Saturday, September 7, 2013

Toronto, Canada, Colorfully Celebrates the 2013 Irreecha Oromo National Holiday (Oromo Thanksgiving Festival)
(Urjii Online) – Oromos in the the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) and other cities in Ontario and other parts of Canada warmly celebrated this year’sIrreecha Holiday yesterday, August 31, 2013, in the suburb of Whitby, a typical countryside environment that closely resembled that of Oromia. The 2013 Irreecha of Toronto has also attracted some Oromos from cities like Washington D.C. and New York from across the border in U.S.A. There were also visitors from Germany.
As usual, this year’s Irreecha celebration in Toronto included ceremonies, such as dhibayyuuor sacrifice, cleansing or cuphaahulluuqqoo anddarraa-gubaa or fireworks. Irreecha, which is often described by anthropologists as “the channel toWaaqa,” in all its senses, is equivalent of what the Westerners call and celebrate as “Thanks Giving.” Particularly, the “Dhibayyuu” part of the Irreechaceremony is the part that signifies the saying “thank you” to Waaqa aspect of the Holiday. Oromos of all religions, ages and genders gathered in Whitby to celebrate Irreecha.
Ayyaanni Irreecha Torontoo haala daran gammachiisaa ta’een guyyaa hagayya 31, 2013 namoonni hedduun bakka argamanitti kabajamee ooleera. Ayyaana baranaa ka durii irraa kan adda godhu namoonni heddumminaan bahuu fi dargagoonni Oromoo Torontoo fi naannoo ishee waldaa maqaa Raaba Oromiyaa jedhuun ijaaraman gurmuudhaan argamuun Irreechi qaama Sirna Gadaa qaroomina uummata Oromoon tolfame waan ta’eef, ittiin boonuu qofa osoo hin ta’in bakka amma jiru irraa uummata Oromoo waliin akka dagaagsinu jechuun bakka bu’aan dargagoota kanaa dhaamsa dabarseera. Do’ii gabaabaanis dargagoota kanaan uummataaf dhiyaateera.
Uummanni Oromoo magaalota kanadaa fi USA irraa irratti argamaniiru. Magaalota akka Ottawa, Hamilten, Kitchener, New York fi Washington DC kan dhufan irratti argamaniiru.
Akkasumas guyyuma kana aadaan Oromoo akka dagaaguu fi ayyaanni Irreecha akka jiraatuu fi dhaloota dhufutti akka darbu gumaacha olaanaa namoota kennan sadii koreen Irreecha Torontoo badhaafteetti.
Badhaafamtoonni kunis Dr. Ali Birraa, Dr. Kuwee Kumsaa fi Aadde Aisha Ahmed jedhaman. Dr. Ali Birraa haasaa gababaa godheen abaabayyoonni keenya sirna ittiin Waaqa isaanii kadhataa turan waan ta’eef sirni akka Irreecha yoo dagaage tokkummaan uummata Oromoo itittaa akka ta’u hamilee guutuun dubbateera.
Guyyuma kana sirni Hulluuqoo fi Gubaa raawwatameera. Sirna gubaa irratti Hawwissoon magaalaa Torontoo fi uummanni hanga waarii duubaatti sirboota aadaa fi waraaqsaa sirbuun waari’aniiru. Xumura ayyaana kanaa duuba uummani Oromoo gara fuula duraatti daran kan ammaa caalaatti dagaagee dhaloota dhufuuf akka darbu yaada ballaa irratti wal jijjiiruudhaan hamileen cimanii irratti hojjechuuf waadaa walii seenan.

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