kirkireen akka hoggannoota Atse TPLFti dhagahamee fi soso’a barattootaa fi Oromoo kan FDG kan adeemaa jiru humnaan dhaamsu dabalatee, waannuma Mootummootni Habashaa kana dura Oromoon akka waan isaa waliiraahis odeefannee fi oduu warri Habashaa isatti himan malee oduu Karaa biroo irraa dhufu dhagahuun yakka ta’u itti himaa bahan Sana itti fufuu waan barbaadaniif haala facebook, tiwtter fi email (cyberspace) ilaalchiise Osoo ol aantumaa waan garii tohachuuf waan garii irratti dandeetti itti qabannu humna namaa kan leenjifamee Oromoo basaasuun qabsiisu Yuniversity illee Oromiyaa mara keessaa miseensoota OPDO kan nyaachuuf jiraatanii,ilmaan nafxanyootaa fi ilmaan Kilaashinkoovota( Tigre) kan afaan Oromo beekan qaqaadhimuun dhoksaan oggeeyyii cyberspace kan alaa fi biyya keessaatin leenjiin kennamaa jiraachuun mirkanii ta’uu isaa asaaseeti jira.

“በኦሮሚያ ለተቃውሞ የወጡ ሠላማዊ ሰዎች ሲገደሉ ይህ የመጀመሪያ አይደለም ዶ/ር ነጋሶ ጊዳዳ ይህ ክስተት በጣም ያዘንኩበትና የደነገጥኩበት ነው”

 Posted by: Boonaa Dagaa May 22, 2014

ዶ/ር ነጋሶ ጊዳዳ የቀድሞ የኢፌዲሪ ፕሬዚዳንት እንዲሁም የኦህዴድ ሥራ አስፈፃሚ አባል ነበሩ። ከመንግሥታዊ ሥልጣናቸው ከለቀቁ በኋላም በግል ተወዳድረው ለሕዝብ ተወካዮች ም/ቤት ተመርጠዋል። በግል የተቃውሞ እንቅስቃሴም ተሳትፈዋል። የአንድነት ለዲሞክራሲና ለፍትህ ፓርቲን በሊቀመንበርነት መርተዋል። ከአራት ወራት በፊት ግን ከፖለቲካ አባልነታቸው በገዛ ፈቃዳቸው ለቅቀዋል። ሰሞኑን ከአዲስ አበባ እና ኦሮሚያ ልዩ ዞን ማስተር ፕላን ጋር ተያይዞ የተነሱ ተቃውሞዎችን አስመልክቶ አነጋግረናቸዋል።

ሰንደቅ፡- ከአዲስ አበባና ኦሮሚያ የተቀናጀ ማስተር ፕላን ጋር ተያይዞ በኦሮሚያ ክልል በሚገኙ አንዳንድ ዩኒቨርስቲዎች በተነሳ ሰሞኑን ተቃውሞ ሰዎች ለሞት እና ለጉዳት ተዳርገዋል፤ ንብረቶች ወድመዋል ይህን ጉዳይ እንዴት ተከታተሉት?
ዶ/ር ነጋሶ፡- ይህ ክስተት በጣም ያዘንኩበትና የደነገጥኩበት ነው። ምክንያቱም ተማሪዎችና ሌሎች ዜጎች የሞትና የአካል ጉዳት መድረሱ ብቻ አይደለም፣ በዚህ ጊዜ ከተከሰቱ ጉዳዮች አንዳንዶቹ በጣም መጥፎና አሰቃቂ መሆናቸው ነው። ሰብዓዊ ፍጡር አያያዝ በተመለከተ መጥፎ ሁኔታዎችን እስማ ነበር። ጭካኔዎች የታዩበት ክስተት ነው። አልፎ ተርፎም ጉዳዩ ወደአልተፈለገ የብሄር ጥላቻ የወረደበትን ሁኔታ በአንዳንድ ቦታዎች ተፈጥሮ ነበር። በተለይ በአምቦ የተከሰተው ተቃውሞ ሰዎች ሲጎዱ አሁን ለሁለተኛ ጊዜ ነው። ከዚህ በፊት አቶ ጁነዲን በነበረ ጊዜ በአዲስ አበባ (ፊንፊኔ) (1995 ወይም በ1996 ዓ.ም ይመስለኛል) ረብሻ ተነስቶ በጥይት ሰዎች ሞተዋል። ያን ጊዜ በጣም የተቸነውና የገመገምነው እንዴት ለሰላማዊ ተቃውሞ ጥይት ትጠቀማላችሁ በሚል ነበር። በወቅቱ ለዚህ ጥያቄ የተሰጠው መልስ እኛ ለልማቱ በቂ ገንዘብ የለንም፣ ስለዚህ ረብሻ ሲነሳ የምናቆምበት ሌላ መንገድ የለም የሚል ነበር። አሁንም ያንኑ ነው የደገሙት። ያ ጊዜ ካለፈ 10 ዓመት ይሆነዋል፣ ከዚያ ወዲህ ፖሊስን አስታጥቀው፣ አሰልጥነው፣ ሰላማዊ ሰልፍን በሠላማዊ መንገድ የመቆጣጠሪያ መንገዶች ተግባራዊ ማድረግ ይቻል ነበር። ነገር ግን አሁንም ችግሩን ለማርገብ ጥይት መመረጡ አሁንም ገና ኋላቀር ነን ወይ የሚል ነገር በውስጤ ፈጥሯል። ባለፈው ሳምንት ደምቢዶሎ አካባቢ ተማሪዎች ረብሸው ነበር። ለመጀመሪያ ጊዜ የሰማሁት ፖሊስ አስለቃሽ ጢስ ተጠቅሞ ተቃውሞውን መቆጣጠር ችሏል። አንዳንድ ቦታ የዚህ ዓይነት የመሰልጠን ምልክቶች መታየታቸው ጥሩ ነው። ግን በአጠቃላይ ሁከትን በሠላማዊ መንገድ የመቆጣጠር ጉዳይ ገና ኋላቀር ደረጃ ላይ ነን የሚል ስሜት ነው የተሰማኝ።

በሌላ በኩል በጉዳዩ ላይ ሰዎች ስሜታዊ እና ግብታዊ የመሆን ጉዳይም መኖሩን ታዝቤአለሁ። አንድ ነገር ሲከሰት ተናድዶ ወደተቃውሞ የመሄድ ነገር አለ። በተቃውሞ ጊዜ ሳትዘጋጅ፣ ሳትደራጅ፣ ተቃውሞ ሲወጣ ምንድነው መፈክር ይዘን የምንወጣው፣ እነማን ይሳተፋሉ፣ በመካከል ችግር ቢፈጠር እንዴት እንቆጣጠረዋለን ተብሎ መታሰብ ነበረበት። ምክንያቱም በተፈጠረው አጋጣሚ ሰልፈኛውን የሚጎዳ ድርጊት ሊፈፀም ይችላልና። ወይንም በሰልፈኞች መካከል ሆነው በንብረት እና በሰዎች ላይ ጉዳት የሚያደርሱ ሰዎች ሊኖሩ ይችላሉና አስቀድሞ እነዚህ ጉዳዮች ሊታሰብባቸው ይገባ ነበር።
ሰንደቅ፡- ምን ተሰማዎት ሁኔታውን ሲሰሙ?
ዶ/ር ነጋሶ፡- እጅግ በጣም ነው ያዘንኩት። የማስተርፕላኑ ጉዳይ ሲመጣ የሚያናድዱ ጉዳዮች ሊኖሩ ይችላሉ። ተናደህ በምትወጣበት ጊዜ እንደዚህ አይነት ችግሮች ሊፈጠሩ ይችላሉ። በዚህ መልኩ በስሜት ሰዎች አደባባይ ሲወጡ እንዴት ነው የምንቆጣጠረው የሚለው በመንግስት በኩል ዝግጅት ያለመኖር ነገር አይቼበታለሁ።
ሰንደቅ፡- ማስተር ፕላኑን በሚመለከት በተደጋጋሚ ከመንግስት የተሰጠው መግለጫ ሁለቱንም ክልሎች የሚጠቅም እንጂ የአንዱን መሬት ቆርሶ ወደሌላ የሚያስተላልፍ አይደለም የሚል ነው፣ የእርስዎ አስተያየት ምንድነው?
ዶ/ር ነጋሶ፡- የአዲስ አበባ አስተዳደር ይህን ቢልም፣ ባይልም ያለነው 21ኛው ክፍለ ዘመን ውስጥ ነው። እድገት፣ ልማት ይመጣል እና ዘመናዊ የመሆን ሁኔታ ይከሰታል፣ ይሄ የማይካድ ነው።
ሰንደቅ፡- ማስተር ፕላኑ ቢኖርም፣ ባይኖርም ማለትዎ ነው?

ዶ/ር ነጋሶ፡- አዎ! ይከሰታል። አብዛኛው ሕዝብ በአርሶአደርነት መተዳደሩን ትቶ ወደከተማ ይወጣል። ጥቂት አርሶአደሮች ይቀሩና በዘመናዊ አስተራረስ ብዙ ያመርታሉ። ትንሽ አርሶ አደሮች ብዙ አምርተው ከተማውን ይመግባሉ። አሁን አሜሪካ የእርዳታ እህል የሚሰጡን ጥቂት አርሶአደሮች ትርፍ እህል ጭምር ማምረት በመቻላቸው ነው። ይሄ የማይቀር ነው። ለምሳሌ እስከአዳማ ድረስ ይሄ ፈጣን የባቡር ትራንስፖርት አገልግሎት ቢዘረጋ ጥሩ ነበር። ሠራተኛ ከዚያ ወደዚህ ተመላልሶ መስራት ይችላል። ወደአምቦ ባቡር ቢገባ በጥቂት ደቂቃዎች አገልግሎት መስጠት ይቻላል። ይሄ ዓይነት የልማት መቀናጀት ይጠቅማል እንጂ አይጎዳም። በሒደት በትራንስፖትና በሌሎች መሠረተ ልማቶች ትስስሩ መጥበቁ አይቀርም። ለምሳሌ የኤሌክትሪክ ኃይል ከኦሮሚያ አካባቢዎች ይገኛል። ቆቃ፣ ግልገልጊቤ፣ መልካሳ፣ ባሌ ከመሳሰሉት ከወንዞች የሚገኝ ኃይል ወደሌሎች ክፍሎች ይሰራጫል። ህዝቡ ግን አያገኝም፣ የተወሰኑ ከተሞች ብቻ ናቸው እየተጠቀሙ ያሉት። እናም ከልማት አኳያ ከሆነ ነገሩ ጥሩነው። ይህንን የሚጠላ ሰው ያለ አይመስለኝም።

ሰንደቅ፡- ለተቃውሞው መነሻ ታዲያ ምንድነው ይላሉ? መንግስት እንደሚለው ሁኔታውን አለመረዳት ወይንም የውጪ ኃይሎች ጣልቃ ገብነት ነው?
ዶ/ር ነጋሶ፡- የውጪ ኃይሎች በሁኔታው ሊጠቀሙ ይችሉ ይሆናል። በኢትዮጵያ ውስጥም ቢሆን ወደድንም፣ ጠላንም ገና ያልተፈታ ጥያቄ አለ። የብሔርተኝነት ጥያቄ አለ። አንዳንዱ የኢትዮጵያ አንድነት ይላል፣ ሌላው የለም፣ በተቃራኒው የአንድ ብሄር ጉዳይ ማቀንቀን ብቻ ሳይሆን ከኢትዮጵያ መነጠል አለብን የሚሉ ኃይሎች አሉ። ሁለቱም ብሄርተኞች ናቸው። ለምሳሌ አንድ ጃዋር መሀመድ የሚባል ሰው በአልጀዚራ ቴሌቭዥን ቀርቦ ሲጠየቅ መጀመሪያ ኦሮሞ ነኝ ከዚያ ነው ኢትዮጵያዊነቴ የሚመጣው ብሎ ተናግሮ ነበረ። እነኚህ የኢትዮጵያ ብሔርተኛ ደግሞ እንዴት ኦሮሞ ነኝ ይላል ብለው በጣም ተቃወሙት። ሁለተኛ የሚኒሊክ መሞት 100ኛ ዓመት መጣ። በዚያ ላይ ኢትዮጵያዊነት የሚያቀነቅኑ ቡድኖች ኢትዮጵያን አንድ ያደረጉ፣ ዘመናዊነትን ያመጡ እያሉ ያሞግሱ ነበር። በሌላ በኩል በሚኒሊክ ወረራ ጊዜ ግን የተፈፀሙ ችግሮች ግን ነበሩ። ፈለግንም፣ አልፈለግንም፤ አመንም፣ አላመንም የዛሬዋ ኢትዮጵያ የተመሰረተችው በአፄ ሚኒሊክ ጊዜ ነው። ያ የሆነው በወረራ ነው። አዲስአበባ የተቆረቆረችው በ1879 ዓ.ም ነው። በወረራ ስለሆነ ያንን የሚያስታውሱ ደግሞ በብሔር እና በማንነት ላይ የተመሰረተ ፖለቲካ የሚያራምዱ ሰዎች ደግሞ የአፄ ሚኒልክ ሐውልት ከአዲስ አበባ መነቀል አለበት የሚለውን አስተሳሰብ ያራምዳሉ። ቴዲ አፍሮ የተባለው ድምፃዊ የሚኒሊክ ጦርነት ቅዱስ ጦርነት ነው ብሏል በሚል እነዚህ በብሔር ላይ የተመሰረተ ፖለቲካ የሚያራምዱ ኃይሎች በመቃወማቸው ልጁ በበደሌ ቢራ ስፖንሰርነት ሊያካሂድ የነበረው ኮንሰርት እስከመሰረዝ መደረሱን እናስታውሳለን። ይህ ከሆነ በኋላ የኦኖሌ ሃውልት ጉዳይ መጣ። ብዙ ብሔር ብሔረሰቦች በፅሁፍ የሠፈረ ታሪክ የላቸውም። የሚያስታውሱት ከአባት፣ ከአያት የተላለፈ አፈ ታሪክ ነው። ከትውልድ ወደ ትውልድ የሚያልፉ ታሪኮች አሉ። ሚኒሊክ በ1874 እስከ 1879 ድረስ ሌሎች የኦሮሞ አካባቢዎችን ከወረሩ በኋላ አርሲን መውረር አልቻሉም ነበር። እንዲያውም አርሲዎች በጦርነት ገጥመዋቸው በማሸነፍ አፄ ሚኒልክን አባረዋል። በመጨረሻ ብዙ ኃይል ካከማቹ በኋላ ነው ከአራት ዓመት በኋላ ተንቀሳቅሰው አርሲን ማስገበር የቻሉት። በወቅቱ በ1879 መስከረም ወር በተካሄደው ጦርነት በአጎታቸው ራስ ዳምጠው መሪነት ወደ 12ሺ ሰዎች መጨፍጨፋቸው ይነገራል። በዚያን ጊዜ ወታደሮቹ መጥፎ ነገሮች ማለትም ጡት መቁረጥ፣ እጅ መቁረጥ የመሳሰሉ ግፎችን ፈፅመው ነበር ይባላል። ያንን ለማስታወስ ሐውልት ቢያቆሙ እንዴት የዚህ አይነት ሐውልት ያቆማሉ፣ ይሄ ቂምና በቀልን ማስፋፋት ነው ተብሎ ተተችቷል። ይሄ ከሆነ በኋላ በቅርቡ በባህርዳር ላይ በተካሄደ ስፖርታዊ ውድድር ላይ የታየው ዘረኝነት በጣም መጥፎ እንደነበር ነው የሰማሁት። ፕሬዚዳንቱ ወደስታዲየሙ ሲገቡ የተቃውሞ ጩኸት ሁሉ ነበር ነው የተባለው። እዚያ የተነገረውን መጥፎ ነገር ሌሎች የኦሮሚያ አካባቢዎች ሰምተዋል። ይህ ቁጣ ቀስቅሷል። ይሄ ሁሉ እያለ የአዲስ አበባ ማስተር ፕላን ጉዳይ ይመጣል። ይህ ማስተር ፕላን በቅርቡ አዳማ ላይ ውይይት ተካሂዶበታል አሉ። የተሳተፉት የአዲስአበባና የኦሮሚያ ሰዎች ናቸው። ያን ጊዜ ተቃውሞ ነበር። ኤክስፐርቶቹ ተቃውሞውን በማውገዝ ይሄ ጠባብነት ነው፣ ብትፈልጉም፣ ባትፈልጉም ማስተር ፕላኑ ተግባራዊ ይሆናል የሚል አስተያየት ሰጡ መባሉንም ሰምተናል።
ሰንደቅ፡- ከማስተር ፕላኑ ትግበራ በፊት ግን ኦሮሚያ ከአዲስአበባ ማግኘት ያለባት ጥቅም ጉዳይ መመለስ አልነበረበትም?
ዶ/ር ነጋሶ፡- በሕገ መንግስቱ አንቀፅ 49 ንዑስ አንቀፅ 5 ላይ ኦሮሚያ ከአዲስ አበባ ማግኘት የሚገባትን ጥቅም በተመለከተ ሰፍሯል፣ ለዚህም ሕግ ይወጣል ይላል። እንግዲህ ተመልከት፤ ሕገመንግስቱ ከወጣበት ከ1987 ዓ.ም ጀምሮ ሲቆጠር 19 ዓመት ነው። 19 ዓመት ሙሉ ይሄ ሕግ አልወጣም። እንዲያውም በ1998 ዓ.ም የኦሮሚያ ክልላዊ መንግስት ለፌዴሬሽን ም/ቤት ስለዚህ ጉዳይ በደብዳቤ ጠይቆ ፅፎ ነበር። በሕገመንግስቱ ላይ የኦሮሚያ ጥቅምን በሚመለከት ሕግ ይወጣል የሚለው ምን ማለት እንደሆነ እንዲተረጎምና ሕጉ እንዲወጣ ብሎ ጠይቆ ነበር። ያውም ይህ ጥያቄ የቀረበው ሕገመንግሥቱ ከወጣ ከ10 ዓመት በኋላ ነው። መልስ ግን አልተሰጠውም።
ሰንደቅ፡- ሕገመንግሥቱን ካረቀቁ ኢትዮጵያዊያንም አንዱ እንደመሆንዎ መጠን በሕገመንግሥቱ አንቀፅ 49 ንዑስ አንቀፅ 5 ላይ ኦሮሚያ በአዲስአበባ የሚኖረውን አስተዳደራዊ ጉዳዮች በተመለከተ ልዩ ጥቅም እንደሚጠበቅለትና ዝርዝሩም በሕግ እንደሚወሰን ደንግጓል። በወቅቱ ሕገ መንግሥቱ ሲረቀቅ ታሳቢ ያደረገው ምንድነው?
ዶ/ር ነጋሶ፡- ይህንን በተመለከተ ነገሩን እንደገና ለማስታወስ፣ የሕገመንግሥቱ ቃለጉባኤ አንብቤአለሁ። ልዩ ጥቅም ሲባል የኦሮሚያ ክልል በአዲስ አበባ ቢሮዎችን ለመስራት ቢፈልግ መሬት በነፃ የማግኘት ጉዳይ፣ ህንጻዎች ካሉ በነፃ የማግኘት ጉዳይ ይመለከታል።
ሰንደቅ፡- ግብርን ይመለከታል?
ዶ/ር ነጋሶ፡- ግብርን አይመለከትም። ያን ጊዜም ይሄ ጉዳይ ተነስቶ በግልፅ ግብርን እንደማይመለከት መልስ ተሰጥቶበታል።
ሰንደቅ፡- የኦህዴድ ከፍተኛ አመራር ሆነው በአንድ ወቅት እንደመስራትዎ፣ በተለይ ኦሮሚያ በአዲስ አበባ ላይ ያላትን ልዩ ጥቅም በሚመለከት ከፍተኛ አመራሩ በግልፅ የሚወያይበት፣ ጥቅሙን ለማስከበር የሚሞክርበት እድል ነበረው?
ዶ/ር ነጋሶ፡- የአገሪቱ ፕሬዚዳንት በነበርኩበት ወቅት የኦህዴድ የሥራ አስፈፃሚ አባል ነበርኩ። በዚያ ላይ በአዲስ አበባ ጉዳይ ይሄ ሕግ እንዲወጣ ጠይቀናል። ጉዳዩም ያስጨንቀን ነበር። በወቅቱ እኔ የካቢኔ አባል ስላልነበርኩኝ፣ በመንግሥት ጉዳይ ስለማልገባ በምሳተፍባቸው የኦህዴድ እና የኢህአዴግ መድረኮች ላይ ጉዳዩ በተደጋጋሚ ተነስቷል። ይሄ ብቻ አይደለም፤ አቶ ዓሊ አብዶ የአዲስ አበባ ከንቲባ ነበሩ። ያን ጊዜም የአዲስ አበባ እና የኦሮሚያ ድንበር መካለል አለበት፣ አሁን ካልተካለለ ኋላ ችግር ያመጣል ብለን እንሞግት ነበር። በዚህ ጉዳይ ላይ አቶ ዓሊ አብዶ እና አቶ ሐሰን ዓሊ ቶሎ ብለው ኮሚቴ አቋቁመው እንዲያስፈፅሙ በኦህዴድ ደረጃ ተወስኖ ነበር።
የደርግ ማስተር ፕላን የትናየት ይደርስ ነበር። አሰላ፣ አምቦ፣ ፍቼ፣ ደብረብርሃን ይደርስ ነበር። በሽግግር ጊዜ የማስተር ፕላን ክለሳ ጉዳይ መጣ። በአፄ ኃይለስላሴ ጊዜ አዲስ አበባ በጣም ትንሽ ነበረች። ይህም አይሆንም ቢያንስ እስከ ለገጣፎ፣ በዚህኛው እስከአቃቂ፣ በሌላ በኩል እስከ ቡራዩ እንዲወሰን አስተዋፅኦ አድርገናል።
ሰንደቅ፡- ሕገመንግሥቱ ላይ የተቀመጠው ድንጋጌ አለመከበር ወይንም ዝም መባሉ አሁን ለተፈጠረው ችግር እንደአንድ መንስኤ መውሰድ ይቻላል?
ዶ/ር ነጋሶ፡- በትክክል። 19 ዓመት ሙሉ አንተ ባለቤቱ ካላስታወሰ ማነው የሚያስታውሰው? የኦሮሚያ ክልል ሕገመንግሥቱ ከወጣ ከ10 ዓመት በኋላ በደብዳቤ ጠይቆ ምላሽ አላገኘም። ከዚያ ወዲህ በተግባር ያየነው ነገር የለም።
ሰንደቅ፡- ለዚህ ችግር ኃላፊነት የሚወስደው ማነው?
ዶ/ር ነጋሶ፡- ክልሉን የሚመራው ኢህዴድ ራሱ ነው። የልዩ ጥቅም ማግኘት ብቻ አይደለም። ጉዳዩ በሕገመንግሥቱ ውይይት ጊዜ ተነስቷል። አዲስ አበባ የኦሮሚያም ዋና ከተማ ናት ሲባል የተቃወመ ሰው አልነበረም። ይሄ በኦሮሚያ ሕገመንግሥት ውስጥ ሰፍሯል። እና ባልሳሳት በ1995 ወይም በ1996 ዓ.ም ይመስለኛል የኦሮሚያ ዋና ከተማ ወደአዳማ እንዲዛወር ተደረገ። ያኔ እነአቶ ቡልቻ ሁሉ መስቀል አደባባይ ለተቃውሞ ወጥተው ተደብድበዋል። በወቅቱ ዩኒቨርስቲ ውስጥ ተቃውሞ ተነስቶ ጉዳት ደርሷል። ወደ 300 የሚሆኑ ተማሪዎች ለአንድ ዓመት ከትምህርት ገበታቸው ተባረዋል፣ አንዱ የወንድሜ ልጅ ነበር። ያንን ካደረጉ በኋላ ቅንጅት ሲያሸንፍ ኦሮሚያን ህዝብ ለማጓጓት ተብሎ መቀመጫው ወደአዲስ አበባ እንዲመለስ ተደረገ። ይህ ብቻ አይደለም፤ የተገቡ ቃሎችም ነበሩ። በአዲስ አበባ ለኦሮሞዎች የባህል ማዕከል እንዲሰራ፣ (አሁን ስታዲያም አካባቢ እየተሰራ ያለው ነው)፣ በተመሳሳይ በየክፍለ ከተማው የባህል ማዕከል እንደሚሰራ፣ ለሥራ ወደ አዲስ አበባ የሚመጡና ሌሎችም ልጆቻቸው በኦሮምኛ ቋንቋ ማስተማር ለሚፈልጉ በየአስሩ ክ/ከተሞች አንድ፣ አንድ ት/ቤቶች ይሠራሉ ተብሎ ተወስኖ ነበር። ያ እስከአሁን አልተደረገም። የባህል ማዕከሉም ዘንድሮ ዘጠነኛ ዓመቱ ነው፣ አልተጠናቀቀም። በየክፍለከተማው ይሠራሉ የተባሉትም አልተሠሩም። ይህንን ተከታትሎ የኦሮሚያ ጥቅም እንዲከበር አለመደረጉን በተመለከተ ክልሉን የሚመራው ኦህዴድ ኃላፊነቱን መውሰድ ይኖርበታል።

Ethiopia crackdown on student protests taints higher education success

Western backers of the Ethiopian education system should not ignore reports of violent clashes on university campuses
By Paul O’Keeffe
Oromia, Ethiopia, where at least three dozen people were reportedly shot dead by security forces during student protests
Oromia, Ethiopia, where at least three dozen people were reportedly shot dead by security forces during student protests
May 22, 2014 (The Guardian) — Over the past 15 years, Ethiopia has become home to one of the world’s fastest-growing higher education systems. Increasing the number of graduates in the country is a key component of the government’s industrialisation strategy and part of its ambitious plan to become a middle-income country by 2025. Since the 1990s, when there were just two public universities, almost 30 new institutions have sprung up.
On the face of it, this is good news for ordinary Ethiopians. But dig a little deeper and tales abound of students required to join one of the three government parties, with reports of restricted curricula, classroom spies and crackdowns on student protests commonplace at universities.
Nowhere has this been more evident than in Ambo in Oromia state. On 25 April, protests against government plans to bring parts the town under the administrative jurisdiction of the capital, Addis Ababa, began at Ambo University. By the following Tuesday, as protests spread to the town and other areas of Oromia, dozens of demonstrators had been killed in clashes with government forces, according to witnesses.
As Ethiopia experiences rapid economic expansion, its government plans to grow the capital out rather than up, and this involves annexing parts of the surrounding Oromia state. An official communique from the government absolved it of all responsibility for the clashes, claiming that just eight people had been killed and alleging that the violence had been coordinated by a few rogue anti-peace forces. The government maintains that it is attempting to extend Addis Ababa’s services to Oromia through its expansion of the city limits.
However, Oromia opposition figures tell a different story. On 2 May, the nationalist organisation the Oromo Liberation Front (OLF) issued a press release that condemned the “barbaric and egregious killing of innocent Oromo university students who have peacefully demanded the regime to halt the displacement of Oromo farmers from their ancestral land, and the inclusion of Oromo cities and surrounding localities under Finfinnee [Addis Ababa] administration under the pretext of development”. The Addis Ababa regime dismisses the OLA as a terrorist organisation.
While news of the killing of unarmed protesters has caused great concern among many Ethiopians, there has been little coverage overseas. The government maintains strict control over the domestic media; indeed, it frequently ranks as one of the world’s chief jailers of journalists, and it is not easy to come by independent reporting of events in the country.
Nevertheless, the government’s communique does run contrary to reports by the few international media that did cover the attacks in Ambo, which placed the blame firmly on government forces.
The BBC reported that a witness in Ambo saw more than 20 bodies on the street, while Voice of America (VOA) reported that at least 17 protesters were killed by “elite security forces” on three campuses in Oromia. Local residents maintain that the figure [of those killed] was much higher.
These reports, while difficult to corroborate, have been backed up by Human Rights Watch, which issued a statement saying that “security forces have responded [to the protests] by shooting at and beating peaceful protesters in Ambo, Nekemte, Jimma, and other towns with unconfirmed reports from witnesses of dozens of casualties”. One university lecturer said he had been “rescued from the live ammunition”, and that it was the “vampires – the so-called federal police” who fired on the crowds.
The Ethiopian government likes to trumpet its higher education system to its western aid backers as a crowning success of its development policy. As billions in foreign aid are spent annually on Ethiopia, the west must be more cognisant of the fact that this money helps reinforce a government which cuts down those who dare to speak out against it.
Inevitably, continued support for such an oppressive regime justifies its brutal silencing of dissent. Yes, the higher education system has grown exponentially over the past 15 years but the oppression and killing of innocent students cannot be considered an achievement. Any system which crushes its brightest should not be considered a success.

Ethiopia: Why do Somali People of Ogadenia State Demand for Independence from Ethiopia?

By Ahmed Abdi | May 21, 2014
Ogadenia“Injustice in the end produces independence.” whoever coined this phrase is right.As Ogadenia state is bleeding because of demanding Independence from Ethiopian occupation.
Ethiopia does not provide a quality education, proper health care for all, and Ethiopia does not respect for human rights and the rule of law in the Ogadenia state.Moreover, Somali people in Ogadenia state are second-citizens in their soil, there have never been equality and justice in Ogadenia state.
The BBC’s Elizabeth Blunt, who had a rare access to the region reported:
“An elderly goat herder, beside himself with indignation, launching a diatribe in front of a senior local official. He had lost two sons, he said, fighting for Ethiopia against Eritrea. And now the soldiers come to his village, chase everyone out and burn their houses, and then have the effrontery to tell him he is not a true Ethiopian.”
They, Somali people in Ogadenia, realized that the Ethiopian government is denying them every basic thing that a human soul needed to survive including clean water, sanitation and schooling except few individuals who spy on their relatives and abide by its ethnic cleansing in the Ogadenia state .
New York Times’s Jeffrey Gentlemen conducted an interview with an ONLF fighter that joined ONLF five years ago at that time,who said in a response when he was asked why did he join ONLF:
” I could not sit back and watch when I realized that no educationno health servicesno development, and children don’t go to school.I knew there were problems.”
The Somali people in Ogadenia State, who have long been exploited by the successive four Ethiopian regimes,Menelik II, Haile Selassie, Mengistu Haile Mariam, and Meles Zenawi, do not share Abyssinia (Ethiopia) with language, religion, Ethnicity, culture. You name it, they share nothing with Abyssinian (Ethiopian) Highlanders.
The Abyssinian (Ethiopian) highlanders (Tigray and Amhara) have always been patrolled and stationed more than 30 military garrisons in Ogadenia state in part of controlling it.
 According to Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International and Genocide Watch, The Ethiopian military and its allied militia of Liyu police kill ,detain,torture and rape the Somali pastoralists and commit war crimes and crimes against humanity.The Ethiopian government also banned the International media and aid agencies to enter the Somali region of Ogaden.
The army and the Liyu Police,militia slaughter villagers like animals in part of its counterinsurgency campaign as it happened recently  many villages in Ogadenia state. 
  • Ethiopia has been marginalizing the entire 8-10 million Somali Muslims in Ogaden ever since the British colony handed over the Ogadenia territory to the Abyssinian empire without their consent in 1954.
  • The Ethiopian government exploits the natural resources of the region and imposed (Gibbir)  tax payments on peopleland and livestock .( Gibbir is understood as a form of “tax” forcefully collected from the non-Abyssinian populations.)
The oppression that exists in Shinile Jigjiga Dagahbur, Fiiq,Wardher,Korahe,Gode,Afder and Liban has forced the people to think on their own in order to choose their own fate of self-determination. If Ogadenia is given every thing, there is no other option rather than full Independence. 
Moreoverthe example of Eritrea offers hope to many Somalis that the lasting peace and prosperity can happen only after full Independence. Eritreawhich has the toughest army in Africa won its independence after a hard fought 30-year-struggle against Abyssinian (Ethiopian) occupation.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Diaspora speaks for deliberately silenced Oromos

Ethiopian government responds to UN review

By Amy Bergquist, The Advocates for Human Rights
7May 20, 2014 (Twin Cities Daily Planet) — When students in Ethiopia started protesting last month against the Ethiopian Government’s proposal to annex territory from the state of Oromia to facilitate the expansion of the capital city Addis Ababa, diasporans mobilized to show their solidarity. As federal “Agazi” security forces cracked down, opening fire on peaceful protesters, placing students on lock-down in their dormitories, and conducting mass arrests, Oromos around the world staged rallies and hunger strikes to raise international awareness and to call on the governments of the countries where they live to withhold aid and put pressure on the Ethiopian Government to respect human rights.
In the first three posts in this series, I discussed the Oromo diaspora’s mobilization to shed light on the human rights violations on the ground, the sharp criticism the government of Ethiopia faced during the Universal Periodic Review on May 6, and the steps the Oromo diaspora in Minnesota is taking to show solidarity and press for accountability in Ethiopia. This final post tells some of the stories of Oromos in the diaspora who have spoken with friends and family on the ground in Oromia about events over the past three weeks, and also covers the Ethiopian government’s formal response to the UN review and offers some suggestions for next steps.
Not “voiceless,” but deliberately silenced by Ethiopian government
“We need to be a voice for the voiceless” has been a common refrain from the diaspora. But in my view, the students and others who are protesting in Ethiopia are far from voiceless. They have been bravely marching, placing their lives and academic careers on the line, to express their opposition to the government’s “Integrated Development Master Plan for Addis Ababa.” In the words of 2004 Sydney Peace Prize winnerArundhati Roy, “there’s really no such thing as the ‘voiceless.’ There are only the deliberately silenced, or the preferably unheard.”
The government controls the media and telecommunications in Ethiopia, effectively placing a stranglehold on open debate and criticism of the government. Historically, efforts by western media, including CNN, to cover events on the ground in Ethiopia have been stymied. The government’s repression and intimidation also create obstacles for independent journalists trying to cover the story from outside the country. I spoke with one U.S.-based reporter who covers the Horn of Africa, and he explained that when he tried to confirm casualty reports, hospital personnel in Ethiopia refused to speak to him, fearing for their jobs.
omn-main-logoThe Oromia Media Network (OMN), a Minnesota-based satellite news network that has been covering the student protests, offering commentary, and dedicating attention to the diaspora response, reported that on May 2, the Ethiopian government blocked access to its website, and on May 13, began jamming OMN’s satellite transmission. Oromos in Ethiopia have turned to the OMN Facebook page, urging, “Please send us a new frequency.”
The Ethiopian government even attempts to silence social media. One Oromo messaged me on Facebook from an internet cafe in Addis Ababa, but he said that he didn’t feel safe going into too much detail, fearing that the government or people in the cafe were monitoring his communications.
He’s not being paranoid, and the OMN experience is nothing new. The government has used its monopoly control over telecommunications to conduct surveillance of regime opponents, as well as to block websites of opposition groups, media sites, and bloggers. Speaking of bloggers critical of the Ethiopian government, since The Advocates for Human Rights launched this blog series on May 5, I’ve been pleased to see a huge spike in visitors from Ethiopia. We’ve had over 700 views from Ethiopia, and so far there’s no sign that the government is blocking access to The Advocates Post. We’ll keep our fingers crossed.
On May 5, I had a conversation with an Oromo in London who had just spoken with his sister, who the day before had fled to Addis Ababa from Madawalabu University in Bale Robe. She reported that the military had started beating students who were demonstrating at the university. She told her brother that students were unable to get the word out because cell phone and internet service had been turned off. She saw forces kill one student, but feared that there were more casualties. She was able to share the news with her brother only because she had fled 430 kilometers (267 miles) to the capital, where the phones hadn’t been shut off.
New reports that Ethiopian government is inciting inter-ethnic violence
I’ve read reports on social media that the Ethiopian government is provoking inter-ethnic violenceby spreading false reports of attacks and planned attacks. With no independent media, it’s safe to conclude that any reports on official media outlets in Ethiopia reflect the government’s efforts to shape perceptions of reality. When a vacuum exists where independent media should be, rumors—some likely fed by the government—can create fear and misunderstanding.
Flags of the Oromo and Ogaden people were on display at the May 9 rally in St. Paul, Minnesota
Flags of the Oromo and Ogaden people were on display at the May 9 rally in St. Paul, Minnesota
Outside Ethiopia, diasporans are actively combating efforts to divide opposition voices along ethnic

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Namni intaloo Tana Beektan Akka Warra isiitti Gabaastan,

Suuraan intaloo armaangadiitti argitantun,
Maqaan isii, ZiNNaaSH ASaFFaa DaCHaaSaa,
isiintun hujiidhaaf karaa koontaraata egensi tiin biyya YEMEN hojjachuuf kan dhufte yootahu,
akka namoota isii karaarraa arge irraa yaroo odeefannu,
guyyaa 14/05/2014 akka poolisiin mana hidhaa magaalaa Sana’a keesa mana hidhaa jiru keesaa baasee humnaan isaanitti kannuudhaan akka gara embaasii ethiopia geesan jechaaf, yaroo ijoolleen oromoo intaloo poolisiin itti kanne fuudhanii embasi ethiopia geesan, intaloon waan mataansii Xuqamee Jiruuf Embasin ethiopia isaanirraa fuudhuu dide waanta’eef intala oromooti jechuudhaan gara waajjra Tokkummaa Baqattoota Hawaasa Oromoo Yaman, fiduudhaan darbanii biraadeeman,
koreeleen ajjira TBHOY, INTALOON intala Oromoo tahuu isii hubannee rakkina isirra gahe yaroo gaafannu, intaloon mataan isii fayyaa waan hintaaneef akki nuu deebiste, ,< amata tokkoofii cinaa akka hojjachiisanii maalaqa ishee dhoorkatanii nama tumte jechuun mana hidhaa naqan>
saniinbooda koreen fayyaa kan TBHOY, INTALOO gara UNHCR itti debersuudhaan mana yaalaa kan nama mataan dhukkubuu galchine,
guyyaa 17/05/2014 Doktorri mana yaala gachinee nuufbilbiluudhaan akka intaloon Duute nutti himan, yaroo ammaatiif mana yaalaa mana reefkaa keesa waanjirtuuf, NAMOONNI ISHEETANA BEYTAN YOOJIRAATE AKKA WARRI iSHEE ejansi ishee Kontaraata Fuudhe INTALA ISAANII Seeraan Gaafatan, iTTI GABAASTAN KHABAJAAN ISN GAAFANNA!!
Waajjira Tokkummaa Baqattoota Hawaasa Oromoo Yaman,

Monday, May 19, 2014

Mootummaan Abbaa Irreee Barattoota Oromoo Adamsee Ajjeesuu, Hidhuu , Gara Dabarsuu fi Biyya Irra Ari’ee Wararsuu Toofta Godhatee Jira.‏

Caamsaa 17/2014  Gabaasa Qeerroo Jimmaa
Qeerroo bilisummaaGochaan gara jabinaa mootummaa Abbaa irree Wayyaanee FDG dhaabuu hin dandeenye, humnootni tikaa Waraanaa fi Poolisootni mootummaa abbaa irree Wayyaanee barattoota Oromoo Yuunivarsiitii Jimmaa hordofanii ukkamsuun mana hidhatti galchuu jabeessuun itti fufe.
Barattoota Oromoo mootummaa abbaa irreen hordofaman keessa barattootni hedduun yeroo amma kana Yuunivarsiitii Jimmaa, Adaamaa, Harammayyaa, Amboo, Wallaggaa irraa ukkanfamuun hidhaatti darbamaa jiru.
1. Barataa Leejjiisaa Alamayyoo Mummee mechanical Engineering Yuunibarsiitii Jimmaa irra eessatti akka hidhaman illee kan hin beekamne,
2.Barataa Abdii Turaa mummee seeraa waggaa 5ffaa Yuunibarsiitii Jimmaa irraa, wajjira Poolisii Magaalaa Jimmaa lakkofsa tokkotti hidhame jira
3. Barataa Israal Haptaamuu Yuunibarsiitii Jimmaa irraa,wajjira Poolisii Magaalaa Jimmaa lakkofsa tokkotti hidhame jira
4. Barataa Huseen Umar Mumme Afaan Oromoo waggaa 3ffaa Yuunivarsiitii Jimmaa Irraa,wajjira Poolisii Magaalaa Jimmaa lakkofsa tokkotti hidhame jira.
5. Barataa Walabummaa Dabalee Yuunibarsiitii Adaamaa Mummee Civil Engineering waggaa 5ffaa barattoota Oromoo Yuunibarsiitii Adaamaa hiriyoota isaa waliin humnoota tikaa Wayyaaneetiin Camsaa 16/2014 ukkanfamanii qabaman hanga ammatti lafatti hidhaman illee hinbeekamiin jira.
Ajjeechaa, hidhaa fi dararan qabsoo FDG goototni barattootni Oromoo gaggeessa jira, dhaabuu hin dandeenye, Mootummaan Wayyaanees haala kanatti naasuu ulfaataa keessa seenuun ilmaan Oromoo nagaa dhukaasee ajjeessuu, adamsee hidhaatti guuruu, fi wareersee biyya irra arii’achuu irratti argama. Haala kanaan barattootni Oromoo hedduun Yuunibarsiitii Jimmaa irraa Barnoota dhaabuun gara maatii fi firoottan isaniitti baqachaa jiraachuun hubatame jira.

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Gaazexaa Maqaa Islaamaatiin Kallattii Qabsoo keenyaa jijjiiruuf dhufe kana bituu dhiisuun shira Mootummaa kana haa fashaleessinu!!

Oduu Ho’aa
Caamsaa 17, 2014 (Bilisummaa) –Mootummaan Kallattii Qabsoo Hawaasa Musliimaa Jallisuuf “Bedr Islamawi Gazexaa” jechuun Gaazexaa haaraa Guyyaa Har’aa Gabaarra Oolchuuf akka qophaa’e beekame Jumaha, Caamsaa 8/2006
Mootummaan “Bedr Islamawi Gazexaa” jechuun gazexaa maqaa Islaamaa itti baasuun gabaa irratti baasuuf akka qophaa’e beekamee jira. Gazexaan kun Gaazexaa Dhimma Musliimootaa hordofee gabaasuu fakkeessuun guyyaa har’aa Gabaa irra oola jedhamee eegama.
Mootummaan Gaazexaan kana Gaazexaa Dhimma islaamaa hordofee gabaasu fakkeessuu fi qalbii Musliimootaa akka harkisu gochuun Fuula dura gaazexaa kanaa irratti gabaasa guutuu adeemsa murtii Koreewwan keenya Jaallatamoo kan barreesse yommuu ta’u, kaayyoon duraa gaazexaa kanaas kaayyoo Qabsoo Musliimaa cimsuuf qophaa’e taassisanii qopheessuun isaanii beekameera.
Gaazexaa kana irratti Barreeffamni dhimma Musliimaa ilaallau kan “Face Bookii” irratti barreeffamaa ture akka irratti barreeffameef, adeemsi gaazexaa kanaas gabaasa Qabsoo Musliimaa ilallatu barreessuun qalbii hawaasa erga fudhatanii booda kallattii qabsoo Musliimaa jijjiiruuf akka deemama jiru bira gahamee jira.
Barreeffamni Gaazexaa kana irratti barreefamu barreeffama qalbii Musliimaa harkisan gochuun Musliimoonni dheebuu midiyaa waan qabaniif hawaasichi gaazexaa kana baay’inaan ni bitata jechuun qarshii hedduu walitti qabachuuf deemaa akka jiranis bira gahameera.
Gaazexaan kun yeroo Namni mirga isaa gaafate hundi mana hidhaa seenetti, yeroo Gazexoonni waa’ee mirgaa dubbutan hundi cufamanittii, fi yeroo namni waan “face bookii” irratti barreesseef itti gaafatamaa ta’utti “Sagalee Uummata dhageessisna fi waa’ee qabsoo Musliimaan gabaasa” dhaadannoo jedhu qabatee dhufuun isaa dhugumatti kaayyoo Mootummaa dhoqate ifatti kan agarsiisu dha.
Yeroo Mootummaan nama Paampileetii “Dimtsachin Yisema” dubbisuu fi nama Paajii “Dimtsachin Yisema” banee dubbisu hordofuun yeroo mana hidhaa galchaa jirutti, Yeroo Mootummaan Gaazexoota Musliimaa hunda cufee fi hojjettoota gaazexoota Islaamaa mana hidhaatti dararaa jiruttii fi akkasumas Yeroo Mootummaan Koreewwan Keenya dabalatee Musliimoota Kumaatamaan lakkaa’aman himannaa sobaa uumuu fi ragaa sobaa irratti baasuun Mana hidhaa keessatti hiraarsaa jiru kanatti “Gaazexaan Islaamaa” dha jedhee maqaa baasuun gabaa irra oolchuun isaa ilaalcha badaa Mootummaan Hawaasa Musliimaaf qabu agarsiisa.
Nuti Musliimoonni yeroo hammaa kana yeroo itti goowwomsamuu hin dandeenye irra geenye jiraachuu keenya Mootummaan kun quba hin qabu??
Gaazexaan guyyaa har’aa maqaa Islaamaatiin daldalaaf dhihaatu kun Finfinnee Naannoo Masgiida Anuwaarii fi Naannoo Masgiida Nuur (benin)’tti baay’inaan gabaaf akka dhihaatu bira gahamee jira.
Nutis Gaazexaa Maqaa Islaamaatiin Kallattii Qabsoo keenyaa jijjiiruuf dhufe kana bituu dhiisuun shira Mootummaa kana haa fashaleessinu!!
Nuti Abshaaloota miti, Abshaaloonni garuu nu hin gowwomsan!!

Friday, May 16, 2014

Ethiopians March in Grand Island to Protest Students Killed in Africa

3747873_GMay 16, 2014, Nebraska (NTV ABC News) – More than 50 protesters took to the streets of Grand Island, to march against the killings of students in Ethiopia.
The Associated Press reports at least 11 students were killed in violent clashes with Ethiopian police recently.
Ethnic Oromo people have marched in cities across the world, including Grand Island.
Oromo is the largest state in Ethiopia, and there is a movement there to declare independence.
The march in Grand Island went from the Federal Building to City Hall, and attracted the attention of police. There was some confusion about the march, and Police Chief Steve Lamken advised city staff the marchers had the right to protest, as long as they didn’t block traffic or block the doors at City Hall.
Leaders in the local Oromo community in Grand Island said they wanted to draw attention to the plight of their people. Similar protests around the world have used social media to mobilize, especially Twitter, where they have been branded as the #OromoProtests.
Stay with NTV for more on the protest.
Source: NTV ABC News

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Har’a Caamsaa 15,2014 FDG Magaalaa Laqamtee Irratti Itti Fufe

Caamsaa 15,2014 Naqamte

Har’a caamsaa 15,2014 barattootni koollee fi mana barumsaa garagaraa keessatti argaman gaaffin gaafatame deebi’uu qaba kan jedhuun barattootni FDG marsaa lammaffaa itti itti fufunii jiru.Battaluma barattootni bakka garagaraatii walitti dhufuuf ka’anitti humni waraana wayyaanee kan duraan jiru irratti humna uummata ol kan tahe magaalicha guutummaatti fe’amee jira,waraanni wayyaanee guutummaa magaalaa Laqamtee keessa buufatee jira,diddaan barattoota sodaa malee akka itti fufu waamicha gochaa jiru,Gaaffiin bu’uuraa hamma deebi’utti barattootni oromiyaa keessa jirtan haa kaanuun dhaamsa barattoota mana barumsaa fi koollejjii garagaraa magaalaa Laqamtee keessatti argamuudha. FDG itti fufa hamma galii isaa gahutti!

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Gaaffii Mirgaa Ummatni Oromoo Kaaseef Deebiin Mootummaan Wayyaanee Keenne Gocha Suukkanneessaa Dha!!

Baatii Ebla 2014 irraa kaasee uumanni Oromoo guutummaa Oromiyaa keessaa roga maraan gaaffi mirga abbaa biyyummaa fi kan  nagaa democracy gaafachuuf jecha hiriira karaa nagaa bahan,manneen barnootaa sadarkaa ol aanoo fi gadii akkasumas magaalaa fi baadiyaa Oromiyaa keessatti Oromoonni kitiliin lakkaawam hiriira bahuun nagaan sagalee isaanii aduunyaatti dhageessifataa turan.Uummata meesha maleeyyii bishii coqorsaa baatee nagaan hiriira bahee mirga isaa falmatuuf mootummaan gaafatama fudhatee deebii karaa nagaa kennu dhibnaan Wayyaanee kan uumaticha anatu si bulchaa fi anatu nageenya keetiif gaafatama jedhu uumata nagaa irratti raasaasa roobsuun Oromoota heddumminaan fixe,kaan hidhaatti guure,garii madeesse,kaan biyyaa baqate. Gochaan kun gochaa sukkanneessaa ta’uu irra darbee uumata Oromoo qabsoo mira dhala namaa fi abbaa biyyummaaf godhu daran jabeessee akka  itti fufu taasisee jira.
Sochiilee uumati Oromo nagaan bahee mirga isaa gaafatu kanaaf deebiin rasaasa Wayyaaneen Oromoota ajjeefaman,madaayanii fi hidhaman seenaa isaanii waliin galmeessuun itti fufee jira.Hanga ammaatti Oromoonni 2600 ol mana hidhaa jiru,hedduun wareegamanii jiru,gariin madaayanii jiru. Dhimma kana irratti Qeerroon Bilisummaa Oromoo galmee Oromoota kanaa maqaa fi seenaa isaanii guutuu galmeessaa jira.Hamma ammaatti warra galmaayee gabatee itti aanu keessatti kaayaa warra hafan ammo yeroo gabaabaa keessatti akka xumuru ibsa isaa kaan addeessa.

Breaking News:- Wallagga,Magaalaa Innaangoo Keessatti FDG Itti Fufee Jira.Dhukaasi Meeshaa Waraanaas Dhagahamaa Jira.

DiddaaCaamsaa 12,2014 FDG jabaatee itti fufuun har’a Wallagga magaalaa Innaangoo jedhamu keessatti jabaatee itti fufee jira,Haala kanaan mootummaan Wayyaanee gaaffii mirgaa uumata Oromoo kana dhaamsuuf jecha meeshaa waraanaa fayyadamuun uumata irratti dhukaasaa jiraachuun beekame.Hanga ammaa uummati hammam akka miidhame hin beekamiin jira.
Loltooti Federaalaa magaalaa Gimbii irraa humna dabalataa gama sanatti akka deemaa jiran gabaasi Qeerroo Network ciccitaan nu dhaqabe addeessa.
Gabaasa dabalataaf ni dhiheessina.

Saturday, May 10, 2014



By Afomia yosef

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Jilli OPDO fi Mootummaa Federaalaan hoogganamu Ummata Oromoo Hiraasaa Jiraachuun Beekame.

OPDO.jpg saamtuuCaamsaa 8/2014 Erga Wayyaaneen maqaa koree tasgabbii jechuun ergamtoota Wayyaanee jila Abbaa Duulaa Gammadaa Waliin gara Godina Lixa Shaawatti bobbaaftee as ilmaan Oromoo nagaan 600 ol ta’an julmaan qabamanii hidhamaniiru, Sakkatta’insii guddaan Amboo irratti gaggeeffamaa jira, ilmaan Oromoo dhibbaan lakka’aman barbaadamaa jiru. Abbaan Duulaa Gammadaa Uummata julmaan hiisisuuf ergama diinummaa fudhatee bobbaafame. Erga Abbaan Dulaa Amboo seenee ijoolleen dubaraa illee julmaan hidhaatti guuramaa jiru: Shamarraan Oromoo Magaalaa Amboo keessa ukkanfamanii eessa buuteen isaanii dhabamee jiru keessa muraasni; 1.Shamarree Ayyaantuu Dagaagaa mana daldala huccuu aadaa Oromoo kan qabduu 2.Shaamarree Burgudee Araarsaa 3,Shamarree Baqqaluu Gidaada 4.Shamarree Dammee Taddasaa kanneen keessatti argaman ilmaan Oromoo ijoolleen dubaraa umriin isaanii waggaa 15 gadii illee kan keessatti argamaan ukkanfamuun hidhatti guuram

Statements on the Massacre of Oromo youth by TPLF regime in Ethiopia

WBOn Kibba Oromiyaa Keessa Sosso’u Waraana Wayyaanee Irratti Tarkaanfii Fudhachuu Isaa ABOn Beeksise.

Gootichi WBOn Moora Waraana Wayyaanee Guddaa Moyyaalee Jiru Weeraruun Tarkaafii Jabaa Fudhate

OromiyaaMadda Oduu ABO/MOA/Caasaa 6, 2014 Dhiigni Barattoota Oromoo fi ummata Oromoo falmii mirga abbaa biyyummaa irratti dhangala’ee fi lubbuun ba’e yeroo fi bakka fedhettuu haa ta’u gumaan isaanii ni deebi’a jechuun WBOn Godina Kibbaa Tarkaanfii Qubsuma waraana wayyaanee irratti fudhateen loltoota diinaa 15 ol hojiin ala godhe.
Gootichi WBO Godina Kibbaa gumaa ummata isaa baasuu fi bilisummaa ummata Oromoo dhugoomsuuf falmaa geggeessaa jiru Caamsaa 06, 2014 barii guyyaa har’aa sa’aa 6:00 irratti magaalaa Moyyaleetti kan argamu kaampii waraana wayyaanee guddicha irratti tarkaanfii boonsaa fudhateen loltoota wayyaanee 8 ajjeesuun, 7 ol ammoo akka hamaa madeessuun injifannoo galmeessuu isaa Ajaji WBO Godina Kibbaa beeksiseera.
Mooraan waraana Wayyaanee magaalaa Mooyyaleetti argamu kun humna kumaandoo fi poolisa Federaalaan jabeeffamee dahannoo cimaa tolfatee kan achi maadheffatee jiru ta’uu kan ifa godhe Ajaji WBO Godina Kibbaa, WBOn murannoo fi kutannoon tarkaanfii irratti fudhateen kasaaraa gudddaa irraan gahuu oduu tarkaanfii waraanaa ergeen beeksiseera.
Waraanni Bilisummaa Oromoo Godina Kibbaa tarkaanfii qubsuma waraana Wayyaanee magaalaa Moyyalee irratti fudhate kanaan qawweelee AK. 8 fi rasaasota gosa adda addaa hedduu booji’uun dantaa QBOf kan oolche oggaa ta’u, qabeenya diinaa tilmaamni isaa guddaa ta’es barbadeessee jira.
Waraanni Wayyaanee tarkaanfii WBO Godina Kibbaan irratti fudhatameen baarage meeshaalee gugurdaa karuma arge irra dhukaasuun ummata nagaa naannoo jiraatu gooluu fi balaa irraan gahuunis ibsameera.
Tarkaanfiin diinaa fi ergamtoota diinaa irratti fudhatamu bakka hundattuu jabaatee itti fufa kan jedhe Ajaji WBO Godina Kibbaa, ummatni keenya wareega fedheefuu osoo hin jilbeenfannee fi harka hin laanne, falmaa mirga abbaa biyyummaa fi bilisummaa isaaf godhaa jiru caalaatti jabeessee akka itti fufuu qabu dhaamee, WBOs karaa isaaf danda’ame hundaan osoo aara hin galfanne gumaa lammii isaa baasuuf kan warraaqu ta’uu beeksiseera.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Wallagga Keessatti,WBOn Loltoota Wayyaanee FDG Dura Dhaabbachuun Uumata Hiraarsan 5n Irratti Tarkaanfii Fudhachuu ABOn Beeksise.

WBOn Loltoota Wayyaanee FDG Dura Dhaabbachuun Uumata Hiraarsan 5n Irratti Tarkaanfii Fudhachuu Beeksise

(Madda Oduu ABO/MOA/ Caamsa 5, 2014)
Caamsaa 2/2014 Gootichi Humni Addaa WBO dhiignii fi gumaan ilmaan Oromoo hiriira irratti diinaan dhangala’ee lafatti hin haftu jechuun godina Wallaggaa bahaatti tarkaanfii haleellaa fudhatu jabeessee itti fufe. Haaala kanaan Onaa Siree Magaalaa Siree keessa seenuun humna waraanaa Wayyaanee irraatti tarkaanfii fudhateen loltoota Wayyaanee namoota Shan kanneen FDG dura adda durummaan dhaabbatan ajjeessuu gabaafame.
Loltoota Wayyaanee kunniin uumata hiraarsaa turanii fi FDG Siree fi Naqamte keessatti qabsiifame dura dhaabbachuun adda durummaan hojjetan
1. Maarii Asfawu,
2. Lijaalem Wandimuu
3. G/sillaasee kanneen jedhaman keessatti argaman haleeluun gumaa uummata isaa fi qabsoo bilisummaa uummata Oromoo galmaan ga’uuf tarkaanfii jabeessuu ajajni humna addaa WBO godina dhiha Oromiyaa beeksisee jira.
WBO godina dhihaa sochii warraaqsa amma uummanni itti jiruu fi FDG amma gaggeeffamaa jiru kun seenaa uummaata Oromoo keessatti bakka olaanaa kan qabachuu danda’udha jechuun uummaanni keenyaa haalaa kanaan jabaatee yoo itti fufu dhaammataa,mootummaan wayyaanee lukkeelee bobbaasee uumata keenya rukuchiisus WBOn bakka iyyuuttuu bifa kamiinuu ummata isaatiif waardiyyaa dhaabbachuun lukkeelee tokko lamaan akka funaan ajaji WBO godina dhihaa beeksisa

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

TPLF targeted the Oromo peopel and Oromo students

Ethiopia : Ogadenia, Oromio Communities in U.S Vows engaging Strong Diplomatic ties to topple Addis Ababa

By Ahmed Abdi 
May 5, 2014 (Ogaden Today) – A joint-meeting between Ogadenia and oromia communities in the United States took place in Minnesota on Sunday.

This session, which was attended by a large number of United States’ Ogadenia and Oromio communities in Minnesota was discussed about the new crisis and atrocities being committed against these two brotherly ethnics of Oromia and Ogadenia by the Tigray-ruled regime of Ethiopia.
For the last several days, the bloodstained regime of Addis Ababa massacred dozens of oromia students in Ambo and many other places in Oromia, following a huge protests amid to stop Addis Ababa’s proposed master plan.
Joint-MeetingFinally, a joint press release was condemned by the TPLF’s  brutal offensive and heinous crimes against the peoples of Oromia and Ogadenia. 
The press release was mentioned that from now on,the two will collaborate supporting the civilians in part of weakening Tigray-People’s Liberation Front (TPLF) politically and militarily.
Meanwhile, the two of the Ogadenia and Oromia communities agreed on to hold a huge demonstration in front of the Minnesota governor’s compound against U.S foreign aid to Ethiopia in the next Friday.
Source: Ogaden Today

Monday, May 5, 2014

World Wide Oromo Community Rallies Against Ethiopian Tyranny

World Wide Oromo Communities demonstration schedule. Please let us know if you have more to add to the list:

Oromo Community Place of Rally Date and Time
Washington, DC, USA Ethiopian Embassy  May 6; 9:00 AM
Washington, DC, USA White House  May 9; 9:00 AM
Chicago, IL, USA  Start at 230 S. Dearborn – ABC News  May 6, 11:00 AM
Los Angeles, CA, USA
 May 9
Portland, OR, USA
 May 9
San Francisco, CA, USA
 May 9
Las Vegas, NV, USA
 May 9
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada  450 Broadway  May 9; 12:00 PM
Calgary, Canada  In front of City Hall  May 9
Greater Toronto & Ottawa, Canada  Ottawa Parliament  May 9; 10:00 AM
Edmonton, Canada
 May 9
Vancouver, BC, Canada
 May 9
Columbus, Ohio, USA  In front of State House  May 9; 2:00 PM
Oslo, Norway
 May 9
Berlin, Germany  Federal Chancellor/Bundeskanzleramt  May 9; 9:00 AM
Den Haag, Netherlands
 May 9
Johannesburg, South Africa
 May 9
Melbourne, Australia  Parliament House  May 9; 9:30 AM
Denver, Colorado, USA
 May 9
Houston, Texas, USA  Federal Building, Downtown  May 9; 10:00 AM
Dallas, Texas, USA
 May 9
Seattle, WA, USA
May 7; 1:00 PM
Phoenix, Arizona, USA Downtown Phoenix to Arizona State Senate Building May 9; 8:00 Am
Phoenix, Arizona, USA Vigil light ceremony @ Arizona State Senate Building May 7; 7:00 PM
Geneva, Switzerland
May 9
Stockholm, Sweden  Sergelstorg May 9; 11:00 AM
London, UK  London Parliament at Old Place Yard May 6; 11:00 AM
Jeddah, KSA
May 8
Cairo, Egypt
May 7
Tel Aviv, Israel  In front of Ethiopian Embassy May 12
Atlanta, GA, USA  In front of CNN May 13; 9:00 AM
Sana’aa, Yemen  WAAMICHA MARII, DIDDAA May 9

Oromian News in brief: May 4,2014 Caamsaa 1,2014 hanga Ebla 4/2014tti Godina Wallaggaa Onoota garaagaraa keessatti Fincilli diddaa garbummaa(FDG)’n qabsiifame hanga har’atti jabaatee itti fufee jira.

Uummaanni Oromoo fi barattootni Oromoo dhaabbata barnoota garaagaraa hanga manneen barnoota sadarkaa 1ffaa fi 2ffaatti barachaa jiran gaaffii guddaa dhimma bilisummaa Oromoo fi mirga abbaa biyyummaa karaa nagaan gaafachuun hiriira nagaa kan uummata qotee bulaa  hirmachiseetu gaggeeffama jira, bifuma kanaan Onoota akka Haroo Limmuu, Limmuu Galiilaa, Guutoo Wayyuu, Guutoo Giddaa, Kiiramuu, Giddaa Ayyaanaa, Heebantuu, Arjoo, Gatamaa, sibuu Siree, Nuunnuu Qumbaa, Bakkoo, Billoo
Boshee, Guttiin, Diggaa Sasiggaa keessatti yeroo amma kana manneen barnootaa sadarkaa 1ffaa hanga sadarkaa 2ffaatti jiran guutummaatti barnoota dhaabuun cufamanii FDG uummata waliin gaggeeffachaa jiru.
FDG kana dhaamsuuf Mootummaan garboonfataa Wayyaanee waraanaa fi humnapoolisa federaalaa uummaataa fi dargaggoota dura dhaabee dorsisuus doorsisni  abbaa irree FDG uummataan fashalaa’a jira.
Onaa Limmuu Galiilatti poolisiin Federaalaa Sochii uummataa dhaabsisuuf uummataa reebuun hedduu hiraarsuu irraa kan ke’e uummata hedduu  aarsee gara of irraa ittisuutti akka seenan taasise.Hhaala kanaan uummanni konkolaataa poolisii federaalaa tokkoo dhagaan reebee caccabsuun tajaajilaan ala godhee jira.
Haaluma walfakkaatuun hiiriirri nagaa gaaffii mirgaa abbaa biyyummaa fi bilisummaa uummataa Oromoo fiduuf gaggeeffamuu Godina Wallaggaa lixaa Onoota garaagaraa fi University wallaggaa damee Gimbiitiin jabaatee itti fufe jira. Onoota kanneen akka Inaangoo, Najjoo, Arjoo Guddattuu, Dongoroo, Gimbii, Ariyaa, Gullisoo, Asoosaa, Gidaamii, fi Beegii fa’itti diddaan uummataa fi barattoota Oromootiin gaggeeffama jira. uummaanni karaa nagaa fi dimookiraasii ta’een yaada isaa dhiyeefgfatee isin nu hin bulchitan nuti ofiin of bulchuu barbaadna jechuun dhaadannoo dhageesisuun FDG qindoomina qabu gaggeessa jira.
Godina Horroo Guduruu Wallaaggaattis haaluma wal fakkaatuun uummaanni Onoota akka Jaartee ,Jaardagaa, Hammuruu, Hagamsa,fa’itti FDG uummataa fi barattoota Oromootiin gaggeeffama jira. Guyyaa har’aa immoo Magaalaa Shaambuu keessatti FDG guddaatu eegama jira.
Caamsaa 1/2014 Ajajootni Dhibbaa polisootni dhalootan Oromoo ta’an Magaalaa Naqemtee irra qabamuun mana hidhatti darbatamaniru. poolisotni Oromoo hidhaman kun Oromummaa fi FDG gaggeeffamaa jiru keessa harka qabdu jechuun hidhaman. maqaan isaanii 1.Ajajjuu dhibbaa Haataatu Raggaasaa Dhiinsaa, 2,Ajaja dhibbaa Taddasee Laggasee Gammachuu, 3,Ajaja dhibbaa Ayyaanaa Milkeessaa Raggaasaa, fi 4.Ajaja Alamuu Qixxeessaa Sanyii kanneen jedhaman uummaata waliin hiriirtan
isiin diina jechuun qabamani hidhaa galfamanii jiru.
Itti fufee Godinaa dhiha Oromiyaa keessattuu onaa Begii,Gidaamii,Jimmaa Horroo,Qeebbee,Qaaqee,Haroo Sabbuu fi kkf kessatti FDG haalaan itti fufee jira.Kaleessaa fi har’a jabaatee itti fufeera.Jarsoliin biyyaa mootummaa fi baratoota gidduu seenuun dubbachaa jiran.Humni federaalaa namoota hedduu qabee hidhaa jira.Hiriira guddaa har’a magaalaa Begiitti taasifameen poolisiin oromiyaa naannoo sanaa uffanaa polisaa fi hedhannoo guutuu hidhatan  ummata  woliin hiriira bahuun Pilaana qinadaa’aa magalaa Finfinee fi nanna’a addaa oromiyaa akka hojii irra hin oolle.Namooni ilmaan oromoo ajjeesan seeraaf haa dhihatan.Hidhaa fi ajjechaan haa dhabbatu.Oromiyaan kan Oromoo ti.Finfinneen kan Oromiyaa ti fi kkf dhadannoo jedhu dhagesisan jiran.Hiriira sana
irrattis irra guddaan qotee bultoota badiyyaa dhufantu irratti argame. Nutis akka jiratonni naannoo dhimmi kun irra guddaan dhima silaa mootummaan naannoo Oromiyaa gaafachuu qabu ture.Nuti isin filanne waan bakka isin buufanneef samicha dachee oromiyaa irra gahu nu irraa dhabsisuuf iyyachuu qabdan kan jedhu akka bulchinsaa fi qaamolee mootummaa adda addaa naannoo isaanii jiranitti himanii hanga danda’ametti ofitti dabaluu carraqan ture.Kan biraa diddaa sana gara badiyyatti gadi buusuun qotee bulaan akka mootummaa kana irratti fincilu gochuu irratti akka jabatan itti dhaamne.Haala nama jajjabeessuun deemaa jira.
Qonnaa Hindii guddaa maqaan “Ethiopian” (Wallaggaa)  Green Focus jedahamuu fi Baha Wallaggaa nannoo Ukkee Qarsaa Laga Harree fi Alaltuu gidduu lafa bal’aa irra jiru irratti kan hojjatan hojjattootni qonnaa kanaa gaaffiin barattootaa haa deebi’uu jechuun hojii dhabanii jiran. HIndootni abbaa qonnaa kanaa qonnaan isaanii Mangaa fi kkf bishaan dhabee badaa jiraatuu irraa hedduu rakkina akka seenanii jiran gabaafamee jira

Caamsaa 5,2014 irraa kaasee Itti fufi FDG Oromiyaa guutuutti qabate ammoo walii gala Oromiyaa keessatti bifa daran jabaateen itti fufsiisuuf caasaan Qeerroo Bilisummaa qophii xumree jira.

Sunday, May 4, 2014


GAAFA GUYYAA 9-05-2014


BILBILA KOREE +47 99 55 79 06/+47 40 04 55 92/+47 92 69 13 72 E-MAIL :

ለኦህዴድ ባለስልጣናትና አባላት; ለኦሮሚያ ፖሊስ አባላት፣ etc

From Qeerroo Oromia
ለኦህዴድ ባለስልጣናትና አባላት፣
ለኦሮሚያ ፖሊስ አባላት፣
ለኦሮሚያ አድማ በታኝ ፖሊስ አባላት፣
ለኦሮሚያ ማረሚያ ቤቶች ፖሊስ አባላት እንዲሁም
የፌዴራል ፖሊስ አባል ለሆናችሁ የኦሮሞ ልጆች እንዲሁም በወያኔ መከላከያ ሠራዊት ውስጥ ለሚትገኙ ወገኖች በሙሉ
እናንተስ ከየትኛው ወገን ናችሁ!?
ይህንን ወቅታዊና ታርካዊ ጥያቄ ትመልሱ ዘንድ ጊዜው ደረሰ። እናንተ የሚታገለግሉት አሸባር ቡድን ጠላትነቱን በገሃድ ባረጋገጠ መልኩ ህዝባችሁን በገዛ ሃገሩ ላይ በአልሞ ተኳሽ ነፍሰገዳዮች ጥይት ሲያስረሸን ከዓይናችሁ ኣልፎ የድፍን ዓለም መነጋገሪያ ሆኗል። ከዚህ ህዝባችሁ ላይ ከተቃጣ ወደር የለሽ የጂኖሳይድ ጭፍጨፋ ተሳታፊነት ራሳችሁን እንዲታቅቡ፤ እንዲሁም ይንን የዳግማዊ ነፍጠኞች ወረራን ለመቀልበስ ይቻል ዘንድ ከህዝባችሁ ጎን በመሆን ሰልፋችሁን እንዲታስተካክሉ ታሪካዊ ጥሪ ቀርቦላችኋል።
ከዚህ በፊትም በህዝባችሁ ላይ ስደረግ የነበረውን መሰል ጭፍጨፋና ፈርጀ ብዙ ጭቆና ተባባሪ እንዳትሆኑ ፣ ከተቻለ ደግሞ ከህዝባችሁ ፍላጎት ኣንጻር እንዲትሰለፉ ህዝባችሁ ተመሳሳይ ጥሪዎችን ስያቀርብላችሁ መቆየቱ ይታወሳል። ሆኖም ግን በወቅቱ ለዚህ ሕዝባዊ ጥሪ አዎንታዊ ምላሽ ባለመስጠታችሁ ይባስ ብሎም ተሳታፊ ሆኖ በመገኘታችሁ የኦሮሞ ህዝብ ለአሳቃቂ እልቂት ተዳርጓል።
ይህ ተደጋጋሚ ጭፍጨፋና ጭቆና የበዛበት ህዝብ ራሱን ለመከላከልና ብሔራዊ ነፃነቱን ለመጎናጸፍ ያለዉን ብቸኛ መንገድን በህይዋቱ ቤዛ ተያይዞታል።
ታላቁ የኦሮሞ ህዝብ በዳግማዊ ነፍጠኛ ኃይሎች እየደረሰበት ያለውን አሰቃቂ ጥቃት በመመከት ለትግሉ ያለውን ጽናት ና ቁርጠኛነት በውል አራጋግጧል። ይህ ህዝባዊ ንቅናቄ ለመጨረሻ ግቡ እስኪ በቃ ድረስ አጠቃላይ ሕዝባዊ ኃይሉን በማቀናጀት በተጠናከረ መልኩ እንዲቀጥል ለህዋታቸው ሳይሳሱ የሚተጉ ኣእላፍ የቁርጥ ቀን ልጆቹን ኣሰልፏል።
በመሆኑም ከላይ በተጠቀሰዉ መዋቅር ዉስጥ የሚትገኙ የኦሮሞ ልጆች፣ በተለይ ደግሞ የወታደራዊና ፖሊሲ አባላት ለሆናችሁ ታጣቂ ኃይሎች ህዝባችሁን የማዳን ብሔራዊ ግዴታን ትወጡ ዘንድ እነሆ ይህ ታሪካዊ ጥሪ በዲጋሚ ቀርቦላችኋል። ስለዚህ በመፍረስ ላይ የሚገኘውን አሸባሪ ሥርዓት በመልቀቅ ለዚህ ብሔራዊ ጥሪ ፈጣንና ተግባራዊ ምላሽ በመስጠት ራሣችሁን ከተጠያቂነት እንዲታድኑ ይሁን!
ዘለዓለማዊ ክብር ለተሰው ንጹሃን የኦሮሞ ተማሪዎች!!

Qeerroo Oromia   

May 3,2014, Oromian News Update.

Caamsa 3,2014 Finfinnee
 Naqamtee. Barattootni mooraa keessatti hafan diddaan keenya itti fufa humna tokkoomeen fi uummata waliin taanee boodatti hin jennu kan hidhameef haamileen kenya nun bu’u jabinaan itti fufna jedhhu Qeerroon mooraa Yuuniversitii Wallaggaa guyyaa har’aa daran wal qindeessaa oolan.
Yuuniversitii Wallaggaa dame eShaambuu. Akkasuma barattootni sadarkaa 2ffaa fi 1ffaa Shaabuu har’a itti fufee oole.
Sibuu Siree:-  guyyaa har’aa gaaffii wal tahuudhaan waajjira poolisii magaalaa Siree deemuudhaan gaafatanii jiru,barataan keenya haga yoomitti rasaasaan reebamee du’aa,haga yoomitti mana hidhaatti guuramaa? Lafti keenya haga yoomitti gurguramaa? jechuun hedduun umuriin isaanii 12 fi 16 gidduu ta’an barattootni waliin bobbadhudhaan gaaffii mirgaa gaafatanii jiru poolisiin magaalaa kanaallee gaaffii isaanii deggeruudhaan argame jedhu Qeerroon magaalaa Naqamtee irraa addeessu.
Magaalaa Baakkoo:- guyyuma kana Qeerroon magaalaa Baakkoo tokkummaan ka’uun waajira Poolisaa deemuun gaaffii mirga Oromoo fi abbaa biyyummaa ifatti gaafataa turan.
Yuunibarsiitii Walqixee : guyyaa har’aa Camsaa 3/2014 Barattootni Oromoo gaaffii mirgaa fi bilisummaa Oromoo Qeerroowwaan barattootni Oromoo fi uummaanni Oromoo, Oromiyaa guutuu keessaatti gaggeessa jiran gaaffii keenya, jechuun gaaffiin keenya deebii argachuu qaba, jechuun Sagaalee isanii dhageesifatan.
Kibbaa Lixa Shaawaa:- kanneen akka wancii (Leemaan), Tajii, Sabbataa, aanaa Sadan Soodoo fi Ammayya fa’itti FDG’n itti fufee jira.

Friday, May 2, 2014

Ethiopia protest: Ambo students killed in Oromia state

_74607171_ethiopiaoromia4640514May 2, 2014 (BBC News) — At least nine students have died during days of protests in Ethiopia’s Oromia state, the government has said.
However, a witness told the BBC that 47 were killed by the security forces.
She said the protests in Ambo, 125km (80 miles) west of Addis Ababa began last Friday over plans to expand the capital into Oromia state.
The government did not say how most of the deaths had been caused but the Ambo resident said she had seen the army firing live ammunition.
“I saw more than 20 bodies on the streets,” she said.
“I am hiding in my house because I am scared.”


The student protestors are from Ethiopia’s biggest ethnic group, the Oromo, numbering around 27 million people.
Oromia is the country’s largest region, completely surrounding the capital Addis Ababa, although the city is itself part of the Amhara region.
Its people speak their own language – Oromifa – and see themselves as very different from the Amhara.
The protesters believe they face losing their regional and cultural identity if plans to extend Addis Ababa’s administrative control into parts of Oromia get the go-ahead.
Some have also raised fears of the potential for land grabs.
The so called “master-plan” for Addis Ababa is currently out for public consultation and the government says people are being given opportunities to raise their concerns.
Officials say the plan has been well publicised and will bring city services to poor rural areas.
The protestors claim they merely wanted to raise questions about the plan – but were answered with violence and intimidation.
The Ambo resident said that four students had been killed on Monday and another 43 in a huge security crackdown on Tuesday, after a huge demonstration including many non-students. Since then, the town’s streets have been deserted, she said, with banks and shops closed and no transport.
She said teaching had been suspended at Ambo University, where the protests began, and students prevented from leaving.
In a statement, the government said eight people had died during violent protests led by “anti-peace forces” in the towns of Ambo and Tokeekutayu, as well as Meda Welabu University, also in Oromia state.
It said one person had been killed “in a related development” when a hand grenade was thrown at students watching a football match.
The statement blamed the protests on “baseless rumours” being spread about the “integrated development master plan” for the capital.
BBC Ethiopia analyst Hewete Haileselassie says some ethnic Oromos feel the government is dominated by members of the Tigre and Amhara communities and they would be loath to see the size of “their” territory diminish with the expansion of Addis Ababa, which is claimed by both Oromos and Amharas.
Source: BBC News