Sunday, August 31, 2014

Qabsoo maqaa dhooftee KADHAAF marxifattee, Osoo mana jirtuu nan hidhame jettee, osoo hin tuqamin nan reebame jettee,,

Posted by: Boonaa Dagaa August 29, 2014
Qabsoo dhiigaan dhufeen kan daldalaa turtee,, Bilisummaaf miti DOOLAARA barbaachaaf wareegamuuf kaatee ??? kekekekekekeke Qabsaa’aa fakkaattee iyyitee wawwaattaa,, Lammii gowwomsitee imimmaan harcaaftaa,, osoon isin qabuu maaf diinni na nyaataa ?? Jettee nu boossiftee qoonqookeetti nyaattaa ?? Osoo fayyaa qabduu maaf taatee kadhattuu ??
Haala habashootaa warra kadhaan bultu, tooftaa taasifattee osoo harka qabduu, kan barruukee haftee nama jala qabdu, hordaa harkaan qabdee lafa QOTTEE hin nyaattuu ??
Kaleessas kan hubee qabsoo saba kootii,, warra haadha garaa ishee akka keetii,, isheetu gurguree SHARAFEEM qoonqootti, garaashee guuttachuuf dhiiga Abbootii kootii. Baqadhu baddeettaa dafii bakka jirtuu, anaan na hidhanii na dararaa jiruu, jettee rifaasiftee kan qabsootti jiru, yaroo hiriyaakoo qe’eerraa kaachiftuu, maaluma siin jedha LAFEEN gaara jiru , dhiigni barattootaa jigee yaa’aa jiru, ekeraan goototaa laga keessaa iyyu, caraanee lallabee hudhee sihaa diru.
Dhugaa qabda ati teessee nyaattee bartee, falmaa dhiigaan dhufe dahoo taasifattee, Dheebuu Doolaaraatiif samiirra barriftee, isa beelli wadee of duuba aanisitee, diinqa keessa teessee aduutti of baaftee, maqaa qabsaa’aatti qoonqoof of moggaaftee, kadhaaf qaama fayyaan okkoltee ultaalte. hahahahahaha Nadhibe waa’eenkee dubbiin qoonqookeetii, yarotti haasoftu an qeerroo qabsootii, jettee odeessuudhaan warra baar- gamaatti, ittiin jiraatteetta kunoo hanga ammaatti, salphachuukee bari ammagaa dirreetti. Yoo rakkinaaf ta’ee biyya guutee jiraa, eenyutu ittiin du’ee awwaalamee jiraa ? eenyufaa ajjeeftee mee DHABI yaa firaa ?? Egaa yaa lammiikoo kan biyyaaf kan alaa, dubbii nama kanaa xiinxalaa ilaalaa. Nuti kaayyoof duunaa ati qoonqoof du’ii, yaa hidda Goobanaa warra seenaa xurii. ….
Obsaa / Iskeender/ Abdulkadiriif…

Saturday, August 30, 2014

Ethiopia: Uneven Coverage of Suppressed Ethiopian Journalists

August 30, 2014, Addis Ababa (VOA) — This month, Ethiopian officials shut down five magazines — the latest in a series of shutdowns — but the move got little attention from outside the country. The East African country is well known for suppressing the media, but some cases seem to get celebrity status while others are ignored.
Twelve Ethiopian journalists and publishers left the country in August after the magazines they worked for were forced by the government to shut down. International media gave little attention to the self-chosen exile of these media practitioners.
In contrast, the cases of Eskinder Nega, Reeyot Alemu and more recently the Zone9 bloggers have been covered by outlets such as al-Jazeera and the BBC, as well as VOA.
Tom Rhodes of the Committee to Protect Journalists, or CPJ, says it can be partly explained why some cases get more attention.
“In the case of the Zone9 bloggers and Eskinder, they were quite well known in the diaspora, the Ethiopian diaspora, and had a lot of international contacts and backers. While other cases unfortunately are not so well known. I think of Solomon Kebede for example who is still waiting for trial,” he said.
Forty-one human rights organizations such as Amnesty International and CPJ released a joint statement calling for the release of the Zone9 bloggers and journalists, who are charged with terrorism.
Amaha Mekonnen, lawyer for the Zone9 bloggers and journalists, said there was a small chance the international attention would have an impact.
“As we have the experience, there may be a chance to settle the matter out of court, in which case, this information, all deliberations and analysis the case of this bloggers and journalist may be used to speed up and finally get a successful results,” said Mekonnen.
Both Eskinder Nega and Reeyot Alemu have been detained under Ethiopia’s controversial Anti-Terrorism Proclamation. Human rights group said the 2009 law was overly vague and allowed authorities to arrest anyone who criticized or opposed the government.
Eskinder won the 2012 PEN American’s Freedom to Write Award while serving an 18-year prison sentence and Reeyot won the UNESCO World Press Freedom Award in 2013 while serving an ongoing five-year prison term.
Reeyot is not allowed to see anyone else besides her parents, for 20 minutes a day. Her father Alemu Gobebo said the attention was good for the morale of his imprisoned daughter:
“The international media is also encouraging the family of Reeyot, and Reeyot herself. The international media coverage disclosing her strength on freedom of speech or freedom of press, and by that way she was awarded, I think, international prizes. In that case we are very delighted,” he said.
There was always a worry when giving exposure to a case, said Rhodes of CPJ. But he also believed that it was crucial to inform people about what was going on.
“I think it both has a positive and a negative affect,” he said. “Positive in the sense that we let the international community know what’s going on and we’re letting the Ethiopian press know what’s going on. But it’s also negative in the sense that some authorities simply do not like criticism whether its local or international. And may react badly to it.”
Ethiopia ranks 143 out of 180 countries on the most recent World Press Freedom index. A 2014 Human Rights Watch report says Ethiopia is one of the three top countries in the world in terms of the number of exiled journalists.
The trial of the Zone 9 bloggers and journalists will resume October 15.

Arresting and Torturing of Oromo Women and Youth does not Stop the Struggle of the Oromo People for Justice and Freedom

August 29, 2014
The Tigrayan minority TPLF-led Ethiopian regime has continued arresting and torturing of the Oromo nationals in an attempt to stop the struggle of the Oromo nation for freedom, democracy and justice. Currently, the atrocities committed by this regime on innocent Oromo civilians have been escalated to unimaginable scale. Hundreds of Oromo students, teachers, farmers, daily labourers, and civil servants are languishing in prisons located at several places in Oromia. The overwhelming majority of those who are sent to detention centres are subjected to severe and inhuman torture. Some have died in prison cells or thrown out of jail and left to die in hospital simply because they couldn’t stand the torture. Oromo nationalists Wako Tola (teacher), Usmayyo Musa (singer), Alamayehu Gerba (handicapped university student), Nimona Tilahun (former University student), Tesfahun Chemeda (engineer), Aslan Hassan (university student), and many others are all killed by the regimes police as a direct result of torture while in prison cells.  Those who survive the brutal torture will be subjected to trumped-up charges and will be brought to judges of the kangaroo court of the regime. Before bringing to the court false witnesses are prepared and “evidence” is planted at their homes by the regimes police and convicted based on these fake testimony and made-up and planted “evidence”. Others are kept in prison indefinitely without any charge at all. In few cases judges render a “not-guilty” verdict after the prisoners have already spent several years in jail and let them go “free”. In some of such cases the police arrests them back before they even leave the court house and prepare other made-up charges. This has been a well-known and established norm of the judiciary system of the current regime in Ethiopia. Oromo students are subjected to such police brutality and unjust judicial process and branded as “terrorists” for no crime other than raising the rightful and legitimate questions of the Oromo people in a peaceful and non-violent manner. It is not an exaggeration if we say this regime in Finfinne (Addis Ababa) is a mafia regime, brutal than the former apartheid regime of South Africa. 
Barataa Bilisummaa Gonfaa
Barataa Bilisummaa Gonfaa

Shamarree Daraartuu Abdataa
Shamarree Daraartuu Abdataa

Barsiiftuu Caaltuu Dhugumaa
Barsiiftuu Caaltuu Dhugumaa

Friday, August 29, 2014

Dirre Dawwaa Keessatti Rakkoo Bishaanii fi Ibsaatiin Wal Qabatee Uummanni Diddaa Sirna Wayyaanee Kaase,Waraanni Wayyaanees Naannoo Magaalaa Dirree Buufate‏

Gabaasa Qeerroo Dirre Qawaa,Hagayya 29,2014
diddaa9Akkuma beekamui motummaan Wayyaanee ummanni Oromoo gaaffii mirga abbaa biyyummaa baroota dheeraaf kaasaa ture ammas haala abdachiisaan itti fufee jiru kana irraa soda qauun, ka’ee uumanni yaadi isaa akka tokko hin taaneef basaasotaa fi dabballoota uumata keessa bobbaasuu tooftaa godhate,kana iratti dabalees uumanni Oromoo magaalaa fi baadiyaa keessa qubatee jiru rakkoolee adda addaaf akka saaxilamuuf tajaajila mootummaa irraan dhufu mara itti waakkate.
Oromiyaa keessatti yeroo ammaa uummatni Oromoo mootummaa Wayyaaneetiin bifaa fi kallattii adda addaatiin miidhamaa jiruuchutu gabaasonni adda addaa ibsa. Akka gabaasni Qeerroo Dirre Dawaa irra har’a addeessutti rakkoon bishaanii fi ibsaa mudatee jira. Keessattuu gandoota Hayiwwan,Ganda Qore kan jedhaman haala miidhama guddaa keessa jiru, miidhaa guddaan kan irra gahe gandoota kana qofa yoo ta’ellee akka walii galaatti Dirre Dawaa keessa rakkoo gurguddaan kun mudatee jiraachuu gabaasni Qeerroo nu gahe addeessa. Dhimma kanaan wal qabatee jiraattootni sabbootno Oromoo magaalaa fi gandoota garagaraa Dirre Dawaa keessa jiraatan hunduu Fincla kaasuudhaan gaaffii mootummaa Wayyaanee irratti kaasaa jiraachuu gabaasi addeessa, gaaffiwwan uummanni jiraattotni rakkoo kana keessa jiran:
  1. Jireenya hawaasaa fi uumataa hanga hin jijjiirreeti akkamiin mootummaan biyya bulcha? Diimokiraasii bu’aa uummata eguu labsii labsachuu irra jireenyi hwaasaa baroota hanga aangoo isaanii irra turan keessatti jijjiiirame hin jiru, rakkoon bishaanii fi ibsaa sirraawuudhaaf mare mootummaa eegu,rakkoon kuni hanga yoomitti?
  2. Diingadee fi guddinni biyya keenyaa irra kan taa’eyyuu mootummaadhuma biyya kana bulchaa jiruudha,nurratti guddachaa gudiin biyaa odeessuun, akkasitti rakkoo kanaan saaxilamnee guddina isa kamtu ta’e? maaliin kan madaalameedha guddinni biyyaa?
  3. Nuti rakkoo keenya kan himannuu fi dheebuu bishaanii fi dukkana keessa kan jiraannu nuuf furmaatni haata’u jennee gaaffii qabnu dhiyeeffanne maaliif mootummaan waraana isaa nukeessa tamsaasa? Humni waraanaa federaala irraa dhufee as qubate kuni ammatti naannoo kan gadhiisu tahu baannan tarkanfii barbaachisuun ititi fufna kan jedhuun uummanni akeekkachisa gochuu fi rakkoo keessa jiru himachuu irratti kan bobbaheedha.
Kana jedhuun ummani rakkoo kana keessaa bahuudhaf gaaffii garagaraa dhiyeessaa jira,mootummaan Wayyaanee uummanni rakkoo isaa kan himatuuf jecha humna waraana isaa naannoo san kan qubachiise tahuu akkasuma namootni Oromummaan isaanii of mul’isuu fi sabboonummaa qaban tikootaa fi basaastotaan kan hordofamaa jiran akka tahe gabaasni Qeerroo addeessa.
Dimshaashatti jiraattotni uummanni Oromoo Dirre Dawaa keessa jiraatan gaaffiwwan mirgaa gaafachu fi rakkoo keessa jiran ibsachuu irratti kan argamaniidha, kanumaan fincilli magaalaa Dirree Daawaa keessatti uummataan qabatee kan jiru tahuun mootummaan sodaa irraan humna waraanaa naannoon san qubachiisee akka jiru gabaasni Qeerroo addeessa.

Barsiisoti Kolleejjii Barsiisota Jimmaa Imaamata Sirna Wayyaanee Mormuun FDG Eegalan

DIDDAA 2Hagayyaa 29,2014 Mootumman Wayyaanee EPRDF gaaffii mirgaa uumanni Oromoo gaafataa jiruu fi diddaa sirnichaa bakka hundaa itti qabatee jiru dura dabbachuu fi sochii qindaa’aa uummata hunda hirmachisaa jiru irraa soda guddaa keessa seenuun hojjetoota mootummaa sadarkaa garaagaraa irra jiraniif  maqaa mindaa hojjetoota parsentii(%) guddaan daballee jirra jedhuun ololli ofaama ture fincilaa hojjetootaa qabsiisaa jira.
Godina Jimmaatti barsiisotni kolleejjii barsiisota Jimmaa maqaa daballii mindaan walqabatee olollii ofamaa ture kan mirga keenya sarbudha malee mirga keenya hojjettootaa waan kabachiisuu miti, mootummaan kaleessa mindaan keessan persantii guddaan jechuun parseentii 58% fi isaa oliin isiniif dabalamee jira jechuun FDG dargaggootni Oromoo fi uummatni Oromoo waliigalatti gaggeessa jiru  fuul-dura dhaabbachuun sochii karaa hojjetoota dhalachaa jiru dhaamsuuf olola isaa butatee  fiigaa tur.Mindaa hojjetoota barasiisota koollejjii kanneen wajjiraalee secteroota garaagaraa irra hojjetanii 28% perooliin akka hojjetamuu yeroo murtee dabarsan warrii mootummaa naannoo Oromiyaa bakka buuna jedhan OPDO’n mallatteessuun yeroo fudhattee soba Wayyaaneen dura 58% tiin miindaan keessan isiniif dabalame jechuun ololaa ture, ammo gara 28% gadi buusuun peroliin akka hojjetamuu gochuun FDG tti barsiisotni fi hojjetootni Aanotaa fi sekteroota garaagaraa irra hojjechaa jiran akka seenan ta’ee jira.
Adeemsa Wayyaaneen daballii mindaa 58%tiin dabalee jettee gara 28%tti gadi deebisuun hojjettootaaf akka kanfalamuu gochaa jirtuu kana naannoo Oromiyaa qofa keessatti malee naannooleen Amhaaraa , Tigiraay  fi Kibbaa hin hin mallatteesinuu mediadhan ibsa godhaa jechuun kan morman yeroo ta’uu ergamtootni Wayyaanee Oromiyaa bulchaa jirra jettuu immoo mallateessuun fudhachuun haalan kan hojjetoota dheekamsiisa jiru yeroo ta’u, guyyaa har’aa kana yeroo dhagaa’an barsiisotni Oromoo kolleejjii barsiisota Jimmaa barnoota gannaa barsiisaa jiran guutummaatti hojii dhaabani mirgi keenya kabajamuu qaba. Mindaan kan nuuf dabalamus yoo ta’ee ogeessa waan taaneef gatii Ogummaa keenyaa tajajila kenninuuf malee mirga keenya sarbuuf bilisummaa keenya mulquuf kan dabalamaa jiruu fi olola sobaa ofaamaa ture hin fudhannu jechuun hojii barsiisuumma dhaaban.
Mootummaan Wayyaanee sochii FDG biyya keessatti gama hundaan hudhee isa qabee jirun aangoo irra darbamuuf kan jiru yeroo amma kanatti gaaffiilee gama hundaan hudhanii Wayyaanee qabanii jiraniif deebii tokko illee dhabuun uummata sodaachisuu qofaaf jedhee humna waraanaa off harkaa qabu konkolaatatti fe’ee Oromiyatti guura jira. Adeemsi kunis mootummaa wayyaanee kufaatii irra kan hin olchine ta’uu fi mirga ofii caalmatti akka falmataniif kan nama kakaasuu malee duubatti kan nama hin deebisne ta’uun ibsama jira.

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Barattooti Oromoo Yuuniversitii Wallaggaa 200 Ta’an Hidhaman, 26 Ammoo Warnaana Wayyaaneen Reebamii 1 Ajjeefamuun FDG Caalaatti Itti Fufsiise.

Hagayya 28,2014 Naqamte

db4234bfBarattooti Oromoo Yuuniversitiilee adda addaa keessatti humnaan walitti qabamanii akka olola Wayyaanee baratan yeroo taasifamuu yaaluun roorroo uumata Oromoo irratti hammaatee jiruu fi gaaffiin hundee qabsoo Oromoo waan hin deebi’iiniif daran diddaa barattootaa jabeessuun guutummaa Oromiyaa keessatti Fincila Diddaa Gabrummaa(FDG) qabsiisee jira.
Haala kanaan Yuuniversitii Wallaggaa keessatti FDG Hagayya 27,2014 jabaatee itti ooleen baratooti 200 ol hidhamanii tokko waraana Wayyaaneen ajjeefamee 26 ammoo gara malee reebamuu irra darbee qabamanii mana hidhaa magaalaa Naqamtee jiru keessatti ugguramanii jiru. Barttooti 26 haalaan miidhaman kuniin:-
  1. Barataa Yaadataa Luuccee,barataa Injineeriingii waggaa 2ffaa.
  2. Barataa Addisuu Beekamaa, barataa Injineeriingii waggaa 4ffaa.
  3. barataa Daani’eel Kumarraa, barataa Fayyaa waggaa 3ffaa.
  4. Barataa Gammachiis Camadaa, barataa Economics  waggaa 2ffaa
  5. BarataaTarreessaa Nagarii, barataa Seeraa waggaa 4ffaa.
  6. Barataa Eebbaa Tesfaayee, barataa Accounting waggaa 1ffaa.
  7. Barataa Adduunyaa Geetinnet, barataa Injineeriingii waggaa 2ffaa.
  8. Barataa Gurmeessaa Bantii, barataa Seeraa waggaa 3ffaa.
  9. Barataa Firaa’ol Tuujubaa, barataa, Political Science and Governance waggaa 2ffaa.
  10. Barataa Guutamaa Xiiqii, barataa political Science and Governance waggaa 3ffaa.
  11. Barataa Caalchisaa Gammachiis, barataa Seenaa waggaa 3ffaa fa’aa
  12. Barataa Baay’isaa Warqinee, barataa Management waggaa 2ffaa.
  13. Barataa Tamasgeen Shifarraa, barataa Computer Science waggaa 2ffaa.
  14. Barataa Firoomsaa Baalchaa, barataa Injineeriingii waggaa 3ffaa.
  15. Barataa Fufaa Qaabataa, barataa fayyaa waggaa 3ffaa.
  16. Barataa Taaddalaa Irranaa, barataa Injineeriingii waggaa 4ffaa.
  17. Barataa Yaadanii Mootii, barataa seeraa waggaa 2ffaa.
  18. Barataa Firaa’ol Beqqelee, barataa Management waggaa 1ffaa.
  19. Barataa Guddinaa Tulluu, barataa Biology waggaa 3ffaa.
  20. Barataa Rabbumaa Jirraa, barataa Geography waggaa 1ffaa.
  21. Barataa Guutuu Immaanaa, barataa Seeraa waggaa 4ffaa.
  22. Barataa Caalaa Fayyeeraa, barataa Injineeriingii waggaa 4ffaa.
  23. Barataa Namarraa Guutaa, barataa Accounting waggaa 2ffaa.
  24. Barataa Cimdii Dhufeeraa, barataa Fayyaa waggaa 3ffaa
  25. Barataa Siifan Qixxaataa, barataa Economics waggaa 1ffaa.
  26. Barataa Dinquu Jaatanii, barataa Journalism waggaa 2ffaa.
Kanneen jedhaman dha.

Khat, Ethiopia’s 4th largest export, suffers after European ban

BsGvUKV5TzSh0q4b32GA_khat_market_womenAugust 27, 2014 (AFP) – For a town seen as a key trading centre for khat, a drug that is banned in many countries, Ethiopia’s Awaday can seem pretty drowsy and laid-back.
As the sun sets on the small eastern town, farmers and brokers of the amphetamine shrub rouse from an afternoon slumber to cut deals in the bustling market, one of the busiest centres of international trade for the leaves.
Khat, a multi-million dollar business for countries across the Horn of Africa and in Yemen, consists of the succulent purple-stemmed leaves and shoots of a bush whose scientific name is Catha edulis.
Chewing it for hours produces a mild buzz.
But Britain in June classified khat as an illegal drug, closing the last market in Europe in the wake of a similar ban by The Netherlands in January.
For the thousands of farmers and traders here in Awaday, 525 kilometres (325 miles) east of the Ethiopian capital, the ban has already had a severe impact.
Previously the plant was Ethiopia’s fourth largest export, earning more than $270 million (205 million euros) in 2012-13.
“All of the people, they are in big trouble, even the man who brings from the farm to the market, and the guy who buys from here to export,” said exporter Mustafa Yuye.
“For most of the people here, their living is by khat, they don’t have other jobs,” he added, speaking after an early morning shift at the manic market, where several tonnes of the herb change hands each day.
- ‘In trouble without work’ -
For first-time chewers, the bitter leaves — stuffed in a squash ball-sized bulge in the cheek for several hours — offer little more than a sour taste, a sore jaw and the sensation that one has drunk several pots of coffee.
The UN World Health Organization says the plant causes irritability, insomnia and lethargy.
More experienced chewers describe a meditative, almost trance-like state, where one’s sense of time slips away. The user may sit still for hours, yet remain alert to conversation or reading matter.
While debates about khat’s effects on health go on, around 20 million people across the Horn of Africa and the Arabian Peninsula chew the plant every day.
In Ethiopia, where khat is intertwined with ancient traditions — Muslim clerics chewed it to help them study the Koran — the shrub is legal.
Crops are now sold to neighbouring nations, especially Somalia and across the Red Sea to Yemen.
Khat must be chewed fresh because its potency fades within hours.
After frantic trading, drivers pile bundles into airplanes or pickup trucks, dashing along dirt tracks at breakneck speeds for wider distribution.
Before the ban, Mustafa sent more than three tonnes a month to the Horn of Africa diaspora in Britain, but he is now restricted to supplying domestic and regional markets.
Prices have tumbled. “Our money is getting less,” Mustafa said, and farmers in Kenya share similar concerns.
Brokers like Mustafa can earn up to $30 (22 euros) per kilo (2.2 pounds) in the top markets, but as little as $5 (three euros) for the same quantity of low-grade khat in regional markets, according to local traders.
Redundant khat broker Tofiq Mohammed said the whole town of Awaday will be hit by the ban. He used to sell two tonnes to Britain a month but has now stopped working.
“From the farmer to the traders, we are in trouble without work,” he said.
- ‘Social addiction’ -
Some farmers had switched to khat from crops like coffee or maize, because khat can be harvested year-round and previously fetched stable prices at the market.
Kadija Yusuf, surrounded by her chest-high bushes, says she preferred khat farming since it needs less water than coffee.
“There was not enough water, so I started growing khat,” Kadija said. “If they don’t allow us to export… we will stop this and return to coffee.”

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

ETHIOPIA: Arrests and Detentions of Oromo Students Continued

HRLHA FineHRLHA – Press Release
August 27, 2014
While fresh arrests and detentions, kidnappings and disappearances of Oromo nationals have continued in different parts of the regional state of Oromo following the April-May crackdown of peaceful demonstrators, court rulings over the cases of some of the earlier detainees by courts of the regional state are being rejected by political agents of the governing TPLF/EPRDF Party. The renewed violence by government forces against Oromo nationals started particularly following what was termed as “Lenjii Siyaasaa” (literally meaning “political training) that has targeted Oromo Students of higher educational institutions and has been going on in the past two weeks in different parts of Oromia.
Although the agendum for the “Political Training” was said to be “the unity of the country”, it instead has become an opportunity of carrying out further screenings and arrests of students; as around 100 more students have so far been arrested from Ambo University campuses alone and sent to a remote, isolated military camp called Sanqalle, leaving families and friends in fear in regards to the safety and well-being of the students in particular; not to mention the disruption of their studies. The arrests were made following the students’ protest of their confinement into the campuses during this so call “Political Trianing”, and the demand that the killers of their fellow students be brought to justice prior to discussing “unity”. Also, five students of Wallaga University, from among those who were gathered for the same purpose of “Political Training” were kidnapped on the 22nd of August, 2014 and taken away in a vehicle with plate number 4866 ET; and their whereabouts is not known since then. HRLHA correspondents have also traced another fresh arrest and detention of around 100 Oromo nationals in a small town called Elemo, Doranni District, in Illu Abbabor Zone. It took place on the 14th of August, 2014; and Waqtole Garbe, Sisay Amana, Tiiqii Supha, Ittana Daggafa, Badiru Basha, Kamal Zaalii, Rashiid Abdu, Zetuna Waaqoo, Daggafa Tolee, Adam Ligdii, Indush Mangistu, Dibbeessa Libaan, and Ofete Jifar were a few among those detainees in Elemo Prison.
More worrisome and frustrating is agents of the federal government’s interference with regional and local judicial systems. More than one hundred students and other Oromo nationals, from among the thousands who were detained following the April-May nationwide protest, have been granted bails in local courts of the regional government of Oromia. These include 64 detainees in Dembi Dollo/Qellem, 10 in Ambo, 40 in Sibu-Sire and Digga District. But, all the court decisions were overruled by political officials representing the federal government. The Dembi Dollo/Qellem detainees in particular were granted bails four times, only to be turned down by political officials all the four rounds. On the other hand, there have been some cases in which prison terms ranging from six months to a year-and-half were imposed on the Oromo detainees, not in courts, but by those representatives of the federal government. Also, some independent lawyers complain that they were threatened by officials from the ruling party; and, as a result, refraining from representing the Oromo detainees. Usual as it has been in the past fifteen or so years, this case of interfering with and disobeying court rulings indicates that the case of these most recent Oromo detainees is purely political.
The Human Rights League of the Horn of Africa (HRLHA) calls upon the Ethiopian Government to refrain from harassing and intimidating students through such extra-judicial means as killings, arrests and detentions, and denials of justice after detention; and instead facilitate conducive teaching-learning environments. HRLHA also calls upon the Ethiopian Government to unconditionally release the detained Oromo students and other nationals; and, as requested by their fellow students, bring to justice the killers of innocent and peaceful protestors during the April-May crackdown.
The human rights League of the Horn of Africa (HRLHA) has reported (May 1st and 13th, 2014, urgent actions, on the heavy-handed crackdown of the Ethiopian Federal Government’s Agazi Special Squad and the resultant extra-judicial killings of 34 (thirty-four) Oromo nationals; and the arrests and detentions of hundreds of others.
Although the brutalities of the armed squad and the resultant fatalities happened to be very high in Ambo Town, the peaceful protests by Oromo students of different universities and faculties have been taking place in April and May in various towns and cities of Oromia including Diredawa and Adama in eatern Oromia, as well as Jimma, Mettu, Naqamte, Gimbi, and Dambidollo in western Oromia.
The Oromo students of universities and colleges in different parts of the regional state of Oromia took to the streets for peaceful demonstrations in protest to the decision passed by the Federal EPRDF/TPLF-led Government to expand the city of Finfinnee/Addis Ababa by uprooting and displacing hundreds of thousands of Oromos from all sorts of livelihoods, and annexing about 36 surrounding towns of Oromia, the ultimate goal of which is claimed to be re-drawing the map of the Oromia Region. The federal annexation plan, which was termed as “The Integrated Development Master Plan”, is said to be covering the towns of Dukem, Gelan, Legetafo, Sendafa, Sululta, Burayu, Holeta, Sebeta, and others, stretching the boundary of Finfinne/Addis Ababa to about 1.1million hectares – an area

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Yuuniversitiilee Oromiyaa 9 Keessatti Gaaffiilee Barattooti Oromoo Kaasaniif Qondaaloti Wayyaanee Deebii Dhabuun Muddama Seenan.

diddaa9Barattooti yuuniversitiilee garagaraa 9 irratti walgayii dirqamaan teessifamaa jiraachuu qaba qabna, walgayiin kan eegale Hagayya 21 irraa kaasee yoroo tahu hanga ammaatti sirna qabeessaan barataan kamuu koreewwan dirqama TPLF irraa itti kenname galmaan gahuudhaaf walgayii kana gaggeessaa jiraniif yaadaafi dirqama TPLF irraa itti kenname sirnaan dudhatanii xumurachuun isaanii hin argamne.Mootummaan Wayyaanee waan itti hin yaadne walgahii kana irratti gaaffii mirgaatu itti dhihaata. Kana itti yaadanii qindeeffataniin ala ta’ee gara FDG itti ce’e.
Yuuniveresitoota hunda keessatti jalqabuma irratti gaaffiwwan barattootni kaasanif deebiin hin argamne, dhimma durgoon wal qabatee gaaffii barattootni Yuuniversitii Wallaggaa kaasan deebiin kenname yoo deemtan deemaa galaa,nyataa fi bakka bultii isin dandeenyeerra kaffaltii waan nurraa eegdan hin qabdan jedhanii waan deebisaniif  gaaffii irratti gaaffii itti fufsiisuuf walii galteedhaan Yuuniversiti hunda irratti kan dhiyaatee jiru  Hagayya  25 fi Hagayya 26 akka kanaa gadiitti tarreeffamee jira, dilbata darbee jechuun Hagayya 24 walgayiin hin gaggeeffamne bakka hundaattu.
Gaaffiwwan Dhiyaatan Barattoota Irraa Hagayya 25 fi 26,2014
  1. Mootummaadhumti biyya bulchu kuni hojjetoota isaa kan filatamaniif kanaaf ilaalcha akkamiiti kan qabu akka dhuunfaatti? Hojjetootni baayeen rakkoo uuman jedhee waajjira tokko irraa gara waajjira biraatti dabarsa,murtoo itti hin fudhatu,murtoo fudhachuu irra waajjira itti jijjiira,hojiidhaaf utuu hin muudin dura maaliif xiinxala hin godhuu? Ofitti amanamummaa guututti hin qabuu?
  2. Maqaa Inverstmentiin uumata Oromoo irraa lafti saamame hatattamaan haa deebi’u,yoo deebi’uu baate FDG barattooti kaasan gaaffii haqaati jettanii maaliif hin fudhanne?
  3. Uummanni tokko mirga saba isaatii falmachuu fi haqa nin qaba jedhee yoo dubbate maaliif hidhamaa?
  4. Barattoota Oromoo hidhuu fi uumata Oromoo lafa isaa irraa buqisanii hiyyeessa taasisuun,biyyaa ari’uun yoom dhaabbataa? Kun imaamata mootummaati moo maali ifa nuu ta’uu qaba.
  5. Barattooti Oromoo hidhamanii fi ukkaamfaman yoo hattattamaan hin gadhiifamiin mirga keenya yoo falmanne shororkeessaa nama taasisaa?
  6. Uummanni Oromoo fi saboonni biroo kan jedhan shororkeessaan mootummaa Wayyaaneeti kan waraana isaa araddaa hundatti bobbaasee uumata hidhuu fi ajjeessu jedhu,isin ammo barataa dabtaraa fi qalama qofa of harkaa qabuun shororkeessaa dha jettu,isa kamtu sirrii dhaa?
  7. Lafi maqaa investimentiitiin wal qabatee mootummaan Wayyaanee qabee jiru jira, ykn uummanni keenya irra hin qotatu,itti hin fayadamu maalif qabamee lafa taa’a? uummata keenyaaf kennamee maalif misoomi irratti hin gaggeeffamu yknis mootummaan maaliif lafa akkasi irratti xiyyeffannoo gochuu didee jiraa? Gaaffii Barattootni Oromoo Yuuniversitiilee 9 irratti hagayya 25 fi 26 kae

Monday, August 25, 2014

After Sudan; World should Focus on Oromo

PlightOromoRefugees2010_DecAugust 25, 2014 (African Executive) — It has never known political stability after the colonial conquest and subjugation by Abyssinia. It has never enjoyed real prosperity in spite of being one of the richest nations in natural resources in the horn of Africa with a population estimated at 33 million. It is Africa’s longest political conflict that appears to have been forgotten by the international community including IGAD and Africa Union among others. It has won the unenviable accolade of being the cradle of the world’s largest forced mass movement from one country in modern African history, namely the current exodus from Ethiopia. Welcome to Oromia, the country of the Oromo people (375,000 square miles).
In the last four decades, the Horn of Africa, with Ethiopia as an epicenter, has experienced an unprecedented wave of refugee flows, resulting in large concentrations of displaced persons. Nearly all these displaced persons are from Ethiopia. Today there are an estimated over 10 million refugees originating from Ethiopia, second only to those from Afghanistan and Iraq put together.
The influx of Ethiopians fleeing their country to Kenya has always hit headlines in the local and internal press. Ironically, most are apprehended by Kenyan authorities and handed back to the Ethiopian authorities or locked up in Kenyan prisons. Some of the refugees are said to be on transit to South Africa.
The Oromo Liberation Front has for decades been embroiled in a protracted war for the liberation of the Oromia. The most striking aspect to political pundits and academics is the manner in which the international community has accorded the conflict a blind eye, and regional governments, IGAD and AU cannot explain why Ethiopians are fleeing their country in droves.
Who will save the Oromo people from institutionalized oppression and blatant abuse of basic human rights by the Addis Ababa government? What is the IGAD and the Africa Union doing to resolve the conflict? The 140 years of continuous acts of cultural genocide by successive Ethiopian regimes is a remarkable testimony to the resilience of the Oromo cultural values and democratic heritage.
Even as the international community remain silent in the face of the conflict that has claimed lives of millions of people, it is is important to note that as a geo-cultural bridge between Europe, Africa and Asia, the Horn of Africa has always been embroiled in some world-historic events, since the times of the Roman empire. The Horn remains important in security considerations of the Middle East and the increasingly competitive global economy.
It is important to observe that the current Ethiopian regime is being sustained in power by foreign western powers for imperialistic reasons. Take the case of the Tigrean People’s Liberation Front (TPLF), also known as Wayyane, which was promoted in 1991 by foreign governments, particularly that of the US, to fill the power vacuum created by the downfall of the Dergue regime. As expected, this led to replacement of the Amhara regime by a Tigrean power as was evident to those familiar with the Ethiopian political landscape.
Under the pretext of opening the country for world market and democratization, traditional supporters and partners of the Ethiopian empire used the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to pump huge amounts of money into the coffer of TPLF. During the first four years of its rule, the regime received about US$3 billion in bilateral grants. The Paris Club member countries granted significant debt-cancellations and rescheduling. The TPLF regime used the multilateral and bilateral assistance to dismantle Amhara-centre state apparatus and to replace it by institutions that are nothing more than appendages of a tightly controlled party-apparatus of the Tigrean ruling class.
Today, there is no public institution, be it the military, the judiciary, the civil service, the regulatory agencies, and financial institutions outside the control of the TPLF and its surrogate parties. Thus, the regime cannot claim democratic legitimacy by any standard. Most disturbing are reports of Kenyan Borana Oromo near the border being harassed and imprisoned in Kenya. These incidents are violating international law regarding refugees. They could have been taken to Kenyan courts, if suspected of any crime.
The human rights crisis in Ethiopia is so worrying. No one seems to understand the scale of the violations. targeted and systematic tortures, disappearances and extrajudicial killings are common place in that country. There seems to be no hiding place for the victims of human rights violations under the current regime in Ethiopia. Peasants in certain areas are particularly targeted and expelled in broad day light from their farmlands for the sake of the officials and of TPLF-led government financial gains.
“The peoples of Oromia and Kenya share a longstanding cordial relationship. In particular, Kenya, as a democratic and stable country, continues to provide safety for a significant number of Oromo refugees fleeing from persecution by the Ethiopian state. However, it is of also of grave concern that recently, a large number of Oromo refugees have been handed over to the Ethiopian authorities by the Kenyan agents who have been recruited by the Addis Ababa spy network. More worrying is the fact that their operations are not sanctioned by the Kenyan government. These refugees are sent back to inhumane torture and certain death in the hands of the Ethiopian security agents,” says an OLF petition to Kenya’s President Mwai Kibaki.
The petition, copied to the country’s Prime Minister Raila Odinga further notes: “We believe Kenya could play a positive and constructive role in supporting a peaceful resolution of the conflict between Oromia and Ethiopia and that would make Kenya a legitimate player in the international arena. We respectfully urge you to appraise the situation and reconsider your policy and assure supporting the just cause of the oppressed Oromo people rather than assisting the bloodthirsty regime in Ethiopia.”
In the recent months, Kenyans authorities have been accused of illegal rendition of Oromo refugees and Kenyans to Ethiopia under the pretext of cracking down on the Oromo Liberation Front (OLP) militias. While in Ethiopia, the individuals are arraigned before special courts where they are handed heavy jail sentences ranging from death to life in prison. The ORA has accused the Ethiopian government and some elements within the Kenyan government of gross violation of the basic human rights of the Oromo refugees and Kenyans shipped to Ethiopia.
The Oromo Liberation Front (OLF) was established in 1973 by Oromo nationalists to promote the right to self-determination for the Oromo people against what they call “Ethiopia colonial rule.” There are reports that the OLF has increased its activity following the general elections of 2005 and has offices in Washington, D.C. and Berlin.
The international community particularly IGAD and the AU ought to appreciate the fact that the fundamental objective of the Oromo liberation movement is to exercise the Oromo peoples’ right to national self-determination and end centuries of oppression and exploitation by Ethiopian colonialism. The foreign policy of OLF stipulates that it respects the territorial integrity and national sovereignty of Kenya and all neighbouring countries. Kenya, the host state to the refugees has been accused of violating the 1951 UN Convention and 1967 Protocol on the status of the refugees for handing over the Oromos who have fled their homes to escape persecution.
It was through the initiative of IGAD, AU and the EU that a protracted peace deal was negotiated between SPLM and the Khartoum government, effectively putting an end to one of Africa’s longest conflict then. As the Southern Sudan people undertake a decision on the future of the nation through the referendum, it is important that the international community focus attention on the Oromo conflict to save the plight of the Oromia nation.
The Oromo people’s demand of self-determination is neither a question of secession from a country with whom they have willfully integrated nor a matter of a periphery struggling for decentralization or devolution of power from a central government. It is a demand by the Oromo people to restore the sovereignty taken away from them and to freely determine their own political status. This demand does not, therefore, violate the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Khartoum government. The Oromo people have never been meaningfully represented in Ethiopian political process. There has never been a moment in the political history of the Ethiopian empire-state when the state possessed a government representing the “whole people.”
Moreso, the Oromo people’s demand for self-determination is not an internal affair of Ethiopia. Many nations in the world including Kenya are shouldering the burden of refugees from the Ethiopia. UNHCR is spending millions of dollars to sustain refugees from Ethiopia. Much more too is spent on relocating some of the refugees to friendly countries in Europe. This indeed, makes the conflict a matter of interest and concern to the international community including regional bodies like IGAD, AU and relevant UN agencies. In the same vein, the liberation struggle of the Oromo people against successive Ethiopian regimes cannot be characterized as “an internal civil strife, banditry, terrorism, or civil war.” It is a struggle of people under alien domination.
What the international community must realize is that TPLF regime constantly fabricates false accusations to criminalize and demonise Oromo political organisations as a smokescreen to conceal the regime’s acts of genocide against Oromo social and cultural life. An attempt by the regime to link the Oromo liberation movement with fundamentalism and international terrorism is a fabrication to discredit and garner international community’s sympathy.
By Kasembeli Albert
Source: The African Executive

Ebola Update: Ethiopia Airlines has said it will continue flights to West Africa

2ce85df04f10d845d088abd07283ce75_MAugust 24, 2014 (All Africa) — WHO on Saturday said the Ebola virus has killed half of the 2,600 people affected. WHO further said closing borders is not the solution. “The fight against Ebola will take several months,” WHO asserted.
Meanwhile, Sierra Leone has made harbouring Ebola victims a crime punishable with two years in jail. A British national in Sierra Leone has tested negative for the virus. He has since left for UK.
Ivory Coast on Saturday closed all borders with Guinea and Liberia, “to protect its citizens”. Senegal last Thursday closed its borders with Guinea, and issued travel bans people living in Ebola-affected areas.
A Senegalese working with WHO in Sierra Leone reportedly contracted the disease
Gabon over the weekend also issued travel bans on all nationals of Ebola affected areas; Gabonese must also not go to the Ebola-affected areas.
In DR Congo, 13 people have died from Ebola, among them three medical officers. Ebola was first discovered in the DRC in 1976.
Russia over the weekend sent to Guinea eight medical doctors, medicines, and equipment including mobile laboratories.
Ethiopia Airlines has said it will continue flights to West Africa, including the Ebola-affected areas.
The UN has pledge to support Ebola-affected areas.
Source: All Alfrica

Breaking News:- ABMBO Waraanni Agaazii Barattoota Oromoo 53 Irratti Miidhaa Guddaa Geessisuun Isaa Daran FDG Jabeesse.

Gabaasa Qeerroo Amboo  Hagayya 25,2014
Irree diinaa ni cabsina
 Goototni barattootni Oromoo Yuuniversiitii Amboo karaa nagaa mirgaa fi kan dimokraasiikaasuun gaaffii mirga abbaa biyyummaa sababa gaafataniif jecha mootummaan faashistii Wayyaanee(Itiyoophiyaa) Waraanaa Agazii Wayyaaneetiin ukkanfamani barattoota 230 mana hidhaa Wayyaanee galma mootummaa magaalaa Amboo keessatti argamutti hidhaman.
Sabboontootni barattootni Oromoo fedhii isaanii malee waraanaa Wayyaaneetiin dirqamanii akka walga’ii afaan faajjii mootummaa Wayyaanee ta’aan kan ta’ee kana irraatti barattootni Oromoo uummatni keenya Oromoon utuu jumlaan hidhamuu, qee’eef qabeenyaa irraa buqqifamuu , Ajjeefamuu, gara dabarfamuu, barnoota irraa Arii’amuu waraanaan doorsifamnee walga’ii Wayyaanee taa’uun hirmii nyaachuudha jechuun FDG guyyaa hanga guyyaa har’atti utuu wal irraa hin kutiin mormii guddaan sirna mootummaa Wayyaanee jala dhaabbachaa jiru.
Sabboontoti barattooti Oromoo 230 hidhaman keessaa waraana Wayyaaneen gara malee reebamuu fi miidhaan guddaa irra gahee hidhaa keessatti dararamaa jira keessaa  gadiiti:-
1.Barataa Lammii Tarrafaa barataa Engineering waggaa 4ffaa
2. Barataa Firaa’ol Ajjamaa barataa Engineering waggaa 3ffaa
3. Barataa Firaaol Ayyaanaa barataa Enginering waggaa 3ffaa
4. Barataa Abbush Fiqaaduu barataa Engineering waggaa 2ffaa
5. Barataa Girmaa Caalaa barataa seeraa waggaa 3ffaa
6. Barataa Haptamuu Getachoo barataa Engineering waggaa 4ffaa
7. Barataa Fufaa Galataa barataa fayyaa waggaa 2ffaa
8. Barataa Tasfaayee Guutuu barataa fayyaa waggaa 3ffaa
9. Barataa Qaabataa Itichaa barataa seeraa waggaa 2ff
10. Barataa Misgaanaa Wadaajoo
11. Barataa Tulluu Balaachoo
12. barataa Dammanaa Tolasaa
13. Barataa dhugaasaa Tarreessaa
14. Barattuu Meetii Nagarii- reebamuun miidhaan irra gahe
15. Barataa Tafarii Abdiisaa
16. Barataa Mulgeetaa Baqqalaa
17. Barataa Mulgeeta Takkalaa
18. Barataa Mulunaa Lataa
19. Barataa Leencoo Ababaa
20. Barataa Lataa Kabaa
21. Barataa Lammii Dabalaa
22. Barataa Shukkaraa Cimdii
23. Barataa Beenyaa Caalaa
24. Barataa Obsinaan Iddeessaa
25. Barataa caalchisaa Faajjii
26. Barataa Abush Fiqaaduu
27. Barattuu Leensaa Hayiluu- reebicha irraan gahan
28. Barataa Hundee Uumaa
29. Barataa Mootummaa Abdiisaa
30. Barataa Daanyee Galataa
31. Barattuu Obsee Lalisaa — uccuu alaabaa uffatte jechuun reebicha irraan gahan
32. Barataa Taddasaa Dheeressaa
33. Barattuu Elzaabet Laggasaa barattuu reebichi hamaan irra ga’ee ilkaan lama irra caccabee jiru.
34. Barataa Roobsan Waaqumaa
35. Barataa waqumaa Rattaa
36. Barataa Lataa Kabbadaa
37. Barataa Olqabaa abdataa
38. Barataa Margaa Hundee
39. Barataa Fayisaa Birraa
40. Barataa Firoomsaa Sarbeessaa
41. Barataa Firrisaa Fajjii
42. Barataa Diinayas Daggafuu
43. Barataa Gammachiis Qalbeessaa
44. Barataa Dhaabaa moosisaa
45. Barataa iddoosaa Magarsaa
46. Barataa Hirphaa Gadaa
47. Barataa Darajjee Shambal
48. Barataa Dammanaa Tolasaa
49. Barataa Geetuu Beekii
50. Barataa Geetuu Humneessaa
51. Barataa Raggasaa Abdisaa
52. Barattuu Caaltuu
53. Barattuu Galaanee kanneen jedhaman kan keessatti argaman barattootni Oromoo 53 kun Hagayya 23,2014 Mana hidhaa keessaa fuudhamanii addatti miidhaan jabaa irra gahuu gabaasi Qeerroo addeessa.

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Biliyoonni hagamiituu dhangalahu, hololli akkamiituu gaggeeffamu qabsoo ummanni Oromoo bilisummaa isaaf gaggeessaa jiru hin dhaabu!

Baarentuu Gadaa irraa | Hagayyaa 24, 2014
Tibba kana mootummaan wayyaanee qabsoo ummanni Oromoo Bilisummaa isaaf taasisu, FDG sabboontonni barattoonni dargaggoonni Oromoo gaggeessaa jiran dhaamsuuf mahalaqa ummataa Biliyoonaan lakkaawwamu seera malee dhangalaasee sirna isaa tursiifachuuf yunivarstiilee garagaraa keessatti holola adda addaa gaggeessaa jirti. Holola kanaafis kan inni irratti xiyyeeffannoo fi ijoo godhatee filatte barattoota Oromoo Yunivarstiilee garagaraatti baratanii dha.
Walatajjii maqaa nageenyaa, bulchiinsa gaarii, dimokraasii fi misoomaatin qarshiin biliyoonaan lakkaawwamu itti dhanagalahee yunivartiilee adda addaa keessatti qophaawe kanarratti maaf akka barattonni naanno Oromiyaa heddumminaan hirmaatanif xiyyeeffannoon adda itti kenname jennee yoo gaafanne namni deebii isaa hin beekne hin jiru. Deebin isaa ifaa dha. Kaayyoon isaa ijoon FDG barattoonni Oromoo finiinsaa jiran toftaa fi afan fajjii adda addaa itti uumuun ukkaamsuuf carraaquu dha. Maqaa nageenyaa fi misoomaatiin holola adda addaa facaasuun sabboontota barattoota dargaggoota Oromoo qabsoo bilisummaa saba isaaniirraa gufachisuuf yaaluu dha. FDG guutuu Oromiyaa keessatti barattoota daragaggoota Oromootin taasifamaa jiru gocha namoota muraasaa fakkeessuufi.
Wayyaaneen holola maqaa marii nageenyaa fi misoomaa jedhuun qopheeffatte kana milkeeffachuuf horii ummataa biliyoonaan lakkaawwamu maqaa durgoo fi kennaa adda addaatiin facaasaa jirti. Qarshii maqaa gibiraa fi gargaarsaatin argame hojii misoomaa; kan rakkina ummataa furuurra oolchuu dhiiftee hololaaf olchaa jirti. Qabsoo ummanni Oromoo bilisummaa isaatif taasisaa jiru ittiin ukkaamsuuf dhanagalaasti. FDG fi gaaffii mirgaa barattoonni Oromoo gaggeessaa jiran maqaa konfiransii nageenyaa fi misoomaa jedhuun haguuguuf dhamaati. Akkuma argaa fi dhagahaa turre barattoota boqonnaaf maatii isaanii bira turan gara yunivarstiilee gara garaatti geessuuf Otobisii kumootan lakkaawwaman kireeffattee deddeebisaa turte. Durgoo fi mahalaqa biliyoonaan lakkaawwamu maqaa durgoo fi mahaalaqa kiisiitiin barattootaa fi kaadiroota ishii warra gabrummaa jala jiraachuun gaaridha jedhanii hololaniif dhangalaasaa jirti. Qarshiin misoomaaf oolu danda’u biliyoonaan lakkaawwamu kun kan dhangalahaa jiruuf ammoo misoomaa fi guddina biyyaatif osoo hin taane, wayyaaneen akka ummattoota cunqurfamoo keessattuu ummata Oromoo saamaa jiraatuf ta’un eenyu jalaawuu dhokotaa miti. Ummanni Oromoo garuu bishaan, waldhaansa fayyaa, ibsaa, daandii fi tajaajila bu’uuraa garagaraa dhabuun dararamaa jira. Yoo bu’uuraalee misoomaa kana gaafates kan isa eeggatu maqaa miseensa ABO ti jedhuun hidhamuu, dararamuu fi ajjeefamuu dha.
Holola tibba kana barattoota Oromoorratti xiyyeeffachuun qophaawe kanarratti warreen maqaa Oromootin hirmaachuuf dorgoo gurratanii yaa’aa turan eenyu jennees yoo gaafanne harki guddaan dhalattoota Oromoo miti. Baayyeen isaanii ilmaan Habashootaa warreen sababa garagaraatin gara Oromiyaa dhufanii jiraatanii dha. Warra dhimmi Oromoo isaan hin laallanne ykn ammoo warreenuma akka abboottan isaanii gabrummaa ummata Oromoo hawwanii dha. Gariin ammoo warra Oromoo ta’anii sammuun alagoomanii fi mirga Oromoo dabarsanii alagaaf kennanii dha; Kanaaf ragaa guddaan dhaabbata TV fi raadiyoo Oromiyaa jedhamuu dha. TV fi Raadiyoon kun ennaa barattoonni holola wayyaanee dhagahuuf gara yunivarstiilee akka deeman taasifaman, wayta gabaasaa turetti akka argaa fi dhagahaa turreetti afaan isaan ittiin haasa’aa turan afaan gabroonfattootaa ti. Harki guddaan afaan Oromoo hin beekan. Kanneen beekanii fi konfiransii wayyaanee kana dursanii faarsaa turanis dabballoota sirnichaa ta’uun eenyu jalaawuu dhokotaa miti.
Ilmaan Oromoo sabboontonni waltajjii wayyaaneen qopheeffatte kanarratti hirmaatan yoo jiraatanis baayyeen isaanii ykn guutumaa guutuutti karaa nama jechiisiisuun kan gara walatajjii wayyaaneen maqaa nageenyaa fi misoomaa jedhuun qopheeffatte kana deeman Sodaachisa dabballoonni wayyaanee maati fi isaanuma barattootarratti raawwataa turanii fi jiraniin akka ta’ee beekamaa dha. Dabballoonni wayyaanee kun mana maatii barattoota sabboontoota Oromoorra deemuun yoo ijoollee teessan gara konfiransii kanaatti erguu baattan baruumsarraa ari’amu, waraqaa ragaa ittiin hebbifaman hin argatan, heebbifamanii bahanis carraa hojii hin argatan jechaa turan. Kana bira darbees barataan konfiransii kanarratti hin hirmaanne miseensa ABO ti, goolessaa dha, jechuun akka cinqaa fi goolaa turan kan quba hin qabne hin jiru.
Wayyaaneen holola Yunivastiilee gara garaatti addatti barattoota Oromoorratti xiyyeeffachuun qopheeffatte kanaan FDG Oromiyaa keessatti finiinaa jirun dhaamsa jettee yaaddus kaayyoon ishii kun bu’urumarraa kaayyoo dogooggoraa dha. Gongumaa yaanni kun kan milkaawus miti. Barataan Oromoo kan fincilaa turee fi jiruuf ummata isaa gabrummaa jala jiru; gabrummaa jalaa baasuuf malee feedhii xixiqqaa dhunfaa isaatif jechaa miti. Barattoota dargaggoota Oromoo kaayyoo guddaa akkasiitif qabsaawan holoola turban tokkoof dabballoonni wayyaanee fi ergamtoonni ishii taasisaniin ni ukkaamama jedhanii yaaduun of gowwoomsuu dha. Barataan Oromoo qabsoo Oromoon bilisummaa isaaf taasisu fuundura dhaabbatu gongumaa hin jiru. Yoo jiraates inni lammii Oromootii miti, inni takkaan ilmuma ergamtootaa ti. Innuu gita diinota Oromoo ti malee Oromoorraa firummaa hin qabu. Namni ani Oromoo dha ofiin jechaa maaf ummanni Oromoo gabrummaa jalaa bahuuf fincila jedhee dubbatu farra ummata Oromoo ti; ifatti inni diina Oromoo ti. Gongumaa fira ummata Oromoo tahuu hin danda’u.
Walatajjii hololaa yunivarstiilee garagaraa keessatti wayyaaneen qopheeffatte kanarratti Barattoonni sabboontoonni Oromoo baayyeen akka hin hirmaatin beekamaa dha. Sabboontonni Oromoo baayyeen sodaachisa, hidhaa fi dararaa wayyaanee tuffachuun walatajjiilee hololaaf qophaaye kanarraa hafaniiru, sabboontoonnii dirqamanii gara walatajiilee holola wayyaanee kana deemanis ergamtoota diinaa miseensoota Opdo gaafii adda addaatin sarduu caalaayyuu, fincilaan akeeka isaanii hongeessaa jiran.
Gaafiilee jajjaboo kanneen akka ajjeechaa, hidhaa, dararaa fi saamicha ummata Oromoorratti wayyaaneedhaan gaggeefamaa jiru kaasuun akka rakkisaa turanii fi jiran hirmaattoonni ibsaa jiru. Gaafii fi yaada jajjaboo barattoonni sabboontonni Oromoo kaasaa jiran kanaanis Yunivarstiilee hedduu keessatti kaayyoon wayyaanee inni ajjeechaa fi saamicha ummata Oromoorratti raawwataa jiru dhoksuuf karoorfate harkaa fashalaa jira. Konfiransiin nageenyaa fi misoomaa jedhu kan bara bittaa wayyaanee dheeressuuf qophaawe kunis gara konfiransii durgoo biliyoonaan lakkaawwamu nyaatanii galuutti jijjiramaa jira. Walatajjichi FDG dhaamsuu miti ofiifuu madda Fincilaa ta’aa jira. Gaafiin ummata Oromoo; barattoota Oromoo sodaachisuun, hidhuu, ajjeesuu fi walagahii torbee teechisuun kan furamuu miti. Gaafin ummata Oromoo kan furmaata aragatu gaafa ummanni Oromoo bilisoomee dha. Gaafa ummanni Oromoo abbaa biyyumaa isaa mirkaneeffatee dha.
Wanti kanaan ala jiru hunduu bara bittaa wayyaane dheereessuu malee faayidaan inni Oromoof qabu hin jiru, qabaachus hin danda’u. Yeroo ammaa kana akka gabaafamaa jirutti osoo wayyaaneen waltajjii adda addaarratti holola nageenyaa fi misoomaa jettee afuufaa jirtu gootonni daragaggoonni, barattoonni Oromoo FDG jalqaban jabeessanii itti fufaniiru. Kunimmoo holollii fi maahaallaqini biliyoonaan lakkaawwamu dhanagalahuun haqa dhoksuu, kaayyoo dabsuu akka hin dandeenye mirkaneessa. FDG jalqabame jabeessanii itti fufuun ammoo dirqama lammii Oromoo maraati jechaa hojii gootummaa barattoonni Oromoo hojjechaa jiran haa jajjabeessinuun dhaamsa kiyya!

Haala FDG Moorawwaun Yuuniversitiilee Irratti Adeemsifamaa Jiruu

DIDDAA 2Mootummaan Wayyaanee barattoota Oromoo faana dhawuuf jecha maqaa walgayii jedhamu dirqamaan Oromiyaa keessaa yuuniversitiiwwan irratti adeemsisaa jiraachuun waan ifaa fi beekamaadha, gama hundaanuu gabaasni isaa kan dhaamamaa jiruu dha. Yeroon kun yeroo barattootni boqonnaa godhatanii fi maatii isaanii gargaaruun,of gargaaruun mana barumsaa bara itti aanuutti of qopheessaniidha. Kunis ka’umsa FDGf sababa guddaa ta’ee, moorawan Yuuniversitii walgayiin kun itti adeemsifamaa jiru keessatti gaaffiin mirgaa haala hoo’aadhaan ka’aa jiruudha. Oromoon yeroo mammaaku “lukkuun haatee haatee aalbee ittiin qalan baafte” jedha mootummaan wayyaanee kaayyoo uummataa fi gaaffii mirgaa ilmaan oromoo itti wareegaman sammuu isaanii balleesuu fi dhimma guddiina biyyaa fakkeessuun maqaa walgayiin gara barattootaatti dhiyaate. Kun barattoota oromoof yeroo itti gaaffiin mirgaa ifatti bahee gaafatamu tahee argame,akka dimshaashaatti gaaffiiwwan walta’aan yuuniversitiiwwan irraa ka’aa jiruu fi gara walgayii kanaattis osoo hin seenin dura gaaffii fi yaadni barattoota irraa maddaa ture akka armaan gadiitti kan fulla’ee jiruudha.
  1. Yuuniversitii Amboo,Mattuu,Jimmaa fi Bulee Horaa Irratti:-
  • Hagayya 21 irraa kaasee yuuniversitii kana keessatti barattootni walgayiif waamaman hunduu sodaa fi qaanii tokko malee hoogganoota OPDO dirqamaan TPLFn erge dura dhaabbatanii gaaffiwwan mirgaa qabxiiwwan 10 oli kaasanii jiru,akkuma beekamu mooraa yuuniversitii Amboo irratti kan ramadame koreen Giddu Galeessaa H/R OPDO Bakar Shaalee miseensota muraasa nama 8 ol of jala hiriirsuun walgayii barattoota kana gaggeessuuf dirqamee bakka sanatti argame gaaffii barattootni kaasaniin yaaddoo guddaa keessa seenanii jiru, barattoota kana tasgabbeessuufis humni waraanaa magaalaa fi naannowwan yuunniversitii Amboo qubachiifamanii jiru, gaaffiin barattootni gama yuuniversitii Ambootti kaasanii jirana.
  1. Ilmaan oromoo yuuniversitii,koollejjii,mana barumsaa sadarkaa gadiitii fi hojii dhuunfaa akkasuma hoji mootummaa irraa hidhamanii jiranii fi ariyaman; kan hidhaman ammatti haa gadhiifaman,kan barumsaa fi hojii irraa ariyaman deebi’uu qabu,
  2. Nuti ilmaan Oromooti,oromummaan ammo yakka miti, of beekuun maaliif yakka ta’ee? Oromummaa keenyaaf maaliif hidhamnee dararamnaa?
  3. Qabeenyaa saba oromoo saamuu fi gurguruun dhaabbachuu qaba, oromoon qabeenyaa isaatti fayadamuu qaba,
  4. Humni waraanaa maaliif nu ittisa? Mooraa barnootaa keessaa bahuu qabu,humna waraanaan doorsifamuun nurraa haa dhaabbatu
  5. Maqaan Master Pilaanii haqamuu qaba, godina addaa federaala jala galchuun uummata keenya miidha malee uummata keenya hin fayadu kanaaf kaayyoon kun kanaan booda sagaleen isaa dhagayamuu hin qabu, haqamuu isaa dhagayuu qabna,
  6. Oromoon ofiin of bulchuu qaba,mirgi diimokiraasii haa kabajamu,
  7. Nuti barattoota hojjetoota miti, maatii keenyatu nu deggera, maqaa walgayiin hojii guyyoota 15 dhabnee as taa’aa jirra, kaffaltiin durgoo ga’aatti maaliif nuuf hin kennamuu? Kennamuu baatu walgayii jettan kana irratti argamaa hin jirru,
  8. Oromo hidhuu fi barumsa irraa ariyuu akkasuma akka bineensaatti adamsanii ajjeesuun dhaabbachuu qaba,
  9. Walgayii humna waraanaan dirqamamnee hin hirmaannu,
  10. Afaan oromoo afaan federaalaa afaan hoji tahuu qaba,
  11. Keeyyanni 39 hojiitti hiikamuu qabu,mirga ofiin of bulchuu,mirga hiree murteeffannaa ragga’uu qaba.
Jechuudhaan gaaffiwwan kunneen yuuniversitiilee armaan olii keessatti kan ka’aa jiruu fi haaluma wal fakkaataadhaan yuuniversitiilee garagaraa keessatti akeeka dhaaba keenya ABO galmaan gahuu,faaruu ABO faarsuuf mul’achaa jira akka fakkeenyaatti yuuniversitii wallaggaa keessaa Horroo,Najjoo fi Gimbii keessatti haalonni kun mul’achuun gaggeessitoota wayyaanee achirratti argaman yaaddessuu fi mataa dhukkubbii itti ta’ee jira.

Friday, August 22, 2014

“Too’anna Da’umsaaf Koriyaan Itophiyaa Gargaaruufi” – Oromoo waan tuqu qabaa laata?

Ibsaa Guutama irraa
Bara durii duriitii kaasee madaala uumaa, lafa, diinagdee fi kan dhimma itt bahanii eeguuf falli too’annaa da’umsaa shakalama ture. Sun madda qabeenyaa yaraa hirmachuu, fayyaa haadhaa fi ilmoo eeguu fi akka karoora fascistootaatt immoo qulqullummaa sanyii eeguuf gargaara jedhameetu. Jaalalli Oromoon ijoolleef qabu hammana hin jedhamu.
Oromoon yeroo hunda ijoollee guddifachuuf qophee turani. Warri Oromoo naannichaaf akka galma qaallota jara lixaa bakka ijoollee hin barbaadamne itt gatanii ture. Ijoollee godhatanii fi guddifatan gidduu sanyiin haa ta’uu ogooman fanfanuun hin turre. Taadhomni eebba Waaq karaa Ateetee dhufutt amanama. Dhabduun taadhomuuf Ateetee yoo kadhattu kan ilmoo argatan karaa see Waaqa faarfatu. Ilmoon dhalachuun gammachuu addaa warraaf yoo fidu dhabduuf mararfannoo argamsiisa. Dhabuu, salleessuu kkf karaa Uumaan baayyina namaa itt to’atu keessaa hamma tokko. Namooti yeroo ilmoo guddisuuf hin qophoofne saala lagatu turani. Humnaan taadhoma dhaabuun hin beekamu ture.
Si’ana sabi Oromoo dhukkuba daddarbu, busaa, balaa uumaa akka bubbee roobaa, beela, dhukkuba taraa fi kkfnin dorsifamaa jiraa. Oromo garri caalu, Uumaan ilmoo abbaa barbaadu kennee kan hin barbaanne waan dhowwatuuf eenyuu hojii saa keessa seenuu hin qabu jedhu. Garuu hawaasi ammayyaan dilormaan (lakkoofsi namaa) hammaa bahuun lafaa fi wanti ittiin jiraatan hanqachuu danda’a jedhanii yaadda’aa jiru. Kanaaf mala adda addaa ittiin da’umsa too’atan, akka laguu, qaama ofii dhaggeeffachuu fi danqaa adda addaatt dhimma bahuu yaada kennuu. Hindiin addunyaa keesssaa biyyoota dilorma gudaa qaban keessaa isa lammafaa ture. Imaammati maseensaa Indiraa Gaandii waca guddaa akka kaasee fi dhuma irrati kufaatii seef kaasaa tahuun ni yaadatama. Karaa biraa mmoo utuu mootummaan keessa hin seenin dilormaan biyyoota hedduu misanii gadi guddachuun 0% gad darbuu fi yartuu qofti “taadhoma bakka buusaa” kan jedhamu (dubartiin ilmoolee akka baayyinni dilormaa gadi hin buune qofa taasisu itt godhatan) keessa akka jirantu mullata. Hamma yoonaa imaammata warraa biyyoota misanii duuba madaala sanyii fi gitaa eeguuf dira’inni jiraachuu dhiisuu dhugaatt hin beekamu. Garuu kan Itophiyaaf mamii sirinyaa qabna.
Empayerri Itophiyaa bara hundaa to’annoo abba hirrootaa garajaboo jala akka turte beekamaa dha. Dilormaa kolonotaa garri caalaan Oromiyaa kan tahe gad cabsuuf mala hedduutt dhimma bahaniiru. Mootummaan amma jiru isaan irraa adda miti. Gochaa fi irra darbuun dilormaa Oromo yarsuuf mala adda addaa dhahe jira. Beekaa ajjeechaa seermalee fi lafarraa buqqisa qacceefixaa gad hin taanee hojii irra olchee. Ijoollee Oromoo loltummaan foo’ee yeroo lola saa garmalee, miinoo irraa oofuun ficcisiiseera. Oromoon dhaqanii dhumuuf kan guuraman fedha malee yk bu’aa bubuutuun sossobamanii ture. Naannaa beelli galett hedduun kan dhuman, yeroon dhaqabuufii dhabuuni. Oromoon magaalaa fi baadiyyaa qeyee saaniirraa buqqifaman biyyuma ofii keessatt kan qaban saamamanii karaarratt darbamuun bakka qubatan dhabanni. Bishaan saanii fi lafti saanii haddhaan faalamuun nagaa saanii fi kan horii saan irra hamaa geessiseera. Magaalaa mummitii Oromiyaa Finfinnee keessatt ulaagaan dorgomuu afaan Amaaraa beeku wan godheef ijoolleen Oromoo hojii argachuu hin dandeenye. Magaalaa muummittii keessatt waabarii ambaa waan hin argamsiifneef ijoollee Oromoo barumsatt saaqaa dhabsiiseera. Kurnan sadiyiif Oromoo akka nyaaphaa saa sadarkaa tokkoffaatt fudhachuun kan manca’uu yk sadarka saatt gadi buufamuu qabu jedhee fudhateera.
Oromoon badii irraa ooluu fi qabaa seermalee jalaa birmadoomuuf lolataa jiru. Kan qabatee gara saatiin olhaantummaa saa itt fufuuf lolataa. Kanaaf karoorri baafatu hundi gara sanatt kan geessuu tahuu akka qabu ifaa dha. Karoorri guddina dilormaa isaan wuxiname sanaan adda hin tahu. Karaan doofaa inni baayyina namaa gad cabsuuf baafate, ajjeechaa, qeyee buqqisa, hidhaa, biyyaa ariisaa fi guraaraan sangoomsi hin quufsineenii. Kanaaf guddina dandeettii saa ol kaafafatee lakkofsa Oromoo hamma danda’amutt quucarsuuf mootummoota alaa fi kubbaaniyyoota afeerrataa jira.
Oromiyaaan qabaa jala jirtii. Kan qabate hafee mootummaa ofii kennatanuu wan dhuunfaa fi warraa irratt amanuun rakkisaa dha. Mootummaa qabate hafee kan ofii kennatanuu dhimma dhuunfaa fi warraa kan akka too’annaa da’umsaa ta’ett e amanuun enyuufuurakkisaa dha. Yeroo sabichii roorroo ango qabeessaa, imaammata beekaa callisanii beela irra darbuu, AIDS, busaa fi dhibee biraan dorsifamaa jiru waa’ee too’annaa da’umsaa Oromiyaa dubbachuun gamnummaa miti, Sanatt dabalatee waraana isaan hin laalletti giddisiifamuun dilormaa saanii keessaa gara guddaa dhabaa jiru. Kooriyaan hamilata safuu tahe akkasii irratt tumsuufiin tolaa saa irra hamaa saatu caalaa. Bara mootii mootichaatii kaasee waajjirri karoofata warraa Shaggariin ture. Haadholii waa’ee fala akka laguu fi yeroo eeggachuu barsiisaa turani. Waa’ee danqaa fi farreenrimaa (contraceptives) biraas hubachiisaniiru. Kana irra darbee ogummaa alaa wanti barbaachiseef jira ta’aa. Karoori warraa Itoophiyaa hanga yoonaa dhimma itti hin bahin jiraatinnaa jedhamu fala maseensaa kan Koriyaan Kibbaa muuxannoo fi ogummaa itt qabu. Kanaaf hamaa haamilati kun fiduu dandahu sabboonoti dammaqanii hordofuu qabu. Dandeettii saa argannaan akka dargaggoo Oromoo keessaayyuu hidhamtoota 90% ol Oromoo tahan irratt hin shaakalle iggitiin hin jiru.
Oromoo murna taa’omaa keessa jiran deegaa haa tahuu badhaadhaa fedha abbaa irratt xiyyeefamee malee eenyuu surrii akka dhiqu itt dhiifamuu hin qabu. Kan Oromoon fedhu barumsa qajeelaa iyyaatii barbaachisaatt saaqaa baanuuf malee too’annaa dahumsaa miti. Addunyaa keessatt kan hubatamaa jiru akka warri baratee fi magaalawe lakoofsi ilmaan qabaatanii dangeeffama tahee dha. Maqaa warraa fi of tursuuf dharraan dudhaan ilmoof qaban amma hin mullatu. Gudddinni teeknooloojii hamma hin qabnee dubartii fi dhiira hojjetanii buluu carraaqaniif ilmoo qabaachuun baa’aa itt taha jira. Kanaaf qooda fudhannaa mootummaa malee dilormaan sadarkaa yaaddesutt 0% gad gara -0tt bu’aa jira. Kanaaf maseenummaa fafeessaa irra barumsa rogaa fi deettii du’a daa’imaa gadi buusuu irratt xiyyeeffachuun caalaa gumaachuu danda’a. Bulcha Itiyoophiyaa imaammata dilormaa irratt amanuun, waan walfakkaatuuf Hitilariin amanuu irra hin wayyuu. Kan beekamuu qabu akka bulchi Itophiyaa fedha Oromoo hin wakkalle. Gargaarsa argatu kamuu Oromoo qaamaa fi hamileen butuchuuf akka dhimma itt bahamu beekamuu qaba.
Waliigalatt deettiin guddina dilormaa Empayera Itophiyaa sadarkaa rifachiisaa hin geenye. Statistiksiin kenname madda amanamaa irraa argame yoo jenne biyyoota 233 keessaa kudha arfaffaa dha. Oromiyaan waan dilormaa gad cabsan akka balaa nama fi uumaan dhaqabsiisaniitt saaxilamtuu dha. Balaa caalaatt saaxiluun, dandeettii diigota akkasii ol kaasuufiin bulchi Itophiyaa fixaqaccee qaata oofaa jiru caalaaf jajjabeessuu ta’aa. Bakka moo’ummaan falmamaa jirutt gartokko goranii gargaaruun hangameessa kamiinuu qajeelaa hin ta’u. Oromo wayyabi kan fedhan filachuuf iyyaatiitt saaqaa hin qabani. Akka akeekaatti karoorri warraa akkaa,madala dilormaa eeguu qofaaf utuu hin ta’in nageenya dhalootaas waan gargaaruuf nammuu mormii hin qabu. Haa tahu malee kan dhimma itt bahan waan inni dhaqabsiisuu dandahu dursanii beekanii guddifachuuf fedhuu qabu. Sun jedhamus, halagaan Oromoof murteessuu hin dandahu. Kanaaf waliigalanii rimsama karoora warraa isaanii tahu keessa facaasuun qooda beekota Oromo, keessaayyuu cireessotaa fi qubqabsisotii Oromo walabaati. Mirga ilmoo namaaf kan falmanis dhimma kanaaf hiriirsuu dandahuun anjaa qaba. Naannaa karoora warraa mootummaa shaakalli badaan akka jiraachuu dandahu ummata dammaqsuu dha. Hamaa sabicha qabame irra marsaa jiruf kun hamaa dabalataati. Hundaafuu baraar haajennuu!!

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Breaking News: Hagayyaa 20, 2014 FDG Marsaa 2ffaan Godina Lixa Shawaa Yuunibarsiitii Amboo Keessatti Goototata Dargaggoota Oromoon Qabsiifame

Goototni barattootni Oromoo Lixa Shawaa Yuunibarsiitoota biyyatti garaagaraa irraa baracha turanii boqonnaaf maatii isaani bira utuu jiranii Wayyaaneen maqaa walgaii farra uummata Oromoo ta’ee fi farra qabsoo bilisummaa Oromoo ta’een gaggeessuuf akkuma Yuunibarsiitii Ambootti walitti qabdeen guyyaa haraa saaatii 10:30 irratti akkuma wayyaaneen walitti qabdee Orientation kennuufii eegalteen goototni batattootni Oromoo gaaffii irratti roobsuun Iyyaannoo isaanii kan qabxii 10 of irraa qabu itti kennachuun gaaffii keenyaaf deebiin hanga nuuf kennamutti walgaii wayyaanee waliin hin teenyu, wayyaaneen diina keenya, hirimii keenya kaleessa daaima umrii waggaa 7 hanga manguddoo waggaa 80tti ajjeesa turtan dhiignii ilmaan Oromoo lafa hin qoorree akkamitti walgaii biyyooleessa qopheessuun walitti nu qabuu dandeessan, waraannii haga kana baayatu magaalaa Amboo fi Unibarsiitii Amboo keessa qubsiifamee jiru kun maal nurraa eega. Erga walgaii taee waraanaan dorsifamaa maqaan walgaii jedhu kun maalii? Amma gabaabaattii gaaffii barreeffamaan isinitti dhiyeeffamnne kanaaf deebii nuuf kennaa, Gaaffii mooraa Yuunibarsiitii keessatti baatii Eblaa 11/2014 irraa egaaluun isin gaafachaa turreef deebiin nuuf kennamuu qaba, ilmaan Oromoo sababa gaaffii karaa mirgaa fi dimookiraasii gaaffatneef ajjeefamanii mootummaan EPRDF itti gaafatamuu qaba, barattootni Oromoo hidhaman gaaffii tokko malee hiikamuu qabu, kanneen barnoota irraa Ariiataman gaaffii tokko malee barnootatti deebiuu qabu. Gaaffiin mirga abbaa biyyummaa uummata Oromoo kabajamuu qaba, gaaffiin mirga namoommaa fi dimookiraasii gaafachaa jirru nuuf deebiuu qaba, Master Planiin Finfinnee guutummaatti haqamuu qaba jechuun iyyaannoo iyyannoo isaanii dhiyeeffachuun dhaadannoo fi Walleewwaan warraaqsaan ABO faarfatan.
Barattootni Oromoo Mooraa Yuunibarsiitii Amboo keessatti walitti qabamanii waraanaan eegamaaa jiran kun eraga gaaffii kaachisanii booda wallee warraqsaa fi dhaadannoo dhageesisuun -ABO nuuf dirmadhu, ABO karra nuuf bani:
- Baallammii gurrach garbuu WBO beektuu qeerransa muree bira darbuu,
- Korma guduruu ABOn leenchuma duruu jechuun Wallee warraaqsaa hedduun ABO hanga halkan keessa saaatii 4:00tti mooraa Yuunibarsiitii Amboo keessa naannauun sirban,
- Dhaadannoowwaan kanneen akka:
- Tokkumaa keenyaan harka walqabannee haa kaanu ni falmannaa,
- Ajjeechaan nurraa haadhaabbatu,
- Mirgii Oromoo haa kabajamuu, Oromiyaan kan uummata Oromooti,
- Ajjeechaa dugugginsa sanyii nurratti mootummaan wayyaanee rawwateef itti gaafatamuu qaba,
- Ilmaan Oromoo gaaffii nagaa waan gaafatneef hidhaman haa hiikaman,
- Master Planiin Finfinnee haqamuu qaba,
- Mirgi abbaa biyyuummaa uummata keenyaaf haa kabajamuu,
- Mirgootni namommaa fi dimookiraasii haa kabajamaan, kanneen jedhan mooraa yuunibarsiitii Amboo keessa naannauun dhageesisuun FDG marsaa 2ffaa dhoosaan. Haala rakkoo networkii ulfaata keessatti sagalee warraaqsaa kana warrabnee waan jirruuf gabaasa kana waliin walqabsiifneera dhaggeffadha, Oromoo bakka jirtanii nuuf dirmadhaa, Yeroon Gamtaan Falmannuu amma taa’anii bara lakka’uun doofummaa fi walaalummadha, Ka’ii Oromoo Ka’ii dhaamsa hoggansa sochii dargaggoota Qeerroo barattoota Oromoo fi koree qindeessitu FDG ti!

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

AMISOM to leave Somalia in 2016 – envoy

Acting Special Envoy to Somalia Lydia Wanyoto (right) talks to Somalia Ambassador to Uganda Saidi Dahir centre) while Omar Alasow looks on, during the International Human Rights ToT workshop for senior Somalia army officers at Commonwealth Speke Resort Munyonyo. PHOTO/Kennedy Oryema
Acting Special Envoy to Somalia Lydia Wanyoto (right) talks to Somalia Ambassador to Uganda Saidi Dahir centre) while Omar Alasow looks on, during the International Human Rights ToT workshop for senior Somalia army officers at Commonwealth Speke Resort Munyonyo. PHOTO/Kennedy Oryema
August 20, 2014 (New Vision) — The African Mission to Somalia (AMISOM), a peace keeping mission operated by the African Union would be leaving Somalia in 2016, according to the latest assessment by stakeholders.

Lydia Wanyoto, the Acting Special Envoy of the African Union to Somalia and Eng. Sheik Sayid Ahmed Dahir, the Somalia ambassador to Uganda say that the roadmap of 2016 would be adhered to and that by that time the federal Government would have developed capacity to independently run the affairs of the war-torn state.

Sayid Ahmed said that Somalia is on the right path and thanked regional Governments, especially Uganda for ensuring that the conflict is subdued.“Somalia will have no more conflict in the coming years; and with the help our friendly countries, we are now ready to take full control. We welcome the capacity building trainings that our partners are conducting and I urge our countrymen to enforce what they have studied for the betterment of our country,” he said.
Acting Special Envoy to Somalia Lydia Wanyoto (2nd right) talks to Somalia Ambassador to Uganda Saidi Dahir (centre) while Omar Alasow (right) and Somalia army officers Head of Delegation Ali Abdulle Jelle (2nd left) looks on, during the International Human Rights ToT workshop for senior Somalia army officers at Commonwealth Speke Resort Munyonyo, August 20, 2014. PHOTO/Kennedy Oryema
Acting Special Envoy to Somalia Lydia Wanyoto (2nd right) talks to Somalia Ambassador to Uganda Saidi Dahir (centre) while Omar Alasow (right) and Somalia army officers Head of Delegation Ali Abdulle Jelle (2nd left) looks on, during the International Human Rights ToT workshop for senior Somalia army officers at Commonwealth Speke Resort Munyonyo, August 20, 2014. PHOTO/Kennedy Oryema
According to Wanyoto, the process of Somalia becoming autonomous is almost achievable and that the only roadblock is the complete “flush out of Al-Shabaab” from the sea.

“Going by the current projections, we are almost certain that we shall see take off in 2016 and according to our roadmap, AMISOM would be leaving Somalia in 2016. The target is achievable. So, as we clean out Al-Shabaab, we have the mandate to build capacity and this is a process we have embarked on,” she said.
The two envoys were commenting on the AMISOM deployment in Somalia during the international humanitarian law training on Wednesday at Munyonyo Commonwealth Resort hotel yesterday where over 30 officers from Somalia National Army were equipped with techniques on how to handle civilians.

In 2013, the United Nation Security Council extended the mandate of AMISOM to 2016. In preparation to leave Somalia in 2016, Wanyoto said that AMISOM has embarked on the third phase of training the national army with modern professional army strategies, especially changing their mindset from conflict-occupied to be more mindful of the human rights.

These efforts are part of preparations for the 2016 general elections in Somalia. Uganda, Burundi, Djibouti, Sierra Leone, Kenya and Ethiopia are the AMISOM troop contributing countries.

However, before the training started yesterday the thirty Somalia soldiers staged a brief protest demanding the organizers of the training to sort out their challenges related to travel, accommodation and other allowances.

The soldiers briefly engaged the Somalia ambassador to Uganda in a two-hour closed meeting demanding that before he leaves the training, he should first sort out their demands.

Later, Wanyoto and Sheik Sayid Ahmed told New Vision that the soldiers had “administrative” problems that they wanted addressed urgently.

“There were administrative issues that we have resolved. Some faced challenges during their travel from Nairobi to Kampala. Their history is that of conflict, they are very sensitive people and dealing with them is not business as usual but we know how to handle them,” she said.

Faana Barattoota Yuuniversitii Irraa Boqonnaaf Galanii Hordofuun Mootummaan Wayyaanee Wallagga Keessaa Barattoota Dirqisiisuun Mattuu fi Naqamtetti Guuraa Jira.

thumbnail.aspxFaana barattoota Oromoo Yuuniversitii irraa boqonnaaf maatiitti galanii hordofuun Mootummaan Wayyaanee barattoota Wallagga Bahaa keessatti dirqisiisuun Mattuu fi Naqamtetti Guuraa jira.
FDG Oromiyaa keessatti barattoota Oromoon qabsiifame dhaamsuuf mootummaan Wayyaanee waan hin godhin hin jiru,ilmaan Oromoo hidhuun,ajjeessuun,barumsa irraa ariyuun,qabeenyaa saamuun gonkumayyuu qabsoo Oromoo fi sochii diddaa gocha isaanii balaaleffachuun dura dhaabbachuu dhabamsiisu fi laamshessuu hin dandeenye. Yeroo ammaa akkuma beekamu qaamni sochii barattoota ilmaan Oromoon gaggeeffamu martiyyuu ABO tu qindeessa sababa jedhuun barattoota goolaa jira, sodaan mootummaan Wayyaanee yeroo ammaa keessattii yeroo gannaa kana barattootaaf walgayi qopheessee jiraachuun isaa gama hundaan kan dhaamaamaa jiruudha,walgayiin barattoota Yuuniversitii fi Koollejjii irraa galaniif qophaayee kanatti hedduu gaabbii keessa seenanii jiraachuutu ifatti bahee jra.
Dursanii waan qindeeffatan akka qabanii fi walgayiin Hagayya gaafa 18,2014tti qopheeffame kan barattoota ilman Oromoo hunduu gara Hagayya 21,2014tti darbee jiraachuu gabaafamee jira. Kunis barattootni bakka adda addaatti wal jala dabarsuudhaan walgayiin kun akka gaggeeffamu ta’ee jira,guyyaa har’aa  Hagayya 19/2014 barattootni Wallagga Bahaa irra jiran gara Mattuutti konkolaataa Wayyaaneetiin guuramaa jiru ganama irraa kaasee. Kanneen biroos akkasuma yoo tahu sababni jijjiiramuu guyyaa walgayii kanaa maalif kan jedhuuf kanneen caasaa mootummaa keessaa dhoksaa baasanii jiran bakka barattootni walgayiin kun itti gaggeeffamutti barattoota dhalootaan saba biraa garuu Oromiyaa keessatti guddatan kan afaan beekan akka basaastummaatti qindeeffatanii waan gorfatanii fi leenjifatantu jira jedhu,kunis dursanii bakka dhoksaa dhoksaa garagaraatti waamanii leenjiin kennameefii jira,akka haaratti garuu guyyaama wal gayiin kun itti waamamee bakka itti waamamanitti barattoota waliin afeeramu ykns argamu, argamuun isaanii kun yknis dursanii waan iccitawaa ta’een gorfamuu isaanii kuni gaaffii barattootni qabatani ka’an,sochii barattootni Oromoo godhanii fi walii galatti FDGf haalota dursanii agarsiifaman dura dhaabbachuuf kan mijeeffamaniidha jedhu. Kunis dabarsanii barattoota kennuudha,doorsisi kennama jiru hanga ganaatti deemanii walgayii kana irratti hin hirmattan taanan mooraatti deebitanii barachuuf mirga hin qabdani isin keenya miti,kanaaf argamuun dirqama jechuun doorsisaa fi dirqisiisa itti jiru.
Qeerroon Bilisummaa gama isaan barattooti Oromoo hamma dandayametti walgahii kana irratti hirmaachuu irraa akka of qusatanii fi kanneen dirqisiifamuun dhaqan ammoo guutummaatti diddaa isaanii akka dhageessifatan dhaamsa dabarsee jira.

Oduu Ammee:-Mootummaan Wayyaanee Olola Guyyaa Boruu Eegaluuf Jecha Magaalaa Amboo Hoomaa Waraanaan Marse.

Hagayya 19,2014 Amboo

Wayyaaneen EPRDF guyyaa boruu walgahii ittiin uumata Oromoo afaan fajjeessuu kan marraa jalqabaa bifa ofii tolfateen as bahuuf deema.
barattootni Oromoo dhaabbilee barnoota olaanoo irraa boqonnaaf maatii bira utuu jirani, walga’iin afaan faajjiin kun qophaa’ee barattootni dirqamaan akka hirmaatan Wayyaaneen karoora dabarsite FDG gootota barattota Oromoo duraittin dhaabbachuuf jecha shira dinni Oromoo cabsee bituuf qopheesse ta’uu hubachuun goototni barattootni barattootni Oromoo shira Wayyanee dura dhaabbachuuf kutannoodhaan gara walga’ichatti aanotaa Oromiyaa irraa konkolatan guurama jiru
Sochii barattoota kana danquuf Mootummaan Wayyaanee hoomaa waraanaa daangaa irraa gara Oromiyaatti keessattuu gara Yuunibarsiitiiwwaan Oromiyaa kanneen akka Amboo,Jimmaa, Mattuu, Wallaggaa. Harammayyaa, Adamaa, Massage Walaabuu, Bulee Horaa kanneen jedhaman irra humna waranaa wayyaanee guddaan qubsiifamee uummata magalota kanneen irra jiran goolaa jira. Barattootni hedduun maqaa walga’ii kanaan wamamanii ukkanfamanii eessaa buuteen isaa illeen dhabamaa jiraachuu maddeen gabaasan.
Haala kanaan guyyaa har’aa magaalaa Amboo hoomaa waraan marfamtee akka jirtuu fi sodaan FDG nutti ka’a jedhu irraa barattoota warra walitti qaban uumatatti muldhisuu didanii waraanaan qabanii akka jiran gabaasi qeerroo addeessa.

In Pictures: The 2014 Miss Oromo of the Year in North America

The 2014 Miss Oromo of the Year in North America was held during the #OromoWeek in Minneapolis, Minnesota, on August 6. The winner was “Miss DC Oromo.” There was also an honorary Mister Oromo of the Year group recognition for the inauguration of the category this year.Photos by Shout-out to Ms. Mergitu Argo, the Organizer and Coordinator of the Miss Oromo in North America Pageant since its debut in Seattle in 2003.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Does SAFUU exist in Oromia at all?

Rundaasaa Asheetee | August 18, 2014
handshake-respectThe term “Safuu” represents purity. Those who think with  SAFUU are morally clean in their thoughts, words, and actions. “SAFUU” therefore regulates positive relationship between people and Waaqaa (God).  It also means complete honesty to oneself and to others.

The question we ought to answer now will be, are each of us pure in our thinking?  If each of us are not honest to oneself and to each others, can any of us claim to be pure? 
In the Oromo world of today, millions of Oromos have lost self respect for many reasons. For example, Islam has driven millions to hate anything an Oromo and that is not Safuu.  Similarly, Christianity has driven millions crazy to the degree of despising their Oromo self.  That is not SAFUU either. Feudalism and socialism have played their part in degrading Safuu Oromo and that too is not purity.
Here, one can argue about which ideology started the degradation of SAFUU in Oromia. However, wether borrowed religion or feudalism started it first, the effects are felt all over Oromia with no locality being spared.   Hence, no matter how we look at it, lack of SAFUU exist everywhere in Oromia.  For example, regardless of where an Oromo official accepts a bribe, his action is against SAFUU.   Such an action can take place in Gasaraa, in Guduroo, in Gurra fardaa or in Caliyaa, bribe is a bribe and it is against the SAFUU code. In other words, any body who breaks the law of Safuu encourages immorality.  Let alone taking a bribe, to use wrong word of expression is against the SAFUU norm.  This is the general rule of Safuu.
In what part of Oromia does SAFUU exist?
SAFUU exists where ever the Oromians care for one another enough to keep the law of SAFUU.  This also means, showing love to one another, trust each other, show commitment to our identity results in the increase of SAFUU. Those who engage in betrayal of the Oromo cause and those who don’t have a sense of guilt when they lie, those who never feel ashamed when they reflect bitterness, jealousy, and hatred destroy any positive feelings that once existed among the Oromo people.  When they do, they destroy the SAFUU norm.
The major mistake most of us make regarding SAFUU is when we lack control of our actions.  For example, most of us are accustomed to phrases such as “warra Shawaa” or ijoolee Shawaa, the phrase that comes to our minds so easily.  But do we really understand what Shawaa means? Are we really Shawaa?
Similarly, we often say “warra Wallagga”, the term that has nothing to do with our Oromo linage, place or clan name. Arsi, Gujii, Karrayyu, Salaalee, Limmuu etc names reference our clan names but not Shawaa or Wallagga.
Ambo, Bakanisa, Halaltuu, Qabana’aa, Taltallee, Dhumuugaa, Ejerssa-Gooroo, Hiddii, Ya’a ball’oo etc terms refere to the nature found in certain parts of biyya Oromo but not Shawaa, Wallaggaa or Moratee.  If we are not able to take a second and correct ourselves and use the right term or phrase while referring to certain parts of our country or to our own people, we have no SAFUU left in us. In short, one can live with SAFUU norms even when he/she is in a military field.  If the goal is to liberate ones nation from colonial forces and fighting is needed, that person should be obedient to his commanders and protest his fellow liberation soldiers.
So, regardless of who is born where and when, if a person is lacking honesty, if he/she lies, steals, cheats, or deceive in any way, that person has no SAFUU.  If however, you are  honest, you build strength of character that will allow you to be of great service to your nation and Waaqaa. That means, when you receive ebbaa from your fellow oromos, from your mother and father, Waaqayyo blesses you with peace of mind and self-respect. You will be trusted by the people and will be worthy of your people’s respect. Regardless of when did lack of safuu came to what part of Oromia and what system brought it there, dishonesty harms you and harms your people where ever they are.  If you lie just to win an argument or to hide a crime that you have committed in the past, you damage the spirit of SAFUU and your relationships with others.
Being honest will enhance your future opportunities and your ability to be guided by Safuu.   Hence, we should not rationalize that being dishonest in the name of politics is acceptable. If one continues to be guided by the wrong idea or the religion he had been introduced to and look down on his people, he/she loses integrity. Integrity means thinking and doing what is right at all times, no matter what idea is popular. When you have integrity, you have SAFUU and when you have SAFUU, you are willing to live by the standards and beliefs of your ancestors even when those imported ideas seem fashionable.
Hence, let’s choose to live with  SAFUU so that our thoughts and behaviors are always in harmony with our OROMUMMAA.
Rundaasaa Asheetee ti